I get so incredibly jealous of my boyfriend

I get so incredibly jealous of my boyfriend.

>be me
>join army
>meet boy in training
>get in relationship
>hes goes active duty
>he gets stationed in new york
>stay in texas as reservist
>now in ldr

>waiting for school to start in fall
>have to wait 6 months
>get job at bk in meantime
>depressed I'm not doing much in life
>wanted to be doing soldier things
>boyfriend in new york
>says hes hates it
>he hates doing clinical work
>messages me hes in new york city
>cant call because too busy with friends
>anger explodes

Ive been wanting to be an active duty soldier since forever. Now I'm a loser in the reserves working at a burger king. Everytime he messages me it's like a reminder that I'm not doing anything. It frustrates me and pisses me off so much.

>inb4 talk to him
>"you piss me off stop doing normal things and having fun"

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Idk dude why didn't you just go active?

Well bby if you drive on up here to Braker we can get your Active boyfriends Reservist girl some of this Militia dick :^)

kys fag

>inb4 talk to him
>"you piss me off stop doing normal things and having fun"

That's literally, actually what you need to do. How do you think relationships work? You think people are going to be happy all the time or that they can read your mind or never do anything that will annoy/bother you?

To expand on that, the point of talking is not to be confrontational and accusatory, but to vent and get emotional support. I mean, it seems fairly obvious that you understand what's actually wrong:

You're frustrated with your own life and that your own aspirations are unfulfilled and this manifests itself as anger and resentment. You know what the cause is, now what you need to do is figure out some what to work around it/through it.

Were you the user who asked what to send to
army boyfriend in a pack for a present not long ago?
OR am I mistaken?

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LMAO I fucking hope so, I sent her to Jow Forums and it turned into a shitstorm.
t. Militia dick

It's not him that is pissing you off it's that you aren't doing anything fulfilling. Go to something meaningful. And don't take no for an answer

Nope not me

I figure i should get degree.
>inb4 you can save up by going active
I already have a full ride I dont need to save up

Everytime I speak to him or consider bringing this up i get angrier. Hell just say hes sorry and tell me to go active or say "it's up to you" bullshit. Hes so shit at giving advice or helping emotionally.

>Everytime I speak to him or consider bringing this up i get angrier. Hell just say hes sorry and tell me to go active or say "it's up to you" bullshit. Hes so shit at giving advice or helping emotionally.
Well I imagine he's getting impatient about you complaining about being active and not going active so I ask
>Why not just go active?
What do you have to lose?

I can help emotionally, just saiyan. You've gotta be near Ft. Hood, right? I could probably be around in about fifteen minutes to help you emotionally. Just call me Jody.

The only thing meaningful that means anything to me is getting in my uniform and doing my job I've been wanting to do and training for for 2 years.

Curious. What's your MOS?

>getting impatient
I've told him just once or twice I've considered it.
Even if I wanted to, I cant. I have to be at my unit for at least 9 months. I've only been there for 3.
>what do I have to lose
I dont know. Everytime I think about it a voice in my mind screams "what about college". I feel like any choice I make I'll regret. Once I'm active duty I'll see my old friends going through and getting their degree.

Not near Ft. Hood. Also fuck you I'm a good army girlfriend.

68w combat medic. The most bestest mos.

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We'll see about that :^)

Well I'm a 92w in the Texas Republican Army but I could be a 69a for you :^)

My gf is in Germany for the next 2 years. shes finishing high school and im starting college. She's in germany cuz her dad is in the military, got stationed there. When she comes back she says shes going to do 4 years active duty.

I have no clue how I'm going to have a job, live with a dude, have an undying longing for affection, and not turn gay.

In other words, yeah, i feel ya

LoL I remember

There was a femanon in the reserves who works at bk that posted here within the last few weeks though. Forgot what she was squawking about, probably the same thing.

Yep that was me. I gotta lot of problems I make up.

I bet it is still the same femanon, but who cares.
Someone will help eventually