and urban people's IQ being 4 points higher than that of rural folk[2], /we/ should be wary of supporting Yellow Jackets, whose 94 IQ means nigger behaviour
shouldn't surprise us.
Nigs gonna nog.
and urban people's IQ being 4 points higher than that of rural folk[2], /we/ should be wary of supporting Yellow Jackets, whose 94 IQ means nigger behaviour
shouldn't surprise us.
Nigs gonna nog.
>t. Wang the 75 iq chinaman
Shouldn't you be committing vehicular manslaughter like the rest of your people?
oh goodie it's Saturday again. happy Sabbath
But I thought low iq people are easier to control, or is 94 too high?
In TIMSS test France slipped from position 13. to 35. (behind Qatar and Abu Dhabi) within 20 years.
If you allow the wrong kind of immigration or the wrong kind of people having dozens of children - this is what you get.
ssing la maressailaise you leaf
Chechens have about the lowest IQ in the Russian Federation and it shows.
Many other regions could try "to fight the Russians", only the Chechens were dumb enough to actually take up the arms and persist at that.
I'm not spreading lies in here, if anything
IQ in France has decreased due to migrants confirmed.
pic related
Idiot leaf. Only morons talk about IQ.
no wonder they were dumb enough to vote for a Rothschild banker who married his teacher.
i hope the Rothschild banker who married his teacher, will be smart enough to give up French nukes to the EU Army, before islamists who will become French majority will get them. and give independence to Corsica, Brittany, Occitania, and Alsace before those regions become majority Muslim too.
thank you France for General Berthelot and the Treaty of Trianon.
>Data fro the early 90's
still relevant as of May 2017, when France surrendered to Germans for a third time.
Spain is scared shitless its going to happen again
raises the minimum wage! LOL
this is a slide thread
>Idiot leaf. Only morons talk about IQ.
IQ matters, muttLeafs are good though
There is no reason to celebrate chaos. Former Gilet Jaune protester here. Initially, I believed the movement was about reforming things and improving our society. Now I see that I was wrong. I think President Macron's offers and his arguments with regard to the use of political violence in the public space were perfectly sound and his concern with the violent nature of the protests now appears absolutely justified in the light of the increasingly brutal yellow vest movement. Lest they become more radicalized, we need to clamp down on the gilets jaunes cabal in order to secure French interests, restore peace and proper democratic procedures. Violent manifestations and destruction of private property should not be countenanced as it has been thus far; I think it is safe to say that the whole movement has devolved into senseless hooliganism and perilous anarchy. If you unironically support gilets jaunes, be aware of the fact that you are, in fact, an enemy of the French people. This has to stop before people like you seize power and hurl the entire republic into the unsightly vortex of civil war.
even low IQ
IQ has to do with language skills and math.