Now that the western age is dying after less than a thousand years, can we at least hope chinks will collapse before 2500?
How long will the new Chinese age last?
>Sinai not apart of the roman empire
what did they mean by this
emperor Xi Jinping will outlast any gaijin piggu "empire" by more than a millennia
it'll never start. it's on the verge of collapse already
Is that the majority view in the Pacific colonies?
no, the majority view is australia will be chinese clay in 10 years if it's not already.
Where's that meme image that explains how China is getting ready to collapse due to their reliance on an antiquated economic system (global free market)?
Outside of economic influence, you guys are in a pretty good place demographically. You guys are about as healthy as Hungary and Poland.
I hope china takes the next century. It will open up a power vacuum and to be honest they deserve it. The west is full of retards who think putting the needs of subhumans as the priority is the pinnacle of civilization. The chinese and the russians are the only two countries with a will
China can just barely keep themselves together, they're not going to rule shit.
That’s the view even in China. Why else do you think the chinese elite have poured everything they have into western companies/property? They are insulating themselves from the crash. I don’t have the stat but chinks sending their wealth offshore exploded around 2016-17
Chink economic momentum got halted now
desert shithole
to diversify their portfolios
china has world class companies too you know kid
God willing, the Chinese Empire will last over 1000 years
Russia is weak. They struggle to win against paramilitaries in the caucuses and ukraine. Modern and guerilla warfare has completely destroyed war on land (which is something Russia is very good on). Their Navy is strong, but they have no ports, so that completely takes them out of consideration from world hegemony.
Thats because they've been actively excluded from european trade deals. If china takes the world we will see a Russian golden age
We'll just exclude the Chinese too, problem solved.
The chinks will barely even get an age, the west will btfo of the east as soon as they rise to prominence.
As we have throughout history, when there is another power threatening to subvert our own, we will unite against it.
Even if they do rise to prominence, they will destroy themselves due to their absolute disregard of humanity, health and environmental conservatism when half the world gets wiped out in famine/plague due to it becoming a China-esque hellscape.
Once the US inevitability breaks up NATO, these countries being protected under NATO will not just allow China and Russia to steamroll and take these new ports. Eastern Europe is still healthy and they hate Russia. Japan, Korea, and Indochina are still healthy and they hate China. It's not going to be easy. The US got control of the world because the entire world powers completely collapsed after WWII. An event like WWII isnt a given.
That boat already sailed in the early 2000's
If China takes the world Western Europe's bargaining power will disintegrate, they will be forced to take trade deals with Russia they wouldn't have even humoured last century. Alot of non entity countries will become world powers in direct symmetry with China's growth as the new trading system is born
Russia will collapse, they're barely holding it together.
Also they're not actually Chinese allies and the Chinese are colonizing the Russian Far East
Any time now
Western Europe is nearing collapse, you don't have to worry about them. But the Visegrad Union, Italy, Ukraine, Baltics, and some parts of Germany will not just role over to Russia because of bargaining power. Remember that the global economic market isn't viable without a major superpower being able to loan giant amounts of wealth to developing countries and keeping them under benevolent debt (like the US post WWII). These Eastern European countries can be fairly viable and independent trading with each other and a weaker USA. There's nothing from Russia that they can't get from a post NATO USA. Russia and China's future are in Africa.
Thats false. China and Russia's alliance is moving closer and closer together year after year. China needs Russia to build silk road 2.0. Russia will survive its recession and when it does the chinese century will open whole new markets that has previously been unforeseen whilst putting Western Europe in a position in which it will have no choice but to trade with Russia, screen cap this post if you dont believe me
Im Ashkenazim
The west is falling apart. An economically dominant China wont have to do anything but keep diversifying their markets and watch USA and Europe go to war with themselves. The west is falling apart on sociopolitical level. Its completely unsustainable. A western "reset" as Jow Forums likes to call it equals a Chinese golden era
t. has never been to Melbourne or Sydney
>china has world class companies
>unironically believing chink figures posted on wikipedia
Yikes. In the real world, most every chink company is overvalued. See:
This is why their stocks have been in a bear market for the last three years and it’s still getting worse. The SSE just dropped another 1.5% today alone. Assuming you aren’t a chink and you actually care about this topic, research it. Even basic info will convince you of how terrible their business practices are, and that their economy is a shitshow. Their economic numbers are almost all false, at both corporate and government levels (especially provincial government). To get a sense of where their economic numbers are actually you could start here:
There are a lot of books and lectures on the topic though, you just need to look for them instead of uncritically consuming chink propaganda.
>t. hasn't actually looked at the demographic projections
t. Zeihan reader
Zeihan is gay, his mentor is Jewish and this is your first book on political affairs (if you even bothered to go as far as reading the book)
Cool netflix documentary kid. Yeah ive watched it too. Its Western propaganda.
If a couple of fraudulent companies speculators were using to make money taking short position's were symptoms of a dying country america would have sunk into the sea 50 years ago. The american dream was built on this ideal. Every major stock market crash in human history was created by american scams. Even the scam you are referencing was initiated by Americans who used a loop hole to merge Chinese companies with american ones allowing them to trade on the global stock market, it was american investors who started that, not chinese.
Chinas economy is not in a recession btw. Its on an unstoppable bull run, pic related
I don't know who that is.
1000 years
Chinks will probably fuck up human genetic engineering and change themselves into zombies or some shit. I mean look at fucking Mao and his disasters and look at the fact that china is Autocratic. All it takes is one retard making the wrong decision and boom.
China has a pretty cyclical history and we can roughly divide it into 3 phases
Foreigners(indo-europeans/mongols/turkics/manchus) rule over the country. Period of stability, prosperity, progress. Religion is quite popular.
Han peasants revolt and take power. Period of relative stability but only on the surface, "everything inside" is rotting. Avarice, ignorance, corruption and stupidy rule over society, religion is completely pushed aside. Futile attempts of expansion made by the rulers to mask over and ignore internal problems.
Complete disintegration. Period of violence, wars, genocide. Countless dead. The upper class is killed or fleeing while the lower classes are neck deep in poverty and diseases.
Currently, China is in the second phase tho third phase is not far from us.
Be honest, user
2050 is also a good possibility
>this person is wrong because he fucks men and knows someone who belongs to a group I dislike
Imagine being this much of a faggot
If you ask why, well 70% of their country is unlivable shithole.
Most of the population is in Southern China near sea.
Yeah, the same part they polute 24/7
It is not so well known but countries around China already figured out their plan for domination (One belt one road) and are not signing further deals.
Africa will get fucked though.
>If a couple of fraudulent companies
I’m not talking about a couple of fraudulent companies, I’m talking about systemic misreporting of business and economic data that is encouraged and facilitated by the government. It isn’t contained to the companies in that documentary, it’s everywhere.
>It was american investors who started it, not chinese.
>muh burgers did everything, chinks dindu nuffin
I never said the americans were an innocent party, but they are not the ones on the ground falsifying income, trade and employment data and building fake factories. They aren’t the ones throwing chinks in prison or executing them for reporting on the scams, which the ccp is doing. (((They))) use chinks because chinese dishonesty permeates all aspects of its businesses and government. Even their scientists are known for being the most dishonest in the world. There is a common adage in china which translates to “business people keep three sets of records: one for the banker, one for the tax man, and a truthful one for himself”, and another adage: “Numbers make officials, so officials make up numbers”. Lying is what they are. You can bury your little chink head in the sand all you like, it doesn’t change reality
>Chinas economy is not in a recession btw.
I didn’t say it was, I said its stocks were in a bear market.
>Its on an unstoppable bull run, pic related
More horse shit data. Even if those figures were reliable, and they aren’t, they are dependent on debt based investment, even more so than the American economy. Even the chinks themselves have acknowledged this and admitted debt is their greatest economic threat, yet they have done fuck all about it.
Public secret is that Chinks must remain in +5% GDP/Year growth or there will be riots.
Therefore they first pumped their stock market and baited citizenry to invest, which failed and now citizens do not invest.
Their economy and citizenry are DEBT addicted as much as westerners if not more in some cases.
220-280 Years.
They have massive amounts of debt I hear. They build entire ghost towns to keep their GDP growth on an increase.
Lmao what a bunch of lies.
>t. lived with jews for 2000 years
>t. could never genocide them, only invite them back after kicking them out
>t. united against Nazi Germany (because EBIL NATSI!) and now dying demographically
By 2030 the entire Chinese army will be destroyed by Thai ladyboy cyborgs
The entire world will bow down to us
>t. australia is nothing but melbourne or sydney
The frog is correct.
Electrical output is correlated to GDP growth. They've been tracking the lumination difference of Chinese cities and noting that traditionally the lumination would only correspond to about a 1-2% GDP growth.
The problem is that the provinces are measured centrally by GDP growth. The party member in those states need to appear like they are achieving off the chart measurements for their own career progression within the party so they jack their numbers through the roof.
Ghost cities, shoddy construction, poor tolerance manufacturing (anyone see the J-20 performance lmao?), and blatant corruption. China is a modern feudal state.