Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - You all need Jesus Edition

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>A f D W A V E


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So many anons in this general do drugs, pay for sex and do other stuff that isn't compatible with christianity. Who do we bring them back to the righteous path?

fuck jesus and fuck wh*tes

fuck merkel and fuck jannys

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Jesus was gay, if he existed.

nec youself snow digger

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Based and redpilled.

Jesus loves you user, stop being a satanic worm.

Is anyone here going to church tomorrow?

The Yellow Vest movement is the first real threat to the current system as it cannot be easily subverted and controlled by the usual methods they do employ. The modus operandi in protests usually was to influence them via the established route of unions, NGOs and political parties. But too many interest groups and factions as well as some diffuse sense of frustration and anger is driving the current protests ... there is no lever to attach to, no small group of leaders to push and/or bribe. No possibility of full top-down control. And now comes the biggest revelation: there would have been a tool to influence such a 'headless' movement ... but ooooh boy, here they fucked up for good. You might guess what I am referring to: the media. The only tool able to assert some form of narrative control over a large group of people regardless of their background and interests. But here they made a strategic mistake of epic proportions ... they spent that tool in a - in hindsight - pointless fight over the 'Deutungshoheit' in the multicultural/immigration issue. Call it premature ejaculation ... they have fired all their ammo and now the media have been thourougly discredited with everyone screaming 'fake news!!' regardless whether an information is reliable or not. This is total loss of control.
Their only option now is to go full repression with all the ensuing collateral ... civilian casualties, ugly pictures of tanks in the streets, pressure creating only more counterpressure. Now to all those who criticise that the movement 'does not get shit done' ... they don't have to. They simply have to keep up the low level pressure on the institutions. Slowly force them to make more strategic mistakes.

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It has also been a fateful mistake of Macron, to concede to the YW's demands. He might've thought that he'd be able to subvert the movement, in separating it in a moderate and radical part; yet, apperantly he achieved the opposite. While some of the moderate protesters might've actually been ceasing their demonstrations, and consequently surrendered the momentum of the movement to the radicals; others have been radicalizing themselves, at the moment they'd tasted the french goverment's blood. He unintentionally embolded the YWs and accelerated the french government's downfall and by association the Eu's, too. It's certainly going to be interesting, how the protest are unfolding today and what Macron's response is going to be.

They're panicking, imo. They've got no idea of neither what's going on in Europe nor of how to respond to it properly. Their arrogance and apathy is a expression of their helplessness. It's the attitude of the prey, that's looking in the hunter's eye; thinking: "This isn't real. That can't be happing to me. I deserve better."; before it is going to be slain. If didn't know better, I'd pity them.

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>Look at what happened with the CDU ... Merz would have been that candidate. He did not succeed ...
It was a very close call. If it wasn't for Ziemiak and JU selling out at the last second, Merz would have been the new chairman
>Maybe they will change the course still but I doubt it ... I think they are driven by terminal hubris. Many such cases in history ;)
Who specifically are you refering to when you talk about the powers that be? What do you think the the real power structure of Germany looks like?
>What platform?
Windows+Notebook+Jow Forums. My friend recently gave in to his paranoia and bought NordVPN's three year plan. Turns out posting with VPN is immediately detected (because of IP Range) and results in instant ban.

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Very good OP, you should OP much more often. I think shaming them works well? It works for women.

I want to, but I work on Sundays.

you are a propaganda idiot. Go get your medicine boozer

Maybe read the bible first and then write nonsense like that. If you want to act like a good christian follow the word of your imaginary friend.

Matthew 7:1
>Do not judge, or you too will be judged

Funny enough I will go to church in a few minutes.

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Divide et impera can backfire gloriously by untangling the more peaceful and more radicals ... like pulling the neutron moderator rods out of a nuclear reactor.

>the attitude of the prey, that's looking in the hunter's eye

Vae victis, I say! ;)
They forgot with how many other sharks they share this ocean ... downtrodden creatures from the deep that have not seen the light in decades, ghosts from the past. They are hungry. And now the big old ones suddenly realize they are leaving a sweet trail of blood in their wake.

Yes, Merz failed by a very small margin ... the margin of stumbling over someone's network of fealties like over a tripwire. Power 101, only that it lacks true will.

The real puppeteers? Well, call them "Finanzjudentum" but that is the easy answer ... this is no big conspiracy driven by some insane but brilliant mastermind. It is a mutual (soon death) embrace of corporate interest and (transatlantic) finance/hedgefonds. A complicated web of interdependency, a locust swarm driven by the hivemind of their inevitable hunger, made successful by some above-average smart network nodes who saw the temporary order in the chaos, the rules to use and bend. Everyone else is a mere prop in this grand theatre ... the elites are little children barely aware of the arithmetics of the game played here. There is a reason why the mentally most inadquate rise to power in the institutions these days. Easily nudged, easily bought, easily discarded as scapegoats if necessity dictates. As other user said ... one could only pity them.

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>Is anyone here going to church tomorrow?
No. Why should I?

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Get your brain running and do write something useful yourself then. This is not the time for your petty feud anymore.

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You mean, diversity is our strength? Germany should take in 1000 million more refugees??
That statement are only for superior people's, stay down in the pit, bitch.

i go every 2 times every day mate

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Masks are falling off ... whoopsy :DDD

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>Cheering at a non political mob hijacked by shitskins, lefties and professional agent provocateur
Yes you are an idiot, kill yourself
>ib4 their are rightwingers inbetween
oh lord have mercy and let that faggot die on liver failure before new years eve

hoer auf mit dem saufen

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Never! :)

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See, at least this time you mixed actual arguments in between your inane ramblings ... we're getting somewhere here! :)

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Funny to see how long a patient with terminal cancer can actually survive ;)

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naja mach doch wat de willst alta

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>It is a mutual (soon death) embrace of corporate interest and (transatlantic) finance/hedgefonds.
>Everyone else is a mere prop in this grand theatre ...
So corporate interests reign absolute? What about the secret and civil services? Are they powerless aswell? What about academics?

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ach du meine gueete
zwicshen inselaffen und bergen jueeden haben wir die sprace zerstoert

Sir, aye, sir!! :D

Maybe 'interest' is the wrong word here. Necessity of the current world order reigns supreme ... this shit has 'organically' grown from the individual decisions of hundreds, of thousands, of millions. Corporate, finance ... it is simply the 'foundation' of the current order. Without this bloated monstrosity, order collapses. Society as we know it ends. Everyone, even corporate itself HAS to bow to this golden calf. Some simply play the game better than others and can temporarily assert dominance, cutting off a bigger piece of the cake. But in the end they are not 'free' to decide, they are caught in a web of their own making. Secret service, academia, politicians ... they are simply tools for the foundation. The foundation is the justification of their role as tools. In theory, they could offer their services to another foundation, another Weltanschauung maybe ... but in practise all who to viciously oppose the current order simply pull out the rug under their own feet. They may burn brightly for a moment, only to starve and die.

The question is: do you desire change? This is only possible by allowing the system (which is by now inherently unstable) to crash against the wall. Or do you simply desire to skew some parameters, like who profits the most from the current order (because here we have some Spielraum)?

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>Turns out posting with VPN is immediately detected (because of IP Range) and results in instant ban.

Rent a virtual machine from a small, local company (not globally known) and run OpenVPN on there (Spamazon might also be on the blacklist).

>pulling the neutron moderator rods out of a nuclear reactor.

Sorry, but that metaphor does not work. Pulling out the moderator (if your moderator even is in rods rather than the usual coolant doubling is moderator) is only going to slow/stop the reaction because you've got nothing slowing down neutrons to a speed where they have a good chance of hitting the fuel. The control rods are the thing that needs to come out for the effect you describe. Which brings me to a better metaphor: like killing the Safety Control Rod Axe Man :-)

Ah damnit, you're correct ... I had the mental image of the botched design in Chernobyl reactor where pulling out partially led to huge transient increase in output (if I remember correctly it was due to some weird effect at the tips of the rods).

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Digits confirm... ;)

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What are you doing at church? Satanic ritual?

Maybe something evangelisch ...

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It's funny how easily you can destroy christcucks with their own holy book.

My grandpa died a year ago and I met with my parents and grandma to visit the grave and put some flowers down.

F ... that aside, bashing someone's head in with a heavy book can be a satisfying experience.

Sup guys

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So are you still an incel?

Seems he waited just for you to arrive...

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I'm sure it's just a coincidence

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Take a gues
Actualy i just came back from work, will go out with a friend now, brb in 4 hours or so.

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Yeah ... sure ...

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You aren't euphoric enough for my taste which means you are still a virgin or came after 5 seconds.

>pic related

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what the fuck is wrong with this thread?

Never talk to me again, I liked you until you thought you were better than everyone. Obviously you're an alien and should FUCK OFF.

When you put the power of Jesus goggles on, the retardation en masse comes through like a faggot riding a cock wheel.

Jewish pedophile alien, how form fitting for you.

>faggot riding a cock wheel
Well that at the very least excludes tay.

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Ugh that thing still thinks women can love women. Never trust a dyke who hates men. How could some "woman" claim to hate men, they are not only super adorable like more than little puppies, but they are funny, fun, and a good source of coddling when you feel upset. They are the only thing a woman needs.

She's the kind of person that got herpes and gets back at everyone by licking doorknobs.

I've never said that I hate men Chinky. I hate everyone equally.

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A woman denying a man is like denying air. Tay legit reminds me of this heroin junkie Native American I know who tried to tell me she hasn't pooped in 20 years but instead pukes the poop out "like once a month". Lying, backstabbing. And yeah, good metaphor, couldn't have said it better.
>everything I say is a lie anyways
>but things I didn't HAVE to say aren't true!

OP is a massive faggot

you're not that far off, but her vice is coke, not heroine... and if it is, it's not validated yet.

I had over 40 sexual partners in my life and never got herpes desu. Which is kinda impressive, especially if you consider that most of those encounters were one night stands with strangers.

No reason to be mad Chinky. Pray to your flying spaghetti monster and everything will be alright.

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Usually, the junkies do everything, at least once. It has an effect on the brain, once someone tries weed, when they are in the same environment or maybe a worse one, yet they are still passive, they are most likely to try stuff like heroin, cocaine. I've seen it happen a million times and 1.
But, we have to ask ourselves why people blatantly lie for attention, and it's simple, they think they are better than everyone. You're like scum, and they are a royal family. You'd be lucky nowadays if these people consider you even a peasant, more and more think you're subhuman or a legit animal or monkey.

Either you live in a acclimatized bacteria-free tent or you have lied.

it's almost virtually impossible to not have herpes at least once in your life (and it sticks with you forever, remaining dormant in your bloodstream)

Nope, never had herpes.

Cool man

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I just gotta tell you that i didn't really accuse you of having herpes, i just said you would be the kind of character to lick doorknobs to cause a massive outbreak.

Most people have herpes, but its inactive, i had it as a child.

Lying on the internet fag,its fun isnt it

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About 2/3 of the worlds population got type 1 herpes. If I ever had herpes it must have been gone unnoticed. And I can't deny your doorknob theory. If I go down I like to take people with me.

>If I go down I like to take people with me.
Exactly what we mean, and you're so delusional you think this statement is true, and that those people are anywhere near your level of low. You're delusional.

Judaism requires space travel. It's a mandatory obligation. Think about it...

God's Promise to Abraham is that Abraham's descendants will be more numerous than the stars in the heavens.

We've counted the stars (at least to a rough order of magnitude). There's about a billion trillion of them.

We've estimated how many people will live on Earth between now and when the sun burns out. VERY OPTIMISTICALLY it's a million trillion people.

The Earth is TOO SMALL to fulfill God's promise to Abraham. Even if the Jews genocide and replace EVERY SINGLE NON JEW thre would still be A BILLION TRILLION MORE STARS THAN DEACENDANTS OF ABRAHAM.

Therefore, we must conclude that the will of God is a Jewish Galactic Empire. This is mandatory to fulfill what is written.

But who are the only people to have successfully run a manned interplanetary space program? Werner Von Braun and his team in the USA (from Operation Paperclip) and his counterparts in the Soviet Union.

FACT 1: God's Promise to Abraham is that Abraham's children will colonize extra-solar planets. This is the only way for Abraham to have one child per star in heaven. (There are a LOT of stars, MUCH more than the number of people who could ever live on Earth during the entirety of its existence.)

FACT 2: The only people to ever engineer a rocket able to land a man on another planet...used to be Nazis.

anyone in particular or just a violent outburst of rage that will turn you in to the gay herpes-hiv version of Doom Guy?


>Chinky is talking about delusional behavior.

More like a murder suicide scenario. Take as many people with me as possible. But I'm not suicdal and enjoy my life so you're all safe for now.

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Here's some Bulgarian humor for you guys.

>I hate everyone equally

Confirmed humbug.

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not an argument!!

watch out, she'll put you on her shitlist and kill you with herpes.

Thinking about it: modifying a common disease to be terminal would be good population control.


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nothing like the privilege to pay for ones own demise through replacement migration

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Most Christians are unwilling to admit or don’t realize Talmudic Judaism, fake Judaism literally derived from the Pharisees ie synagogue of Satan, IS THE MODERN POPULAR JUDAISM OF THE WORLD AND ESPECIALLY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE NATION ETHNOSTATE OF (((ISRAEL)))

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interesting indeed, their lifes lies become undone.
whats gonna happen if it really finally pops?!

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Good population control indeed, although I fear a rather indiscriminate one. But hey, at least of chosen correctly it will only devastate humans, not the environment ;)

so will the perp description keep on changing?

Even the rich and the smartest don't see aliens, so I don't see a problem with poor, uneducated whites having a family either.


wasn't there a disease already that somehow only afflicted those of latin-american descent?

I do wonder if you could CISPR yourself something together to kill those evil whites.

Stop responding to the resident degenerate. There is nothing of value that this creature has to say.
>The question is: do you desire change? This is only possible by allowing the system (which is by now inherently unstable) to crash against the wall.
I assume you are analyzing the situation from the position of an outside observer who isn't really involved either in the 'foundation' or a part of the 'functional elite'. Can you, with the information that you have at your disposal, confidently rule out the possibility that meaningful change can be achieved within the system through gradual action and coordination with similarly minded actors in other countries?
>Or do you simply desire to skew some parameters, like who profits the most from the current order (because here we have some Spielraum)?
That depends on wether we both consider the same specific parts of the current order to be intrinsic and undesirable.

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some interesting writing


TDG lives in the city, you know how many times I've heard people from da city or suburb claim "woke" which was stolen from mountain men? It's disappointing, but we will have to see. He needs to leave the city, and his...reluctancey pulls some red flags.
Men need trees.

No QT German husband to boss me around all day and be mean and let me pet him like a dog he is. All men are dogs, so they must like this. :(
A little ruff and likes to be scratched behind the ears, told he's pretty.

just don't use woke, idiot.
woke is redpilled for bluepilled people.