How is it different from Roman or other paganisms where you can have Gods walking on Earth?
Jesus, son of God
A bunch of dudes claim they saw Jesus rise from the grave, so it wasn't a dream or a hallucination.
The same bunch of dudes were tortured to death and refused to admit it was a fabrication even to save their own hide so they weren't making it up.
Meanwhile in every other religion one dude had a dream.
Not talking about the fact. I am just saying that Jesus is not son of God (why would a God sleeps, be sick, be tortured, be killed).
Muslims are more coherent when they say he was just a Prophet with more powers granted than other prophets
>why would a God sleeps, be sick, be tortured, be killed
Because he had to be. It was his destiny. It actually says so in the bible.
Because he had to be a descendant of Adam, a man, so he could pay for the sins of the world, because you can't make it by yourself. It's a basic tenet in Christianity.
He's not, he just happened to get popular enough to make monotheism destroy Europe and the World. All intended ofc.
>why would a God sleeps, be sick, be tortured, be killed
I don't know. Why do you think God is subordinate to your reasoning?
Because he was still fully human.
Had to live and experience a sinless life knowing that ultimately they'd kill Him but He loves us so much he sacrificed himself to save any that believe on that sacrifice to have eternal life in Heaven.
Let me repeat that so it stinks in.
The creator loved his creation that much that he allowed himself to become a sacrifice for it so we can spend an eternity with Him later on.
That's an awesome Creator if you ask me.
That's what blows me away about it. He made it THAT ridiculously easy to live for eternity. That's a love I can barely comprehend let alone practice in everyday life.
It's not.
Christians will try to tell you it's because he is the only one that is God. That's why he is different. That Jesus fulfilled all the prophecy, and is the one true son of man
'Are ye not all sons of man' - Jesus
The real redpill in Christianity is that when Jesus went to go fast in the desert he experienced the God consciousness. Now Jesus didn't know anything about reincarnation. He didn't know anything about Buddhism, or Hinduism.
He experienced enlightenment in the desert though. He tried to tell everybody around him using the best language he knew how that he was God, and that you are all God as well. Faith of a mustard seed can move mountains, and all that.
Jesus was just trying to wake up humanity to their potential, and Jews literally crucified him for it.
Zeus will return and when he does he
won't bring peace, but a sword. not nice
to mind control someone to think who
they protect is good.
you all have no idea the trouble you're