To sexual women:

Orgasms vs feeling “stretched and filled”. Which one wins?

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Stretched and filled with a dick? Cool. Orgasms? Better. Stretched and filled with cum? Best.

Definitely orgasms. I never much liked the full feeling.

Wait... stretched and full isn't a good thing?

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Both. But I have orgasm every time I have sex because all the guys I've been with have patience and properly pamper me first like a decent human being.

I'd imagine most would be more inclined to orgasm if they had to choose between the two.
Current girlfriend has never had issues reaching climax during PiV sex but says the fact that I fill her totally enhances it because I hit all the spots with every thrust.

Are you a woman? Would you say that you’re a size queen?

No, I'm a guy that's moderately above average.
I always assumed my partners liked that.
But now they say they might not?
Now I'm questioning everything....

Would it matter much if the guy that makes you cum hard has a small dick? Can you see marriage with that kind of guy?

Sure yeah I mean it’s nice not being small, but this is if they had to choose.

You have nothing to worry about and you should not question anything. Just enjoy the ride, you don’t have fix the ride like I do.

I'm not overly large by any means; actually pretty average length with slightly bigger girth
It really is about how you use it though; plenty of techniques to make an average dong feel huge

Still better than below average. You’re a better man than me.

I just think it feels weird. Foreign. I'm sure I'm in the minority there though.

Well that's a damn shame then.
Have you ever tried taking a larger one in and just leaving it there? No movement or anything.
Just taking it in and focusing on how it feels?

Not a dick but other stuff, yeah. I just get sore if I leave it in for an extended period.
But I'm pretty sure I'm just broken, I've never orgasmed vaginally either, all about the nub rub for me.

So you think normally most women should enjoy big dicks? That scares me. I can’t be with a person who is also able to enjoy bigger dicks even more. I don’t want to be in a relationship where I can’t relax and I have to always put my mind in competition mode with better men.

Ah dude I totally empathize with you.
The last girl I dated was like that.
Until somehow, I dunno what. Could have been me or her or the atmosphere or some higher power gave her a vaginal orgasm.
It was fucking magical to watch her have full body contractions for what seemed like 3-5 minutes as I continued to thrust away and eventually just pushed in all the way and held her.
It completely incapacitated her.
So keep hoping. I believe in you, and when it finally happens be prepared to have your reality shattered.

Dude, I've got a pretty good sized dick and I still go into competition mode quite often.
So don't worry about it. It's not a dick size thing. We are just insecure lol.

That is not at all what I'm saying, no. But I'm pretty sure normal women enjoy penetration at least somewhat.

Yeah that's pretty much how I've heard it described and I gotta say I'm a little jealous. Someday maybe.

Those girls should have labels on their foreheads, cus I will never settle with one of them, no matter how much they say they can accept me.

God I feel shamed and humiliated.

At the time it happened I think it would be accurate to describe us as exploding with love for eachother.
It's very possible it was just the right mix of our physical synergy and our massive emotional connection.
Sometimes the stars are a little harder to align for some ladies than others.
I believe you'll get there one day user.
My advice is not to fuck for fuckings sake.
Do it with somebody you truly love. That emotional connection is really a game changer.

Yeah of course women should enjoy penetration. But if you can get orgasmic penetration with a below average, would you still be turned on by the idea of big full stretching penetration?

If I’m in a relationship, I’d be ready to go full homosexual and NOT look at other women, as long as you’d do the same.

What do you mean by that user?

I don’t believe in emotional blablah. A girl can love a below average guy so much, but her best orgasm might still be from a douchebag with a big dick. I don’t want sex anymore, it’s not feasible.

I will only settle with you, if I can make sure that I’m the one who can make you feel filled and stretched the most. If the exes are bigger than me, clearly I will never be able to compete with them. There’s no point in settling with you if I’m the least manly guy in your legacy. It makes me not want to fuck you. Fucking you would make me feel defeated and humiliated, because behind you, there are better men who are laughing at me,”haha if only you knew that her orgasm was harder with us.”

I want to hurt myself right now.

You're greatly underestimating the power of making love over fucking.
Fucking is just plowing the fields.
Making love is feeling your partner. Explore their bodies. A woman's body becomes extremely sensitive when aroused. Take advantage of that.
As you're thrusting caress them. Hell, try a little tickle here and there. Squeeze her. Constantly change the pressure and tempo and before you know it they're gasping for air and their eyes have rolled into the back of their head.

Now, throw an emotional connection into the mix and you may as well be preforming an exorcism because she will absolutely explode with pleasure.
Hasn't failed me yet. Fingers crossed.

You're an absolute retard dude. If your dick is big enough for a consistent thrust you can pleasure a woman. It's more than just sticking your dick in and moving it around. Women arent like us, dude. Their whole bodies become an instrument of pleasure when they're being intimate with you. Learn it. Live it. Love it.
It wont matter how big you are if you can bring a woman to a breathless orgasm without even penetrating them.

I definitely believe in love making sex better and wouldn't really be interested in sleeping with someone I'm not in love with.

I think not. If I can come easily with a below average penis I don't see why I'd seek out something bigger and potentially hurtful.

Have you tried enveloping them emotionally as you do physically?

This kind of thinking and obsession with their penises, sex, and their partners' sexuality is why the world is fucked up and women are killed by men. Please kill yourself before making some poor woman believe you're with her because you actually care about her and not because of how your penis feels inside her body.

Not yet I guess. I've been with one guy but we were both teens and neither very experienced nor deeply in love I suppose.

It's certainly not as easy as it sounds. I'll give you that.
But thats what she described to me when she finally came down from the climax.
She was the type where she would always get right at the precipice of a vaginal orgasm yet stop.

Let me ask you this, I know its a little personal so don't feel inclined to answer.
When you look into the mirror do you hate what you see? If so, take the time to change what you can and accept what you cant.
Reaching contentment with yourself makes connecting with your partner much more fluid and intuitive. Having those insecurities are a real climax blocker.
I'd guess a female orgasm is at least 50% mental.

I believe I can pleasure a woman. But a bigger guy will always please her better, or ar least make her see the guy as a strong centaur than a romantic unicorn like me. That’s humiliating and emasculating. Penis is the symbol of masculinity, the bigger the more masculine, the bigger the sexier in women’s eyes. Women always come back to fucking a big guy, not a guy who’s great at acting on bed. You know, mimicking a softcore pornstar and whatnot.

I can do whatever that romantic shit is, only if I’m the biggest guy she ever had. If she comes out to have fucked bigger guys before, that would make me soft as fuck and I’d slowly lose interest in her. She’s above me and those guys are above me, I’m below them in the sexual hierarchy.

6 incher on a good day here, and very skinny.

I've been told that I'm small by girls before and obviously that is crushing.

In my experience, as long as you know how to use your mouth and hands, you'll still be OK.

I've read that a lot of women don't even cum from penetration alone, but since I'm not a woman I obviously don't know if that's just bullshit to make guys like me with small dicks feel better

I've heard that a few times, from different friends or other girls online. You get almost there but not quite. Sounds maddening.

I don't hate myself/my body, no. Of course there's things I would change but nothing that makes me go 'I don't deserve pleasure'
And I am able to climax, rather easily actually, just not from penetration.

From what I've discovered women have 3 kinds of orgasm.
And mentally/emotionally.

Whats really fun is that you can combine them to get the hallowed quiver.

Yes, the majority of women don't come from penetrative intercourse. You can decide if that's because guys collectively suck at sex or because women are broken or a mix.

Do you know where your g-spot is?

If you do, you can work with your partner to get that perfect angle to stimulate it on each thrust.
That can sometimes tip the scale.

I know where it is, the area actually feels noticeably different up there, but it's still never made me come. Trust me I've tried extensively.

Women aren't broken. Both men and women suck at sex for the most part.
There's not enough exploration, communication, or knowledge of their own bodies to reach the heights they hope for.

You've definitely got a mental/emotional block then. It probably won't ever happen until you find somebody that you're so in love with you burst when you're around them. And even then it'll be a slim possibility.
From my experience it happens when you aren't at all expecting it. But when you surrender to the moment and the shared emotions between you and your partner.

OK is not enough. Women might not care about this whole thing, but they do sometimes recall the day when they were fucked by the strong centaur with a big dick. Painful but it was peak masculinity and normal women will always naturally love that.

Just find a big guy who’s good at using his tool. Women are naturally wired to enjoy peak masculinity like confidence, assertiveness, strength, and big cocks.

Like, the spectrum or manliness goes from anxious -> confident, passive ->assertive, short -> tall, weak -> strong, small dick ->big dick.

vaginas are just like dicks in regards to size.
Some are too shallow for the big dick. Some are cavernous pits meant for the bbc.

So I have to be ready for lots of painful rejections until I find the right fit? I wish I was the perfect size, love seems too much like a chore for me. It’s not comforting or relaxing, I can’t relax or have fun.

It's orgasms all the way here, feeling filled just can't compare to the pleasure of cumming. Is there such a thing as a clit queen?

It's true most women can't cum from penetration alone, I certainly can't.

There is no perfect dick size. The chances of a perfect fit is like winning the lottery.
Thats why men can rub their dicks on cardboard and orgasm.
Thats why women can orgasm without penetration.
Love is the epitome of relaxation and fun.

Orgasm. Hands down


Oh, honey.
Why not just give her both?

>“stretched and filled”
I'm 29 years old, have been with dozens of women in my life and I have never, ever on any occasion heard any woman use anything resembling the term "stretched and filled" to describe sexual intercourse.

I can’t, I don’t have a big dick

Are you big though?



You're thinking too hard and full of self-loathing.

Women care about men who care about them. You don't care about women. You just have an obsession with being seen as an amazing fuck. If you actually cared about a woman's pleasure you wouldn't obsess over the size of your dick.

My ex once told me during sex it felt like I was in her intestines.

I feel bad for the guy who’s with her right now.

see this thread sucks cause theres 2 types of posters in it

the dudes with the big/thick dicks that want girls to like their big dicks so they want girls to like being stretched

and the dudes without big dicks who want the girls not to like being stretched

i saw the big dick guy trying to convince the other girl to start to like being stretched, and then the other dude without the big dick was like "this is why im fucked forever i can never fuck women because they want to be fucked by big dicks". we live in a society

enough of this shit dude

real nigga shit

Well this is THAT kind of thread. Live it or leave it. I’m the small guy in this thread, it does suck. Life is so bland and not enjoyable no matter where I am or who I’m with. I can’t enjoy myself, things are always bugging me and they make me unhappy. If only I could fix it.

I’ve had enough with that shit. PE doesn’t work. It fucks your dick up. I’ve done enough research, I google this everyday. Even on holiday in the beach where I’m supposed to have fun.

yeah i have a skinny dick too. i'm probably just going to try to get with someone whos either really small/tight or is a "clit-queen" or w/e like described earlier

i'm gonna also do PE stuff (believe in it or not, I believe it works) and try to get my girth to at least average. idc about length

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i did PE for about a year when i was like 18 and it didn't fuck up my dick at all. most recent problem when i tried it again recently though is a thumbrosed or raised vein though, which isn't really a common problem. i research this stuff everyday too, and from what i see is that it does work and doesn't fuck your dick up if you're careful.

Very risky though. Idk, this is my genes and I will pass this to my offsprings.

your offsprings are likely not gonna live past the age of 20 anyways, world is fucked

>tfw small dick
>tfw have given every woman I have slept with retard inducing orgasms because my dick is naturally curved and is naturally ribbed with pearlescents.

Huge dick is a meme. It also helps I fuck for about an hour on average.

But can you date a woman who has fucked bigger guys before though? Her orgasm must be harder with those guys. Imagine those guys are laughing at you, saying “haha don’t worry, we still own her.”

Dude you really need to do something about your obsession with other men's cocks. Can't be healthy.

Woman here. Had a bf who had big n small dicks. That one with big one didnt wow me cause he didnt work to satisfy me. He was so obsessed with how big his d was that he was thinking thats as good its gonna go. Hes big, thats it,he doesnt need to do his best at all. Just plow it in and out. He was so full of it, and so bad at sex i was wondering if id been lesbian all along. He was boring. Also, big d are painfull. It doesnt feel nice,to me at least. It hurt to walk, and not in a good way.
Small one did his best and for the first time i did came from pov becouse he worked for it. He did his best. He was confident and all in for it. He treated my body like meal. Opposed to guy with big d, this one actually made me feel good enough. The big d guy made me feel like fleshlight. I felt very unapreciated. Its not about how big u are, but about confidence and knowledge, to know what to do to please your partner, do not treat her like fleshlight. Touch her body.

I've heard that from a friend actually, how her last bf was big and at first that was exciting (at least aesthetically) but she soon realized he didn't do or know shit about pleasing a woman and when she brought it up he was properly offended and they had a fight and broke up.
Guys are fucking weird.

Wait until you find a big guy who can use it

I told him about how i felt. He gor offended and said that all his ex gfs loved his d. Well... Majority of his exes cheated on him....
Well as you soo men with big ds are so deep in theyr own ass they dont think they have to do theyr best and theyr ds do the work. Being big doesnt mean youre good. Also, its not preference for me to be with someone whos big. But i would be amazed if someone whos big down there would actualy do theyr best...

I think you have some real self-confidence issues to work past before getting in a relationship. That's my Jow Forums for you

i see you replying to every positive post about small dicks user, why do you insist on shooting down whatever someone has to say with 'but muh dicks smaller than other guys' You're pathetic lack of confidence is the real reason you cannot make a woman orgasm. Your mind has been corrupted by mass viewings of porn and over exposure to too many retards on Jow Forums. Your sanity is rotting away because of these things, but you wont stop watching porn or reading Jow Forums, instead you would rather whine like a faggot. I have no pity for you, until you become a man no one will want to have a sexual encounter with you, completely regardless of how big your dick is.

>I can’t be with a person who is also able to enjoy bigger dicks even more

Every woman has a preferred size, and anything above or below that will be less pleasurable than that particular size.

No shit women prefer bigger-than-average dicks. But it doesn't mean they don't also enjoy normal sized dicks. Huge dicks and tiny dicks are fetish territory.

How many hours a day do you think of your penis?

You can't relax because you literally have a mental disorder. You've thought more about your own dick than any normal person does in their entire adolescence.

>life is bland and not enjoyable because of my penis
holy shit RUN to a psychiatrist

Considering I've given mothers toe curling, piss streaming multiple orgasms, I am not worried about. Babies fuck up the old love tunnel worse than a 12 inch dong.

The only downside to having a small dick is the lack of viable positions.

Am grill with a pelvis bone issue where the top of my pubic bone is lower than normal, which makes my vag very short and tight. I cant be with anyone over 6 inches because it feels like someone is punching my uterus, and its awful. I wanna say maybe 10% of women have short vaginal canals, so if you have an average or below average dick youll make a girl like that very happy.

Orgasms. My husband and I rarely do penetration anymore, and get each other off via hands and mouth. It's so much fun. Penetration also becomes more special for being something unusual.

Also let me add that it's not because I'm dissatisfied with his penis or how he uses it. He's just so fantastic with his hands and mouth and spoils me rotten with them. I'd never had any orgasms before him, and not for lack of trying.

Strangely enough, foot jobs get me off harder than anything else and I don't have a foot fetish at all.

Something about the firm and soft mixture of the soles and the toes gripping in unique ways plus ball stimulation just causes me to blast a load much harder than PIV.

>but a bigger dick will always pleasure her more
Your self flagellation is pathetic.

Orgasm, because i can make myself feel stretched and full (dildo's) but I like both the same almost.

>Women care about men

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Not really comparable. If I'm in the mood to feel full no amount of orgasms will get rid of that feeling, and if I'm just turned on an orgasm will take care of that where feeling filled will only increase the desire to orgasm.

This is pretty common. I'm like that too.

>nub rub
I'm gonna steal that

I'm 5inch erect. What positions do you use mainly?

What would you do or think about, if you’re in the mood to feel full but your current partner is not able to give it?

That's a silly question. Our species relies on tools for day to day life. Sexual satisfaction isn't really any different, there's tons of readily available options for men and women to satisfy any urge. And for those who aren't interested in a tool, hands and fingers will suffice.

That’s not a concrete answer. So what would you do or think? Would you long for one of your big exes? Would you be tempted to cheat? Or would you emasculate your man and use toys?

Jow Forums already has porn boards, user. Go to one of them.

>the only options paint her as a bad person
you're a pathetic human
>Or would you emasculate your man and use toys?
Only the weakest man would think of a woman masturbating is emasculating. Jesus christ.

Orgasms and feeling stretched are not comparable. Being stretched hurts and stings.... it's not a pleasurable thing within itself lol
When you're horny for someone, when they get you to that point of wanting their dick....their dick feels good regardless.

But if I had to choose between an orgasm and feeling stretched, orgasms clearly win. Which is why I don't like guys with big dicks ....they think their dick alone feels good and it doesn' hurts. Worst lovers imo.



My gf would say both
She cums multiple times when we have sex but I still think her favorite thing is getting me close and forcing me to stay deep inside of her while holding her close until I can't help it anymore.