Make online dating profile

>make online dating profile
>use real picture
>typical guy
>most girls' profiles say no hookups, say more than hey how are you, yada yada usual shit
>message them with thoughtful comments
>viewed but not replied
>delete profile and start again
>use some jeff seid topless pictures
>literally text "Hey babe. You're sexy. What's up?"
>get replies every. single. fucking. time.
Since there seem to be girls on this board all the time, tell me. Why are you completely full of shit?

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> feminism was a mistake

I fucking hate women but you can't blame them for this one, desu. Women care about looks just as much, if not more than, men, and they have every right doing so.

The problem is Hollywood movies telling men for years that they can get a 10/10 girl with personality even if they don't look that great. Plus when you ask girls what they want, they almost never outright say looks, because it's not socially acceptable.

>Since there seem to be girls on this board all the time, tell me. Why are you completely full of shit?
I doubt you will get a correct answer because girls who browse 4chin are not your typical normies. I'm a girl and I don't act this way, but my guess would be that some girls like playing coy and pretend to be deep and innocent, but don't have enough patience to put up with serious talk so they naturally and spontaneously react to guys who are more forward. It may even be connected with sexual submission, they explicitly tell you what kind of approach they want, but you break the rules and do your own thing. Maybe some girls find this behaviour masculine and therefore attractive?

Well this. Women have the option when they are young.

However a lot of them get too comfortable in this mindset, and think that because they have a pussy they can do whatever they want. This is why you see a lot of 30+ year old chicks that ran themselves into the ground asking where all the good guys went.

Not a grill but I can walk you through it.

1. Online dating is a losing game unless you are Jeff. Make a girl profile and you will literally be bombarded with 100 msgs an hour. So to filter though, most go with looks. So that's that.
2. If you want to meet women, do social activities that include them. Examples: cooking class, swing dancing (or any 2 partner dance that alternates), etc. You have to compromise.
3. Online dating has become a predatory site for hookups and nothing more. If you actually think people actually date on there, you are 10 years too late. Nobody does that.

So are they full of shit? Yes, women will always talk nonsense and act as they truly feel. So go for the "acting" not the "talking". As such, online interactions are terrible because you cannot tell how they act and whatever they say is irrelevant.

Presumably because they get hit on by normal looking guys all the time so have plenty of them to choose from (also raising their standards, perhaps unrealistically) whereas they would very very rarely get messages from a guy like that, so they see it as an exciting opportunity to get with someone out of their league.

Also both men and women are shallow about looks, people want to date what they find physically attractive (and it also gives social status), it's just that women hold the monopoly in dating apps

Also Jeff really doesn't look healthy in that

Yeah that makes sense. And I'm not bitter that girls want hot guys. I want hot girls, it's only fair. But I don't lie about it. I don't say I want a thoughtful girl and only reply based on tit size. Guess I should just focus on real life or maybe tinder.

Because we'll always go out with a hot guy.

Maybe a lot of girls think they can change a Chad into a thoughtful man and then you've got best of both worlds.

Honestly that's pretty accurate to my mood sometimes on tinder

I'm a girl with bpd so sometimes I'm 4chins sometimes I'm basic Stacy.

>If you want to meet women, do social activities that include them. Examples: cooking class, swing dancing.
Believe me, user, this kind of social activities don't guarantee meet girls you want to date, even talk.

Tinder is also a hookup app.
Read Carl Jung's analysis on human archetypes and the "beauty and the beast" archetype. Women are naturally drawn to "beastial" men because they can "tame" them.
This is also one of the reason beaten housewives actually defend their husbands - they cannot forego the archetype.

You need to embody the "beast" archetype and women will find you attractive. Alternatively, become the top dog in an activity that women find valuable (sports, dancing, etc) and you will also attract them.

Idk man they're stupid. When a woman says she doesn't hook up, just remember it means she doesn't do hook ups unless it's Chad.

>people are more attracted to attractive people

>shallow low quality people are more attracted to shallow low quality people

These are all accurate.

> 3. Online dating has become a predatory site for hookups and nothing more. If you actually think people actually date on there, you are 10 years too late. Nobody does that.

I met a girl through okaycupid, and dated her for a year. People get married to people they meet on dating sites. You're just flat-out wrong.

Go meet girls in real life. Your chances are much better. I walk up to random girls and just be honest: "Hey, I don't know what to say, but I think you're really pretty and wanted to talk to you, so hi." Works about a tenth of the time, and I'm no stunner.

I'm a guy but you're honestly a moron. I'll tell you why:

>You think you are entitled to women
You aren't. The sooner you realize this and accept it the better off your life will be. The sooner you stop walking around feeling like you're owed something by the world, in this case women, cause you're super nice and "thoughtful" as you put it the better off your life will be. A woman(anyone really) isn't entitled to be nice to you just cause you're nice to them, it sucks but that's how life is, that's how adulthood is, you won't connect with everyone you meet. Some people will be much easier to talk to than others, others will be like nails on a chalkboard.

>Everyone is shallow. Everyone.
Including you. You wouldn't respond to someone you found despicable (not that you're despicable or maybe you are who knows it's all subjective) yet you expect everyone to talk to you cause you were "nice"

If you want to get the attention that Jeff Seid gets then maybe you should become a gym rat and start consuming copious amounts of steroids. If those are the kinds of women you hope to attract and it's really really important to you that you get them then go ahead and do this otherwise stop with your incessant whining.

Alternatively you could stop caring so much and focus on other parts of your life, such as your seeping insecurity and entitlement issues and in time you'll be confident enough to start talking to women in real life instead of relying on dating profiles. Maybe then you'll find a woman who can tolerate you for more than 5 minutes cause no one, and I mean no one, likes whiny men.

More men need to realize that....

Women are actually very similar to men. It's just that their outer costume is different, and the way they play the game of life is a little different.

Inside, they have the same selfish desires that we do. Honestly worse.

Because most people are full of shit. Male or female. You're most likely not going to find your soul mate on there. Go out into the world and talk to real women to see if you have a real connection. Go somewhere you actually enjoy (museum or something) and you'll have better luck than a bar or an online site.

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i dont want to attract women because that means changing myself. men should control women so they dont have to make appeals to them.

Give an example of a thoughtful comment that you used or that you think ought to land you a date.

I think you're projecting. OP is describing a common experience - average guy goes on dating site, tries his best, doesn't have much luck, gets a little bitter and wonders why he's not finding success, and does a little test to see if he'd have more luck if he was more attractive, then gets surprised and even more bitter by the overwhelming positive response for an attractive male.

He never claimed he was entitled to a woman, and you took his comment about making thoughtful responses out of context. All he said was he put some thought into what he said, instead of just going 'hey bb wan sum fuk'.

Well yeah, my life would certainly be better if other people gave me all their shit.

Your world view is skewed. You immediately reached for the 'entitlement' buzzword because you felt compelled to fit OP into your preferred box. Once he has been squarely categorized as 'insecure and entitled', your work is done because the paradigm has been satisfied. The paradigm where the individual who takes issue with the state of the world must necessarily be at fault. Must be defective.

But I really want to point out is the hollowness of the world you live in. This world where nobody deserves anything and respect given is not to be met with respect. A world where you can't criticize anybody for having bad manners because 'nobody owes you anything'. This cold and sterile world where everyone is an amoral, self-interested mass of flesh. Where supposed liberation has reduced our most intimate moments to mere consent. You insinuate that OP's solitude is a just punishment while describing a world devoid of justice.

People are better than that and they deserve better.

yeah but men are literally stronger
it's so obvious that they could just boss women around and women wouldnt be able to do shit about it. men are so pussy whipped they wont though. it's like how it would be so easy to steal from the rich, yet nobody fucking does it because they have been mindfucked.

Stealing is wrong.
As is forcing people to do things against their will.

Not when you discriminate against those weaker than you or the people you cooperate with.
Women are weaker, so their wills don't matter.
The rich are outnumbered. I'll give it to them that they can fund decent propaganda to convince people not to just kill them and take their wealth, but hopefully people will wise up to it. I know I have.

People don't steal from the rich because it's illegal, you dip.

If might was right existed, we wouldn't have society we have today. People realised it's more worth it being nice to your neighbor than it is stealing his stuff every time he has his back turned.

Well, you see, women are the picky ones when it comes to mates. This is so they produce an offspring that isn't an autistic shit bird who thinks marriage is so they can get a second mom.
A relationship is so much more than finding someone that turns you on. I know how much it sucks to love someone with your whole heart and have that feeling unreciprocated, it is a part of life. You can go ahead and hate half your species because you can't get your dick wet, the world is better off without people like you reproducing.

I said it wasn't irrational if you discriminate. It doesn't have to be a free-for-all. Obviously we don't want to wage war on our equals because we will all lose.
If enough people started doing it, the law would mean nothing.

Ahh I see now. You're opposed to objective morality. Pre-emptive stealing is wrong whether it's done to the rich or poor or whoever.

I'm glad people like you aren't in charge.

Moral absolutism is in conflict with reality. You can cry about how you feel something is wrong, but it won't matter. The only thing that persists in the long-run is strength alone.

>claims nothing is absolute
>claims strength is absolute
>when a nigger rapes my wife and gets away with it without going to jail, I'm going to high 5 him

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>persist means absolute
I meant strength will persist in our world.
Your hypothetical morals, which have no presence in it other than your confused mind, will not.

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Morals are the reason your neighbour doesn't cut your throat when you aren't looking. If you're seriously advocating for rules to be fluid and changing all the time, society would collapse, whether discriminately or indiscriminately.

That's laws not morals.

Sometimes. And in the context of this discussion (forcing women to do things purely because we are stronger than them) it's about laws.

You dont need god or some cultish ideology or law to tell you not to randomly murder people who could just as easily murder you. That's common sense. Like how you hold the door for people whether they are rich or poor, male or female, etc. All people are equally capable of opening doors, so we cooperate to make things easier for us all.

>You dont need god or some cultish ideology or law to tell you not to randomly murder people who could just as easily murder you
You clearly do, since you're advocating for forcing women against their will purely because you think it'll make your life easier.

Women are weaker, though. They arent equals to men. They are in certain contexts, but not entirely.

Once again, it doesn't matter. It would be objectively wrong to do so.

My argument is going in loops here and you're still not getting it so I'll use a different example.
By your logic, even between men all the physically strong should rule over the physically wait. I'll remember that when I'm beating up old people and taking stuff from short people.

Oh yeah I'm sure that'd be a great society.

>physically wait
I meant physically weak.

>By your logic, even between men all the physically strong should rule over the physically weak
Not if the weak manage to organize. I'm not just talking about physical strength, either. Nor do I think the strong should rule over the weak. I think the strong can rule over the weak and inevitably will. Maybe that strength is in a monarch or a highly organized group of people.

I'd actually argue women are stronger than men in the ways that really matter in the modern world. Physical strength is only really useful if you're in a socially isolated environment without any available tools (i.e., guns, weapons, 9-1-1, friends/senpai, etc) to prevent physical harm - which most of humanity is not.

Bro, I'm going to hit you with the reality, you don't understand women.
Not that I really understand women, or that young women understand themselves, but I realize the extent of what I don't know more.

If that makes sense, which it probably doesn't.

I put work into my image for years (not for women but it helped there too), and can pick up a girl, whatever no problem. Made one of these lame app profiles when I visited another country because my friend said it was loaded with women. Had like endless matches and convos going.

It means very little in terms of actually getting a long-term girlfriend. They'll exchange contacts, set up a date, or if you meet them while already out and get them away from their group of like 100 friends they went out with, you can bang, all out of the initial excitement of you looking 'cool' or handsome or being funny or some bullshit. But in the end they'll all flake on you over some made up shit unless you message them the exact right combination of words everytime in between about 3 'dates' until they consider you a boyfriend.

You are better off just hanging out with a good group of friends and going to the right places, activities etc... to meet a nice girl then fucking around with people who want to play on an app or at a bar. Don't even get me started on clubs, the gayest shit ever.

And ignore the bitter dudes crying about women. Walk down the street and look at all the nerdy looking dudes or vanilla dudes with girlfriends. They didn't get them off an app.

That's just semantics now and moving heavily away from your original point.

No human deserves to be preemptively slaved just because it makes someone else's life easier.

the modern world
ie the world where people believe nonsense and have no awareness of their real strengths and not ones that cater to cultural values, morals, and other nonsense built on thin air.
it will change to something more in line with reality, eventually.

you're the nonsense. I meant modern more as in "not hunter-gatherers", this shit works pretty much anywhere people gather in any sort of numbers at all.

Are you surprised that women have standard and sexual attraction? You are judging them as if they were at fault faggot.

You must fat or not handsome, improve yourself and keep trying.

Girls who want something meaningful don't use dating apps. It is for hookups and if there was chemistry it could turn into a relationship. But if a woman says that she'll get too many creepy replies. They still want to be treated respectfully by someone kind and attractive.

Even if you write something meaningful we know you tried that with like 50 women and it's whoever replies and you fee is the hottest that you'll go out with because you don't care who you catch you just want anyone. So who are you to complain when there are women doing the same?

I'm one of those who doesn't use apps and not into that kind of thing but I have been on them to chat and date because my friends said I should and this is the reality.Everyone is different but people on apps aren't sure what they are even looking for and are scoping out.

>Since there seem to be girls on this board all the time, tell me. Why are you completely full of shit?
Second thread tonight where some dude is weirdly surprised and upset by the fact that attractiveness matters to women when it comes to sex and relationships. Why is that unusual?

I'm sure you prefer women you consider more physically/sexually attractive. why should it be any different for them?

> kek thinking that women are on the same cognitive plain as men or even on the same intellectual level as men

why are you so suprised?

>cognitive plain
Oh the irony.

Women are beneath dogs

>an online site
As opposed to an offline one? lol

>waaah, why do attractive people have easier lives
Welcome to reality, faggot.

>I know I have.
Don't forget your matching carbon fiber fedora before heading out.
>Not when you discriminate against those weaker than you or the people you cooperate with.
You are a weakling yourself, otherwise you wouldn't spend your time here. People are already discriminating against those weaker than them, that's why you are still single and bitter. On the other hand, women serve a purpose, like it or not their pussies and good looks are enough to attract strong men.

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