Pretty much my only deal breaker relationships is lack of virginity...

Pretty much my only deal breaker relationships is lack of virginity. I have dated probably over a hundred girls over the years and broke up with them after 3 or so weeks when I asked the dreaded question.

Why the fuck is this so fucking hard to find. Yes I ask out church girls. I'm gonna be 26 soon. Good build, pretty good facial asthetics, but I'm really short. Should I give up and lose this stipulation?

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LiterallyHitler if you fucking post here I'll filter you, I don't want your shit.

Stop being a manlet.

>Should I give up and lose this stipulation?

If you aren't a virgin, then you have no business expecting your romantic prospects to be.

Yes, as user said, are you a virgin?

>wanting a virgin

Unless youre a virgin yourself, why would you want awkward painful sex?

He has 3 month ban. Unless he will go outside to post under different ip, he is out of shitposting for sometime.

Why u care if shes virgin? Do u feel not good enough in comparison to other men? Grow up. Wheres the chance she will be the one and only. Stop being manlet.

Lol grow up if you’re not a virgin your expectation should not be that she be one.

This foreigner hit the nail on the head. Matters not if the thot has a cherry that's popped.

No wonder he wasn't around! Why was he banned?

I have no idea!

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Yes. I refuse to do it before marriage, I'm incredibly strict religiously.

Bullshit, there's no way you dated over 100 girls and none were virgins unless your dating girls over like 25 in which case you're an idiot.

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Bud, it's uncommon for 16 year old girls to be virgins.

how tall are you?

The great Dracula who feed on the blood of virgin girls starved to death last month (Rest in peace). If he couldn't find one you for sure won't either.

That's dumb. You afraid you'll catch the gay if you bang a chick who's had another person's dick in them?

It really isn't you just only notice whores, half that age are easily virgins.

They're damaged goods if they aren't a virgin, the Bible says so.


5'6". Again, I get girls, I avoid ones that are obviously loose, but no matter who I date theyve had at least one

Are you a virgin?

I agree with you 100%, but mine's not for religious reasons. Don't marry a fucking slut woman that's had another man in her. It's fucking retarded.

think about it logically, most of them thought in the future they would want to get married right? And even when they knew their future husbands would disapprove of them fucking other men, they still went ahead and fucked.

I would never fucking marrying a slut, that's disgusting. If she's not a virgin and single, then shes either a whore or has bad judgement, neither of these are traits I want my wife to have

so fuck all you nigger progressive cunts, you're all just sex-crazed perverted fucks.

Virgins are terrible at fucking, obviously. I dont know what you incels are going on about. At some point youre gonna have to accept that the life expectancy of humans is exceptionally longer than before. So staying a virgin until youre married at 11 was way easier back in the day

manlets don’t deserve virgins. accept dirty used vageen you genetic failure.

god you're going to be single forever

you sound awful to be around

society has changed and no longer puts virginity on the pedestal, because it was an out dated religiously backed tradition and society is fluid and doesn't stay the same forever

promiscuity is not limited to this generation or era, there are plenty of ups and downs when it comes cultural views on sex. if it's that's important to you, stick it out. Look online.

Or compromise, because it's a weird thing to choose to die on a hill about.

Oooh, angry

try moving to Saudi Arabia and date some girls there you can tell the virgins because they are the ones not under a large pile of stones bleeding

If something isn't working try something different. I also think you should be realistic about your situation because your story doesn't make much sense with the information you've given.

You sound like a wise old russian man. Op should heed this advice but won't because he's a bitter manlet who can't keep up with the times and thinks if he has a moral code he strictly adheres to everyone else should too.
I'm a virgin but I don't tell guys simply cause I don't want to get stuck with a guy like op.

>tfw this is not the first time I have considered converting to islam

If you told me you were a virgin I would bust my ass to make you a happy fucking wife.

The thing is, if you're busting your ass just because she's a virgin, does her character not even really matter to you anymore?
I dislike sluts and I dislike those who put virginity on a pedestal, because really those guys irl creep me out. Of course, if it's gonna eat you out alive knowing she had another guy inside her then I do think it's best for you to keep trying to find a virgin, but I've heard of guys that became much happier once they overcame that mindset.(Even if you're doing it for religious purposes, how religious are you if you have considered converting to islam, christianity's enemy?)

Dude just shut the fuck up.

Of course. It was foolish of me to even think that trying to instill logic into one of you would be a good idea.

>manwhore wants a pure girl

Not telling them is really smart, they put so much emphasis on virginity. After you're not anymore they will think less of you, then what.
I hope you're lucky like me and find a man while avoid all the guys.

I try to look for virgins too. Had the perfect one a few years ago but we were too young for anything long term so that sucked. But yeah once you hit your mid 20s it becomes basically impossible to find a virgin who's not butt ugly. All the good ones have been snatched up trust me

And it's a nice peace of mind to be the only man your girl has ever been with. Yeah its a pipe dream but you can't admit it would be nice. Makes your physical relationship all the more special.

>the religious person is massively hypocritical
Who would've fucking thought.

Anecdotal evidence, but as a girl, almost every "religious" virgin girl I've ever known has always just been a liar who sucked a lot more dicks than college sluts. They'd brag about it in our all-female dorms while simultaneously talking about saving their pussy for "the one" to "serve God." And every girl who stuck to their guns would get dumped because they wouldn't suck their boyfriend's dick after two years. In other words, it's all or nothing. Either expect no sexual contact in a relationship before marriage and it only seen as a tool to make babies by the woman and therefore you gain a sexless marriage, or stop being a little pussy.

You’re leaning on your religious moral code as a veil to hide your incredible insecurity about sex.

Drop the chastity act, stop being a bitch, and go fuck.

>All the good ones have been snatched up trust me
MFW a good one. Thank you, user.

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Let's change places man. I always find virgins. I'm tired of waiting for chicks and having terrible sex