Thoughts or opinions Jow Forums?

Attached: intelME2.png (2010x1336, 877K)

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That is old as fuck and has been known for a very long time.

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Imagine if we just stopped using computers because fuck you intel

CPU needs a network card controller

Ye it's old, but I'm just finding out about it now (well specifically how it's done)

I use AMD Ryzon.

Guess who made your network card controller?

AMD master race
>starts burning

If only you knew how bad things really are

Literally every CPU is built so that every calculation is recorded.

Literally every single one, in every processor. There's no getting away from it.

It's also why CPU's took a 30% performance hit a year or two ago. The chinks figured out how to exploit it and were pilfering literally everything, fucking kek

I rather think about yo mama's backdoor user

Well, I guess it's time to stop using x86 CPUs altogether and to switch over to the Russian Elbrus CPUs.

Attached: The 5th Generation 28nm 8-Core VLIW Elbrus-8C Processor Architecture.png (6164x1439, 2.3M)

It's ok Intel are designed in Israel , probably only Amman can backdoor Intel cpus so it's ok

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>stop sucking NSA's dick user that's gay
>Here, suck this KGB's dick that's no homo.

>tfw AMD

Intelcucks btfo

Attached: OkayChamp.jpg (300x300, 18K)

Depends on where you live, as an American I'd rather have the KGB spy on me... they can't do shit about anything as they are not an authority here.

you have to wait a few years. Lots of backdoors are pre bios, you can't really do anything. It's bigger than just your cpu.

The Elbrus CPUs actually have nice security features that no other CPU to date has and great performance per Watt, which is great for server.

Intel has the (((Management Engine))) and AMD has the (((TrustZone)))

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This is why I'm still scouring gumtree everyday for a nice AMD comp, despite finding tens of bargain intels.

>they can't do shit about anything as they are not an authority here.
'Cause it's absolutely impossible to share and exchange info between two intel agencies

risc v is the future

>Thoughts or opinions Jow Forums?
Meh i don't care, I've got nothing to hide

Judaism requires space travel. It's a mandatory obligation. Think about it...

God's Promise to Abraham is that Abraham's descendants will be more numerous than the stars in the heavens.

We've counted the stars (at least to a rough order of magnitude). There's about a billion trillion of them.

We've estimated how many people will live on Earth between now and when the sun burns out. VERY OPTIMISTICALLY it's a million trillion people.

The Earth is TOO SMALL to fulfill God's promise to Abraham. Even if the Jews genocide and replace EVERY SINGLE NON JEW thre would still be A BILLION TRILLION MORE STARS THAN DEACENDANTS OF ABRAHAM.

Therefore, we must conclude that the will of God is a Jewish Galactic Empire. This is mandatory to fulfill what is written.

But who are the only people to have successfully run a manned interplanetary space program? Werner Von Braun and his team in the USA (from Operation Paperclip).

FACT 1: God's Promise to Abraham is that Abraham's children will colonize extra-solar planets. This is the only way for Abraham to have one child per star in heaven. (There are a LOT of stars, MUCH more than the number of people who could ever live on Earth during the entirety of its existence.)

FACT 2: The only people to ever engineer a rocket able to land a man on another planet...were Nazis.

OH NO their going to find my tentacle futa porn stash *GASP*

I hope it will redpill those jewtel engineers. Also protip for noobs, intel is an Israeli tech company.

No, the future belongs to Russian VLIW.

Attached: Elbrus-8SV.png (891x1519, 496K)

Good to bring back up every now and then.

Broadcom probably

hi kgb. hope your neck is ready for when we start hanging you soon

i have an AMD processor, checkmate glowniggers

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We don't know if they are actively comped like with Intel's Management Engine. Which is still a better gamble than Intel at the moment however. Just keep in mind AMD is also susceptible to the most recent architectural exploits, things that are a matter of the physical design choices of the chips. Not the software on them. In which case it is still better to have AMD because most exploits will be designed with Intel in mind first due to prevelance in production over AMD.

Good Luck, I'm Behind 7 Proxies

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doesn't help, they have their own version.

for anyone interested sells PC's with Intel ME largely disabled. this is he only kind of computer to generate cryptocurrency keys on.

jews will stay mad until the last of their women has diaspora'd out for chad's white dick

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>Thoughts or opinions Jow Forums?
If they want in they'll get in no matter what you do.

>using Intel

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proud threadripper 2 owner here

Stop posting your copypasta all over.

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I found out about this just recently. It's precious information that is worth sharing and repeating often. As far as I understand, you can disable the ME system on older ThinkPad models with Libreboot. I was thinking about buying a X220 laptop recently to do this.

Question though. Surely you are safe from spying if you don't connect to the internet or other wireless technologies. If your computer is an island, no body can access your data but you. Just do all your internet work on a separate computer.

Attached: Libreboot-compatible.png (830x1008, 124K)

Good topic, nice to see it on Jow Forums
Found this, and it was good reading:

>Question though. Surely you are safe from spying if you don't connect to the internet or other wireless technologies. If your computer is an island, no body can access your data but you. Just do all your internet work on a separate computer.
No, it's still not safe. They've got ways to get around air-gapped devices such as ultrasonic data transfer from the speaker, and that's just what we know of. Shit is legitimately terrifying.

Who doesn’t

old news is old. Welcome to 03


Is anyone even surprised at this point? Thank all your American friends first chance you get, btw.

I once read a paper where the researchers used genetic algorithms that eventually found a way to use existing hardware in unexpected ways. Sending electricity to specific components in such a way that they could use them for things like wireless transmission when that was not their intended purpose.

Cool they can read my supernatural fanfics

Wever never trusted the management engine. It is meant to turn a computer into a slave so that companies can control a shit load of computers at once. Imagine deploying 4000 computers in a large office building.

It's always been closed source and we know there is about a 100% chance it's back doored

Fun fact AMD has a similar tech so you better use a 20 year old pc or wait for arm to be safe.

Thankfully my computer doesn't have a speaker setup so I'm golden. Unless you count the headphone driver speakers.

What's the matter, OP? Are you scared your CP folder is getting outed?

One who has nothing to hide, has nothing to fear.

Hi, Shlomo

Is this why Intel CPUs are more powerful than AMD?

The CIA niggers and the militaries gave them alien technologies so that would have a bigger share of the market and could provide backdoors into more computers.

>One who has nothing to hide, has nothing to fear.
Until a malicious actor gets a hold of what you would consider harmless information and abuses it to fuck you over for his own benefit.

Fuck off with that rhetoric, they'll use it for good initially then slowly it'll get more and more tyrannical, that's why it's best never to even let it start, because that's where it's heading 100% of the time

They literally have total access to everyone's computer. What's stopping them from planting CP or something on someone they don't like?
>hint: nothing.

>alien technologies
>Few people know, but at the origins of the most famous in the world of Intel and Pentium were Soviet experts and engineers. In due time the USSR has made quite significant achievements in the development of computer technology.
Nope, Intel is based off of Russian intellect. Intel did not innovate anything.

Long time technology libertarian here, and after going deep enough down the rabbit hole, I'm starting to understand why they need this backdoor.
Not that I like it or am happy about it... I'm especially worried about who gets "legit" access to it.
It makes this a lot more complicated.

secrets and dirt are exactly what they're after.

what is stopping them from sabotage?
public scrutiny and credibility. If every computer was overly abused in such an obvious way, people would become wise to it and stop assuming it was secure. By limiting its abuse, they are helping to keep it secret.
This may still happen in some cases, but the fact that it is rare enough helps keep that truth hidden. Big agencies are only going to use it when it really matters.

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I have them bookmarked from a long time ago. I want their libram phones and laptops. Hardware backdoors are the Achilles heel of cryptocurrency and completely destroy the idea of privacy coins.
/biz out
Buy SKY coin kiddos

yep. Germans found some shit in the nineties too if I remember correctly. a backdoor in windows.

Are you referring to the WinNT NSA_KEY for code signing?

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oh no , hes gonna find my stash of race plates and learn that race is real

things that we already knew but were labelled as cospiracy theory

t. 90 IQ
You don't have to abuse it en masse, and no rational person would. Just a few politicians here or there, maybe a CEO or two.

>whats the Platform Security Processor
there are many companies that do that besides intel. killer, broadcom etc

Every single piece of mail gets scanned and input into a system. Mail covers. In theory it’s just the metadata: to from etc. In practice it would be easy to read the letters.

NSA Voice Recognition

Police Use Self-Destructing App to Avoid Discovery

DEA using hidden cameras on road signs. And streetlights, traffic cones, etc.

The CIA can hack computers that have no internet connection. Malware is designed to check computers that are air gapped, Stuxnet did that too. Brutal Kangaroo

British intelligence caught spying on privacy advocates.

NSA Using Parallel Construction to Assist Local Law Enforcement: Stingray

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I see the gray area. I've seen this sword cut both ways. Are we abusing it for our own interests?
Is it for our personal gain or is it to defend ourselves? I HOPE much of this is being used for good reasons, but I'm old enough to remember Russel Tice.

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happy hannukah

Attached: jews kill teenager and cheer on his death.webm (640x360, 2.41M)

>Thoughts or opinions

OP just now discovered his computer(s) is (are) a spying machine.
In case you didn't hear, Former Boss of the CIA Petraus proclaimed they could spy on us using dishwashers.

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I'm not into cheese pizza so I couldn't care less.

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a learning computer

theres plenty of other things to blackmail you and your family though
t. former nsa

It's Glenn Greenwald everybody!!!
How's that gay pron website working out for you?

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good thing they make hardware wallets to circumvent this problem.

>theres plenty of other things to blackmail you and your family though
I don't think the NSA is into blackmailing random nobodies m8

everybody is a nobody, until you start stepping out of line...

did you even read the part on the right of your own image OP


Old news. Yes they can do anything without you knowing. Even if the computer is off.

you're not being spied on through your
computer, saturn watches everything you
do above your head, where your dead sun
disc is.

why do you think they wear cubes on their
head, morons.

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>buying Intel

Why does it matter? Do they want to see my patrician porn collection?

AMD Ryzen masterrace here

Intel CPoos deserve all their spying and Israeli intrusion

So if I wear a box on my head I'll unlock magic §aturn powers.

>Sounds legit

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