Should I delete my folders

I feel like hoarding porn/hentai is devolving me , i started off with vanilla , but now im getting into /d/ terrirory and violent shit.

Would deleting the folders help and going back to normal shit / nofapping for a while help?

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Probably not.
You'll just have to accept who you are and deal with it, or not.

dont do this

we seek greater things, a lot of us don't like to stay stagnated for a long time.

30 years ago people my age would beat their meat to a playboy found in the woods

now i watch gaping asshole rape porn

stop the fapping

You sound like you're just a sicko that doesn't want to admit he's ill. It's not the porn, you just have some twisted fantasies and issues with women. Oh well lol

I did admit it though- thats why im here

Bull fucking shit. I'm 30 and have been watching porn since...well forever. You're into sick shit because you're a sick person. You seek it out and try to rationalize it by saying "well, I'm just getting bored with this stuff".

I agree, I've been into porn since I was 12 and I'm 30+ now and this has never been something I considered an issue.

I really don't see an issue here...

Do you feel like you're going to actually hurt someone? Or do you just get off witht his shit.

>gaping asshole rape porn
So what? That's nothing.
Don't be such a prudish puritan.

I know ill never act on it, i just wanted to keep it in check is all , it makes me feel sick afterwards

How can I stop my fetishes ? Not OP but I'm into sick shit also. What do ?

Exactly. I've been on this website for a long ass time. I've seen it all. I've seen scat, traps, asshole creampies, wincest...everything. Been watching porn for a while, never got into that shit.

As long as you're not going to hurt anyone, and as long as it's nothing illegal, there shouldn't be a problem. It's just your fucking kink. And who fucking knows, you might even meet a chick or guy that's into some of that shit. I don't know, just don't hurt anyone. If you ever feel like that, then that's when you need help.

Block the stuff that makes you feel sick.
As in, manually block sites where you can't access them any longer.

Why do you need to do anything about it?

Outright hoarding porn can often be harmful for your mental health since collecting new material easily becomes an obsessive habit. There's nothing wrong with saving stuff you really, really like, but when you just save every single pic you found remotely hot, it only leads to you seeing that pic as "already collected and thus old". This then makes you look for new content including stuff you once found creepy or weird; the gradual process of desensitization can eventually fuck you up significantly.

Op here, this is me 100% . Started off with just collecting incase for power outages (was 15 when i started) ----> vids ----> rule 34 ---> hentai ---> futa /d/ crap -----> rape play ..... you get the idea

How much have you hoarded?

Dont know if its replying to me (op) but ive deleted my folders multiple times over the years and restarted getting up to 400 gigs at most and 20 gigs at least -- at least 6 different times. Not a huge amount compared to some legends on this site but it still was a lot

You may as well give up then.

Nah, im gonna keep trying,

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Well, I suppose you will, since you probably derive gratification from the deletion as well.
The collecting is the masturbating and the deletion is the orgasm.

Nah not really. It really doesnt feel good to delete it since i put "work" into building it up.

So you're a masochist then?

There is literally no other option except to quit cold turkey. The demons will come, and it will be a very violent battle, you're fighting over your soul here, afterall. But if you weather the storm, you will come out a new man, and it will eventually lead you to victories you couldn't have imagined. We've all had to face the music eventually, or continue to climb deeper and deeper into hell (or devolve, as you say).

or at the least, self-destructive

Look my man, Youre trying way too hard to fit me to what you think I am. I have a problem and i struggle to fix it, thats how it is, now what you are saying

Become a puritan then.

It's only a problem because you make it be one.
Your struggle against is your true problem.
Don't struggle, but also don't give in.
Let it be nothing.

Will do

Delet your folders.
Masturbate 1-5 times a week without porn like a normal person (i know porn is the new normal statistically but u know damn well its not normal).
When you masturbate, use the session to calmly explore and re-connect with your own body. Touch yourself gently and see what touches turn you on. This is a much more wholesome way of enjoying your sexuality than sitting in front of a computer screen. Nofap is a crock of shit because sexuality is a rewarding and joyful part of being alive. And if you consciously do it in a self-loving, conscious thoughtful way, you'll realize you've never actually been dependent on a computer screen for your sexuality after all.

It will help

Because nothing else gets me off except for my fetishes and it's basically causing porn induced erectile dysfunction