Why do I hate everything modern?

I hate emojis, hipster glasses, vegan and Paleo diets, avocado toast, girls with drawn eyebrows and chocker necklaces, trap music, using the words bae or boo, the millennial whoop, and any current movies, video games, or music. I'm 23, and I don't think it's some stupid "I was born in the wrong generation" thing because I would of felt the same way 10-20 years ago. Why do I feel this way, and how do I make it stop? It doesn't feel healthy to hate everything in mainstream culture, but neither does forcing myself to eat shit.

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I know what you mean. I like avocado and toast BUT NOT TOGETHER

>that 23 year old boomer who hates everything modern because he can't fit in with the kids

What do you like then?

You're not alone. Don't give up.

I'm sure it tastes good but the fact people do it makes me cringe. Sprinkle some flax
seeds on it and look like the girl on the left in this picture, that's the epitome about what I hate.

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Sorry your culture sucks, you grey goose chugging trap banging moron.
I like programming low level software development, and reading books. But I can't keep focus because of this hyper social snap chat tinder dtf PC culture.

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Because you are fat overweight live with mom have sense of fashion a stupid haircut and a lame shitbox if a car.

Get fucked neet loser.

In other words, you're and don't know what to do about it?

I really don't like any of that stuff either. Well, I've never had avocado toast, so I don't know, but I probably wouldn't like it.

I live my life normally and these things never really come up in conversation.

>. But I can't keep focus because of this hyper social snap chat tinder dtf PC culture.

What does this even mean?

How does other people using snapchat and being DTF on tinder affect you at all?

>Because you are fat overweight live with mom
>Have sense of fashion
You can't even write an insult without a following compliment.
I'm not racist or homophobic, and whenever I go there it's nothing but conspiracy babble.

Same, though I do like avocado toast.

Mainstream culture always pretends that it is what 95% of all people are like. Most people, however, are not. Most people don't like capeshit, most people think chokers are silly. They go along because you do not get other stuff, e.g. it was fucking hard to get nice cheap non skinny jeans for men for some years. Or because they are not so flashy.

There is just the media and the loud retards. I can guarantee you that there are more people who feel like you than people who actually like that stuff.

Maybe you're trying to make yourself seem more interesting through rejection of popular things. I mean, I don't care for most of these things either, but it doesn't bother me either, I just live my life. I recommend you to do the same. Instead of focusing on what you hate, cultivate some actual hobbies. Don't waste your time with needless negativity. That shit just makes you bitter and boring.

What about the other 10 or so things I mentioned? Do you have access to mainstream media?
I love Tinder, it's this slang, these fucking words, this culture. Wtf do I do, move to Canada?

>i hate emojis
Dont use them
>hipster glasses
Dont wear them
>vegan and paleo diet
Dont follow them
>avocado toast
Dont eat it
>girls with drawn eyebrows and choker necklaces
Dont look at them
>trap music
Dont listen to it
>using bae or boo
Dont use them
>the millenial whoop
Dont listen to it or use them in your compositions
>and any current movies, vg's or music
Dont watch them, play them, or listen to them

>Why do I feel this way
You're an introvert and notice patterns and context a bit easier than most people might, so the trivialities dont mean as much to you as the big picture does.
>how do i make it stop?
Set your own trends, dress act amd consume media the way (You) choose to, and also realize that every single trend is fleeting. Those hipster glasses and side-part undercut fade haircuts will look just as stupid in ten years as mullets and flip-shades do today.

I dislike most of the things you mentioned to. I have a hard time trying to look like others, so I dont care. I do my own thing, and keep a look out for similar minded people.

Capeshit is?
So would it be most effective to uninstall Facebook and stop watching TV?

I realize this hatred is further isolating me, not some ego boost.

>Do you have access to mainstream media
I've been stuck on this website for over a fucking decade, I think so....

I'm in the major city in Canada. Its the same here and worse. You'll be looked at weird if you use plastic and dont drink from micro-breweries.

>Capeshit is?
>So would it be most effective to uninstall Facebook and stop watching TV?
I have neither Facebook nor TV and am quite happy, but my friends and family are also mostly not there, so I do not miss out if I am only reachable over messangers. I can imagine for other people having no facebook means missing out on a bunch of social stuff.

Well you can only hate it if you're constantly around it and are exposing yourself to it. Ignorance is bliss, in this way, so maybe stop exposing yourself to it? If you have social media, this may be difficult. In fact I've often felt social media is essentially one giant brainwashing site. Nothing really positive can come of it long-term.

Something inside you is yearning for more. So let me ask you, what things do interest you? What do you like? If you don't know, perhaps you just haven't been exposed to the right things yet, or haven't had the right people there to guide you.

I also hate all modern music and what has essentially come to be equated as a 'social media trend'. It's tough to find someone who understands me sometimes. Life can be lonely. Maybe this is your cross to bare. But you aren't alone, so don't ever think that.

For me as an anob whos into cosplay shit, facebook is literally the only venue to get connected to other cosplayers beyond /cgl/, most other cosplay related forums are dead or on life support.

I mean its not like i hate facebook, i enjoy that it keeps me connected to the people i want to be connected with its just some small details that im not fond of


Chokers were around since ancient Egypt. It's not modern. During french Revolution women were wearing them as well. It's all over he fashion from many times.

There are some good current movies out there, the same as music and games.

Also it is an angst phase which you will get over eventually


Toronto. Van city is probably even worse. Ive never been but it seems even more "progressive." And I'm politically a progressive but some of the poseur shit is nauseating.

The worst thing is is the fact that I want female friends to better relate with but they are the ones most obsessed with trends like these and especially most often are vegan, even though it's proven that vegan diets can slowly kill you and has killed many children due to forced vegan diets. Let's not forget the trend to dress up your 6 year old in a bikini bra and revealing underwear, and no one questions about how shady that all seems. People are dumb, I guess. Not all, but most just want to fit in.

Honestly, I have such a strong hate for the modern times that I literally just watch older TV shows, play older games, read older books, everything. Because there's no culture anymore and the only choice left is to go back, as cringey as that sounds. The lack of culture is the reason everyone identities as a weird fake sexuality or gender these days. Youth themselves don't like the culture hence the vaporwave trend being a thing. It's not your age, it's you genuinely seeing how cheaper and more sloppily things get made these days, from news, art, products, trends to everything else. Best thing to do is learn to view it all in a comedic way and learn to get amused by how bad things have gotten. You know it's bad when half of youth's literal culture is retarded "ironic" memes that have little to no proper comedic value.

If you want to, we can exchange discords and talk more in depth about how to learn to live with the current generation, it's different advice for different people.

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I've never heard of the 6 year old bikini bra thing.
I think it says a lot when Nintendo, gamings biggest influence, has been going in full circle for 20 years. I remember hearing the NES Super Mario Bros theme in Luigi's Mansion, that was in 2001. I stopped buying games when I was 15, I bought a Switch with Mario Odessey, but noticed I was forcing myself to play it. It literally felt like workout discipline "Okay it's been 3 days since you played", so I sold it.
I think after going to college I've just become more aware, and generally smarter. When I was a teenager I thought Family Guy and That 70s show were the shit. Now it literally makes me frustrated, whether it's Seth MacFarlane's frat boy style homophobia or Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis with a laugh track for 30 minutes. I should probably just read books.


Mass culture has always been lowest common denominator shit. Instead of focusing on what you hate focus on what opportunities you have to access the things you love. Focus on how you can impact the world using your creative drive and potential in a positive way. Try and figure out why you feel the need to motivate yourself and define your personality through a position of conflict and hate. Nobody is forcing you to be an outsider, you are just adopting this position because it gives you identity, but you will impact upon others with greater success by using positivity.

I used to like chokers, they're reminiscent of past centuries. But as soon as thots started wearing them just because they're the "in" thing right now, the fact that they couldnt give a shit before it became fashionable and will stop giving a shit soon, makes me keep away from chokers.

OP I'm in the same boat. I'm only 28 but I've been feeling like this more and more the past few years. I can't stand the vapid world of today, sometimes I get so lonely and empty that I think of killing myself because I can't fit in. Not sure if I could fit if I was born in the 1910s 1810s or whatnot.
I don't like to feel this hateful, but I dislike so much even seeing them or hearing them on the street. It's no escaping them. I wish all we old souls could flock somewhere in the mountains and build our own little civilization and culture

Because it's different than what you grew up with

As a teen I can agree 100% OP. It is a sign of societal decadence and the sooner this decadence comes to an end our distain for this world will come to an end.

I like some modern things, but detest most of current trends. I've been told that it's because I have character of an old spinster and don't know how to have fun, and maybe they are right, but I just don't like degeneracy and I hate avocado.

I guess it depends where you live, but in my area there's many little 4 to 6 year old girls wearing those biski things that only grown up women should ever consider wearing. Also just try finding some decent older shows, I got bored of television for a lot of years, until I began trying out older stuff and found a lot of good stuff I'd end up binge watching.

Oh, also, you forgot to add the # number with the name, so can't add you without it.

I wouldn't go far enough to say kys, physical culture isn't that important these days. I've also thought about moving somewhere remote. I feel like we were made to, at least more than this society we have.
I wouldn't listen to anyone telling you it's because you don't know how to have fun, that's pretty weak insight. I know what you mean about the degeneracy however, it's pretty sad how sex is more respectful than religion. I'm agnostic, but we've completely lost merit. It's a strange world when people are concerned over caged free eggs, but they'll have anal sex with strangers.
Ok Ive seen that at the beach. Pretty much everyone has been wearing yoga pants since 2011. While it's a major turn on, it goes to show the way we're heading. You could argue the 60s was progression of sex and love. But was it really, or was it just a bunch of people drug addled enough to believe it. Even though I've never been a big fan of punk, I respect how in the 70s it was a complete slap in the face to that naive flower power lifestyle.
@ttte #8882

Just ignore it or don't participate in any of it. I still live like it's the fucking nineties. It just works.

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Lmao, spotted the asshurt pussy who unironicay listens to soundcloud rappers.

My username is "deleted User" by the way, so don't freak out. Also, you're the only person I know who actually references the "revolution" of sex from the 60s and you'd be correct, it was a cancer seed planted decades ago that just degraded society. It was propaganda all along and now we have little girls who barely can speak, already wearing revealing clothing, doing their nails and lipstick, etc. Instead of growing up as actual small children.

TL;DW - Society has issues, and a lot of people don't like mainstream junk.

>not racist/homophobic
Depends on whose standards you're dealing with. Some of the more radical leftists/"""anti-racists""" consider many normal behaviours as "racist", such as white people being attracted to or wanting to live near people of their own race.
>nothing but conspiracy babble
Race and IQ is a conspiracy?

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Just as some people's personalities are defined by what other people like some people's personalities are defined by rejected things that other people like. Your rejection of everything "mainstream" is merely an extension of your psychological penchant for isolationism. Either you enjoy being on the outside looking in because it satiates your need for uniqueness and rebellion or you despise being on the outside looking in so you've developed an ideology that disparages anyone who has the the sense of belonging you wish you had. You view admitting that you could even possibly enjoy any of these things as admitting that you are lesser; just another sheep in the flock. You despise that feeling of conformity therefore you despise anything that could lend to the idea that you are not special or somehow set apart from these people. It doesn't really have anything to do with the objective quality of eyeglass frames, trap music or popular movies. This all has to do with your inner conflict with modern society and your feeling of belonging.

>Race and IQ is a conspiracy?
Yes. IQ tests are horrifically inaccurate measurements of general intelligence. Additionally, any scientist worth their salt could tell you that the amount of environmental, developmental and socioeconomic factors that contribute to a person's IQ are so numerous that attempting to make any sort of definitive claim about the ties between race and IQ is logically bankrupt at best.

I used to be like this. It started going away around the time I started smoking weed. It really opens up your mind creatively.

>live and let live dude
Soft, flake shit people like you are why we're in this cultural dark age.

Cause you chose to come here first and get entertained by this place's memes and "culture." That's why you think that "soi" picture is funny, or sad frog, or musing/rambling about race all the time.

Everyone who has ever lived thought their culture was in a state of decay, youre not the first and you won't be the last. I can guarantee that whatever you consider mainstream isn't actually mainstream, the same way I don't consider Jow Forums and alt-right to be "hipster." There are people who live on twitter and instagram, but there's a whole lot of a bunch of people who live in the real world and talk like "normal people" You just wouldn't know about them because you think in binary and think everyone is either reddit or Jow Forums, either red pilled or blue pilled, you don't want to go out and actually live life, you just want to sit around and complain about how everyone is wrong with liking what they like. I personally don't know of anyone who is a vegan for the sake of it, and what's so wrong with emojis in the first place?

>why we're in this cultural dark age.
Why is it that every edgy faggot with a superiority complex wants to pretend that they're living in the only period of human history that has ever had trends or fads? What is so offensive about the concept of pulling the stick out of your ass and letting people enjoy shit? I like how its never any personal qualm either, its always this super shitty "BUT THE WORLD IS ENDING" gripe-fest about how its somehow your holy duty to defend society against the destructive scourge of other people having fun in ways you don't find enjoyable.

Find older friends. But they'd probably find you insufferable, too. Let me guess, the books you read are stuff like Goethe.

A lot of people like you act contrarian for so long that it actually becomes part of their personality.

I have a buddy who acts like it not because it gives him a hipster ego boost, but because it makes him feel like he's the odd one out, a martyr in a stupid way.

If you want to try and cure yourself, realize that nobody likes ALL of the stereotypes of people of this time. Find things you like, and try and find contemporary renditions of them. Like old hip hop? Try some new, mainstream hip hop. Maybe you won't like some of it, or maybe even all any of it, but keep trying.

I don't think you really want to though, then you won't be able to blame others for your lack of relating to other humans.

Right? People act like the reason they can't find new music/etc they like nowadays is because the worlds culture is going into the shitter

But in reality, they're just sensitive crybabies who listen to one album they dislike and decide the whole cultures fucked. Nah dude you just suck at finding music

You don't have to like any of that stuff. However its not going to go away. Live your life the way you want, do the stuff you want to do. Focusing energy into things that don't bring you pleasure will cause resentment.

You can take IQ tests without any sort of socioeconomic barriers (pic related)
I will admit that even someone with a Genius-level IQ will have their general academic performance stunted if raised poorly. But by that same token, all the environmental factors in the world can't make a retard into a genius.

Also, it's silly to think that races can evolve different physical traits, but couldn't possibly evolve different mental capabilities.
Europeans and Asians have the two highest average IQ scores, and this is reflected in the advanced societies they create.
Sub-Saharan Africans and Aborignals have a noticeably lower average IQ, which is reflected in their lack of technologcial progress. A lack of evolutionary pressure doesn't help this.

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