>Playing The Game
Quick Rundown;
Stop POINTLESS protesting
Stop marching in honeypots
None of these are Praxis (action).
All you need is around 10 million whites to do the following and the rest falls into place;
>Embrace a coherent European ethnic identity & mythos.
If any core aspect of identity can be "shared" with an outgroup you are ripe for subversion and replacement. There is no "human" tribe, only Goyim. Better yet, take back English, Scottish, Welsh & Irish symbolism as your own and yours alone (which it is, you are the descendants of these people).
>Have as many children as possible
10 million can become 50 million In a single generation, see Amish etc.
>Embrace traditional values etc and reject all Goyim values
There is a reason why Unite The Right flopped and it's because normies ARE the alt right (historically and currently) to put in bluntly the left have managed to package tyranny, degeneracy, freaks and brown invaders together to fight wholesome, liberty loving whites.
They won't win this, whites on the fence will come to US not to them. WE just have to appear strong, consistent and wholesome. Likewise reject anything that can be shared with other groups.
>Vote in nationalists
Don't give up completely on democracy and vote for Nationalists whenever possible.
>Unilateral secession
Do what the Amish, the Jews and the Muslims do; in group support networks, businesses, child care, home schools etc.
What not to do;
Remember this; The invaders/those who facilitate them are not doing so through a position of strength, they are doing so through white inaction.
always ignore eddie.