Can you use Tums to relieve Esophagitis? Not cure or treat, just relieve it?

Can you use Tums to relieve Esophagitis? Not cure or treat, just relieve it?

I don't yet have the cash to go see a doctor or clinic (I is American you see).

Attached: 2man.jpg (1024x1200, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Obamacare or Medicaid, (stop trying to make America look bad, there is free medical care if you just fill out a two page form...).

I lost both those last year because of the Trumpcare fiasco.

>there is free medical care
There isn't.

>american can't handle criticisms against his country as usual

Also, Obamacare and Medicaid (which your government is trying to get rid of both) aren't alternatives to the fact that your country has the worst healthcare in the word right now. Even third world warzones have better healthcare.

If it is due to acid reflux, yes, it can relieve.
If it is due to allergies, no, it cannot.

What do you typically eat before the onset?

It's been going on for a couple weeks, but in spurts. Except yesterday, when my esophagus had this burning gas in it for several hours.

Also, although I'm cutting down now, I binge drink.

>when my esophagus had this burning gas in it for several hours.
"burning gas" is a new one for me, not sure what you mean. I would recommend trying to figure out what causes it - typically after you consume something, if it happens, then it is most likely related.
Be careful with Tums, although they can relieve, if you take too many after a meal, you will vomit.

Good luck!

>"burning gas" is a new one for me, not sure what you mean.
As in, it felt like this pocket of air that burns when it touch the skin. Don't know how else to describe it. It even came out in my burps. Almost like hot breath.

There is... I have free health and dental... including prescription costs.

Keep telling yourself that... aren’t they calling you to prayers?

>Almost like hot breath.
After you drink? or after what? Again, you need to know the triggering event. Try to minimize that event. In the meantime, use tums and see if it fixes it. If you have "alcohol breath" however, tums won't fix it.

>After you drink? or after what?
Just randomly. Whether or not I'm consuming anything.

>Again, you need to know the triggering event.
There doesn't seem to be any (specific) triggers. Just comes out of random and lingers for a few minutes (or hours as was yesterday).

Those are hospitals and clinics, not healthcare systems. The US also has some of the best universities in the world, yet the education system is also ranked among the worst.

Omitting one word that changes your contextual argument...

>I specifically go to war zones for the superior healthcare system, le kek.

Reading comprehension


Your head

You're an idiot, dude.

>your country has the worst healthcare in the word(sic)

Not true.

>US healthcare worst in the developed world, study finds


>The U.S. Has the Worst Health Care System on This List

>Study: US healthcare system is worst among 11 developed nations

>U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World

And we've been well aware about America's failing healthcare system since the Bush administration. It's one of the worst failings for not just the US, but the world in general. And is absurdly lackluster, and doesn't even cover the bare basics unless you can afford four golden LED-TVs a week. The fact your country makes you pay out their arse for a basic checkup (as presumedly with OP) is a problem. The fact your only options are privatised insurance is a problem for very, VERY obvious reasons. The fact you are actively trying to get rid of Obamacare and Medicaid in favour for what are nothing more than savings accounts at the bank is a problem, American. The fact your people have to avoid basic treatments and appointments with the doctor because of money is a problem, American. The fact you don't always treat mental health as a priority, and not all of your insurance covers it, is a problem, American. The fact you fucks have to pay anything AT ALL when it comes to health, small or a big, is absurd, and a problem, American.

And where are you from?

Jamaica Mon!

As an American, I wholeheartedly agree. It’s a broken system (haven’t gotten a checkup in 4 years) and I would want out of this hellhole if my family didn’t live here.

American health care only sucks if you're poor. It's not my fault those people are lazy and couldn't better themselves. If you're poor and lazy you're better off to society dead anyways.

All the same reports from a lobbying firm that shill hospital management software.

How did you lose your coverage?

Where are you located, I can find free healthcare in most places...

See all those stories... this one says they are untrue. So which is it.

1). Daily Mail and TheTime.Co.Uk are reputable for being bad sources of news.
2). Those are all cherrypicked and exceptional cases that are par for the course of any infrastructure.
3). Even with all those, there are still miles better than the healthcare in the US.

Not really better. At least we get semi private rooms. You fall for the propaganda.

OP is probably too lazy to find what’s available to him. I live in a tiny town and every month there is a free wellness screening for anyone that walks in...

Being put on a waiting list is not miles better healthcare to those being put on said list.

Some of these are because the NHS covers nearly everyone. More people means longer waits, and higher risks due to simple logistics. Which is actually a good thing, as opposed to having citizens who can't pay for basic check-ups.

This is also a correlation/causation thing.

Having free and easy access to healthcare is is a lot better than what the US has. Having the ability to keep your health in check without the stress of finances and adjustments to your daily schedule is miles better than the sketchy policies that go on with both insurance and health industries in this country. Even as an American, I would rather have this than what we have now.

>OP is probably too lazy to find what’s available to him.
Or he doesn't have access to it. A lot of people here don't, and haven't since Pre-9/11. Whether or not he works for it is irrelevant.

And a local hospital covers everyone in that location. It doesn’t matter if you can pay or not... there is no need to pay for a basic checkup if there is one available for free. Like I said, people are lazy, there are tons of free services that go unused because they haven’t a clue the service is there, waiting for them if they are in need.

You also apparently don’t understand that the healthcare services in place for poor people here is often better than those working with company paid care.

these are problems with the infrastructure. not the healthcare.

>And a local hospital covers everyone in that location.
Yeah, one American to another, that is not true.

>It doesn’t matter if you can pay or not...
Yes it does for millions of people who can't afford it.

>there is no need to pay for a basic checkup if there is one available for free.
I've lived in one big town, and four small ones. I have never paid for anything less than $50-100 just to get a simple appointment here. And I've been with two different insurances.

>Like I said, people are lazy
That doesn't matter.

>there are tons of free services that go unused because they haven’t a clue the service is there, waiting for them if they are in need.
It's because they're either suspicious, inadequate, or nonexistent.

>You also apparently don’t understand that the healthcare services in place for poor people here is often better than those working with company paid care.
Healthcare services for the poor practically don't exist here.


In Albert Square you see your GP, he says you need minor surgery. You get put on a list and six months later you get surgery.

In the Watts you visit the private doctor of your choice, he says you need surgery and schedules with you a booking at the hospital in two weeks.

Obviously our idea of “better” is different.

A waiting period for surgical procedures is actually quite reasonable, even if it's six months.

>Obviously our idea of “better” is different.
You disparage the poor as "lazy" and elected an orange as president. Your idea of "better" is completely false.

>In the Watts you visit the private doctor of your choice, he says you need surgery and schedules with you a booking at the hospital in two weeks.
Because we cover far less people, which means more room. That's not a good thing.

What are you on about?

Like I said, there are services out there underutilized because people don’t Google or ask the correct questions.

If you haven’t looked for it, please don’t say it doesn’t exist.

Many are... truth isn’t a disparaging remark actually.

Name a poor place in the US and I will show you the free care there...

>Like I said, there are services out there underutilized because people don’t Google or ask the correct questions.
They're underused because they don't really exist. They shouldn't have to ask the right questions just to have good health.

>If you haven’t looked for it, please don’t say it doesn’t exist.
Googling them right now, and none aren't coming up that weren't the first to fall due the Trumpcare debacle last year.

>Many are... truth isn’t a disparaging remark actually.
Bigotry is no excuse, if you think the bullshit you're spouting is "truth."

>Name a poor place in the US and I will show you the free care there...
That's not the point. It doesn't negate the fact you have so many people uninsured is a huge problem with the US. And the fact so many can't get insured is still a huge problem. Whatever "free services" you have are not valid alternatives and not valid choices.

If you think $72,000 lodging is better...

That's not what semantics are.

Forgot pic.

Attached: 1529170498861.png (650x866, 762K)

Look, we have FREE COVERAGE for anyone that is poor, the only caveat is they need to fill out a three page form... we have subsidized coverage for those working poor, and the upper classes are presumed to be able to manage coverage from their employer.

If filling out a form prevents you from getting healthcare, then yes, you’re lazy in my book.

>Look, we have FREE COVERAGE for anyone that is poor
We don't.

>we have subsidized coverage for those working poor
We don't.

>If filling out a form prevents you from getting healthcare, then yes, you’re lazy in my book.
Having no money must also be lazy in your book.

Attached: bemused-spongebob.jpg (228x320, 21K)

>We have free/subsidised cover
Google says otherwise. In fact, the last free services I'm finding were when Obongo was in office.

What state do you live in?

A lot of these "free" services are highly limited and come with a lot of catches. In fact, I don't I can ever call them health services, since there's very little of that. You guys also only have 300 free clinics that are slowly closing. :S

What city are you in?


Yeah crickets in here now... see, I could show you how you’re wrong, but you just want to be right...

Did the Russian’s really pay you to post this?

>I could show you how you’re wrong
If you have to state explicitly, you've already lost the argument. :S

>but you just want to be right
That's everyone who debates.

Not really since location is the key; you see they are saying there isn’t anything free or available in their location, but there is. If they would just say Los Angeles or Reading, I can show them the error in their ways.

>see, I could show you how you’re wrong, but you just want to be right...
You first have to post information that isn't also wrong, Kettle.

I make very little money, am old enough to be unable to qualify as a dependent so I'm not on my parents' insurance, and do not qualify for most of the programs available here. If I was one of the lucky people who did qualify, I have checked, there are virtually zero doctors (GP, certain specialists I need to see, therapists/psychologists, and so on) in the area who accept medicaid.

Since doctors/dentists here also do not accept payment plans (I've asked and looked around) I pay on a credit card, then pay it off over time. I pay out of pocket for both doctors and dentists as well as for therapy. I had to stop therapy for a while because it's eating up too much of my paycheck (and I had to pay four grand for another medical expense), even though I was with a therapist who offers a sliding scale. I cannot afford to go on any anitdepressants or see a psychiatrist for it to begin with, nor can I afford to have any of the medicine I do need for physical reasons.

There are people the system in America simply doesn't help. There's a lot of shortcomings of the American health care system, and while I do really like that we aren't put on massive waiting lists for serious things, we've still got our own very serious problems with accessibility in this country for healthcare, and those problems are honestly much worse.

>Not really since location is the key; you see they are saying there isn’t anything free or available in their location, but there is.
They spent the entire thread arguing otherwise. I'd say there isn't any services for them.

>I can show them the error in their ways.
That's controlling and abusive.

Have you ever checked the with the drug maker for free meds?

i did when I was suffering similar issues as . got rejected four times because I didn't qualify.

Again, those aren't valid alternatives.

So you dismiss without trying...

You first have to actually have something to try in order for that to happen.

Not honestly sure how I would go about doing that. I know one of the medications I need offers some discounts, but as far as I'm aware they give them out to doctors and specialists primarily, who them pass them out to their patients. That's how I used to get them when I was on my parent's insurance at least. Even then it only covered the cost of the co-pay though.

Any advice for it?

He's saying it's not a valid and sustainable solution for the country at large. But I assume you're offering it more for an individual scale anyway.

Seems to 4chanish of a lie.

I'm going to hedge my bets to say that he did try, only to be denied those services.

Attached: bbbrrrraaaaaappp.jpg (1092x766, 101K)

Medicaid is only for the poorest of the poor. Since OP has internet, I highly doubt it.

Drug companies to lower the their ax burden offer meds to people for free. You apply and they hook you up.

(No it’s not a supporting argument for our great medical care, just another note to personally help).

But that is most of America.

She was born a biological male, right?

The drug industry actually has had the most problems with these throughout the 2010s, particularly with jacking up prices left-and-right (ex.: Shrkeli).

>just another note to personally help
It's not.

Most of America is middle class. That disqualifies you for Medicaid. For them, Obamacare would be a better choice (or was).

I'll look into that.
Coincidentally epipens are one of the things I need.

Because of the healthcare here in the US, I almost never went to the doctors for my entire life. Obamacare was first instituted in my mid-twenties, and through it I was finally able to get check-ups. It was then, I had a whole sleuth of medical conditions that went undiagnosed up until then.

Sadly, when Trump tried to dismantle the ACA, my coverage went with it, and my conditions back to untreated. In addition, clinics in this town no longer accept you unless you have cash upfront. And the next free clinic according to Google is at least 50 miles out (I have no car or friends and family to drive me el-oh-el).

Whoever keeps arguing that the US healthcare isn't that bad is talking out of their ass.

You release they never did anything... it’s still there. And actually the more that sign up, the more difficult it is for them to remove it; that removal was just to expand Medicaid to be more inclusive BTW.

you guys have the best doctors, but the worst access. and you push a whole cascade of additional fees and prices any time a person is actually in need of a doctor. you also have other banditries like drug companies practically extorting both doctors and patients. the entire system is corrupt and flat out immoral.

So why not get Medicaid?

Tell me your town...

According to all the times me and my family applied, not qualified.


On the grounds of... ?

So you have Obamacare then.

>On the grounds of... ?
Not poor enough.

>So you have Obamacare then.
Not anymore.

Where are you please, city, state?

Are there 4 people in your village? My little town is 21K, it has 4 free clinics...

>Whoever keeps arguing that the US healthcare isn't that bad is talking out of their ass.
It's not that bad when you're not a poorfag with a shitty job. Why don't you quit being such a lazy fucker, get a better job that provides decent health insurance, and quit being a bitter poorfag.

Still there...

I'm not revealing that since it's a small town with the only name in this country. (It was also a huge Trump town el-oh-el)

About little over of 150 people. We only have two clinics, one a dental.

Also four clinics for 21,000 seems small. I've seen smaller towns with more clinics.

Because the majority have free healthcare, they don’t need the clinics...

there isn't any free healthcare in america. services and programs. but no free healthcare.

It's also saying I'm not eligible...


To the 80 million people using it, it’s free to them.

Most of America calls themselves middle class, the numbers speak otherwise.

There's no free healthcare in the US as of now. And anything accomplished under the Affordable Care Act only did that, make it affordable, not free. You would have to restructure roughly 15-20% of your entire economy to have free healthcare.

Where are you from, oh armchair wizard?


OK, see if you are poor here, you fill out a form and you get same day free medical coverage. Say you didn’t fill out the form and get hit by a car, the hospital will have a caseworker fill out the form with you while they treat you.

Even over here, we know that doesn't happen -_-

we don't have anything like that here in the states...

When I got stabbed and had no insurance, none of that happened. I still had to pay $2,000 in bills.


>bike accident
>amputated shin
>no forms
>still $15,000 bill
where the hell do you live that they even give you papers for free healthcare?

You’re full of shit too.