Comedian Owen Benjamin believes moon landing was fake


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good for him i guess


Him and Pro Basketball player stephen curry.

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He's asking the right questions. The NASA scientists he shows in the video seem like autistic people telling blatant lies.


He was joking

He's not joking. And I'm starting to believe him.

Why are scientists today trying to figure out how to safely get past the Van Allen belt (BOTH WAYS) and return safety to earth... when they figured this out in 69?...

Yeah, NASA stands for never a straight answer.

Stephen Curry had to apologize for saying he didn't believe the moon landing. There are sports players that don't even apologize for rapes. Really makes ya think.

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who? discuss what? why?

Supposedly. All kinds of bullshit excuses as to why we never went back to the Moon, but they're talking about going to Mars which is far more difficult and expensive, uh huh. baka

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Remember, NASA is trying to convince us muh global warming is a threat.

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Go back to sleep. s m h

Really does make one think.
It seems like the push for Mars is just this new "religion" of space travel. That's the heavens we can reach!... just pipe dreams perverts like Neil Grabyoass Tyson and Shill Nye the Shekels Guy push to reddit teir basedboys

NASA Can't Go Beyond Low Earth Orbit | Flat Earth Firmament

It's been fun watching Owen become redpilled. Would be neat to have him talk to Sammyboy.

Yeah, NASSHOLES indeed ! I fucking really Hate nasa now.

They slipped up many times that we haven't gone beyond Low Earth Orbit; obama has even said it.

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>believing the moon actually exists
Not likely

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Let's get these NASA moon landing memes going boys.

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I like it.

I hope Owen keeps this up. He NEEDS to see clips of those astronaut interviews where the green screens glitch... woman with jelled up hair.... wires catching clothes...

They been lying to us for many many years, and stealing tons of money! Nassholes get more money than the NRA I bet. Fuck, I'm pissed.

Stopped reading right there.

Retarded faggot.

No skin off my back, go back to sleep.

All spells put on the west. Mass hypnosis. Break the spell.

Big Bear?

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I've come to realize every time I talk to a person that thinks the moon landing was fake they only know about the Apollo 11 landing and are completely unaware of the other 6 missions

Those 6 other missions put people on the moon, right?

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Translate plz I can't read sputnik

>Neil Grabyoass Tyson and Shill Nye the Shekels Guy

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Ty Izzie

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yeah they all landed

Moon EXISTS the moon landing is a hoax. Owen is on to something.


Owen Benjamin

I’m not your friend in any way but you need to seek help. You are suffering a mental illness and it’s taking a toll on your family and career . Seek help before you hurt yourself or someone you love

So do they all have footage of being on the moon?

Okay Nasshole.

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Yeah. Made up CGI footage. Meanwhile keep the money donations to Nassholes.

I wonder how these people will cope when we have 3 or more countries going to the Moon and Mars in the next 15 years

not sure why its so hard to believe that they went to the moon when leaving Earth is the hard part

Owen is consuming too many redpills, he will go schizo soon

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The main argument is that humans never went to the moon in 1969. In 2034 (as you say) maybe countries can figure out to get there.

First link is Kubrik's right?
I'll check them out later user.

That's dumb. The Saturn V was plenty capable of getting them to the moon.

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I wish Benjamain would calm the fuck down sometimes. I have no issue with him making the argument that the moon landing was faked. There are worthy observations in it. But he gets caught up in "I'll show you" and goes so intense that it harshes my mellow.

Great one!

>plenty capable of getting them to the moon

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>they only know about the Apollo 11 landing

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Owen Benjamin has completely lost his mind. He couldn't handle the redpill, it's like witnessing an alcoholic during the course of a month-long sloppy bender, only replace alcohol with red pills.

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I enjoy when he gets like this, maybe because I'm also a spazz. I don't know, something about a dude calling moon landing believers faggots appeals to me.

He's probably right.

Hey that's a pretty handsome gorilla.

>man is skeptical of government fairytale for atheists

stick to strumming badly distorted guitars and painting your face, you massive faggot

Of course it was fake, white men would never have been able to land on the moon. That is an accomplishment that can only be achieved by a multi-cultural multi-ethnic feminist people.

i think its funny how the wobble
doesn't create tropical temps at an angle across the "planet" rather than only a straight line straight across the mid section only

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>a group of white people could never make technological advances and land many humans on the moon several times
>it was just shot by jewish propagandists in a hollywood basement
Biggest jewish lie so far. White men, not jews, landed on the moon. White men, not jews, controlled the entire system. Jews were not in control and assert that it never happened.

Get fucking over yourselves jews. God made the world for all of us

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i should probably just make angry 2 hour incoherent, rambling streams where i insult every friend i ever made for not agreeing with the political opinion i aquirred yesterday instead huh
whatever, faggot.

>Jews were not in control and assert that it never happened.
you seriously think jews were not in control in the 1960s?

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>whatever, faggot.

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why did we stop going?

NASA at the time was being led by Nazi scientists who exchanged their knowledge of rocketry for freedom.
Take this shit to /x/.

Not just white people, literally Nazi rocket scientists from Germany. No wonder it burns their asses.

Gotta roll see you bitches in Tartaria

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It's getting through the radiation belt and keeping the humans alive...

the physics to launch something to the moon can be calculated by a few dudes after a few years of physics classes and we had the best in the world working at it. We also had a team of mentally and physically elite men manning the mission. It was not hard to do.

The jews killed kennedy way before we landed on the moon. Think about that for a second. The Jews took out the commander in chief, and you think they didnt run NASA?

the novelty of having been on the moon wore off, people saw it as a waste of tax payer money, black people became less afraid of upsetting their masters and became a huge burden on the wealth of our society, no logical science missions to go back, jews

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Judaism requires space travel. It's a mandatory obligation. Think about it...

God's Promise to Abraham is that Abraham's descendants will be more numerous than the stars in the heavens.

We've counted the stars (at least to a rough order of magnitude). There's about a billion trillion of them.

We've estimated how many people will live on Earth between now and when the sun burns out. VERY OPTIMISTICALLY it's a million trillion people.

The Earth is TOO SMALL to fulfill God's promise to Abraham. Even if the Jews genocide and replace EVERY SINGLE NON JEW thre would still be A BILLION TRILLION MORE STARS THAN DEACENDANTS OF ABRAHAM.

Therefore, we must conclude that the will of God is a Jewish Galactic Empire. This is mandatory to fulfill what is written.

But who are the only people to have successfully run a manned interplanetary space program? Werner Von Braun and his team in the USA (from Operation Paperclip).

FACT 1: God's Promise to Abraham is that Abraham's children will colonize extra-solar planets. This is the only way for Abraham to have one child per star in heaven. (There are a LOT of stars, MUCH more than the number of people who could ever live on Earth during the entirety of its existence.)

FACT 2: The only people to ever engineer a rocket able to land a man on another planet...were Nazis.

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the shekel in full force kek

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They went through it quickly and at the thinnest part of the belt. It was still an extreme risk and I think that's why there hasn't been a manned mission there in decades. Back then the main reason for going was asserting dominance over Russia so the risk was deemed worth it, and the men who went did so knowing they might die.
>the jews
There's a good chance most of the group he intended to expose were jews but that's still a lazy way to put it. There's also the chance that some other group decided to kill him because they thought he knew about them even if he didn't. He was extremely foolish to make a public statement about exposing such a conspiracy before he was ready to act, the boots should have been kicking the doors down while he was talking.


The Jewish indoctrination of my fellow Americans is breathtaking

Did we end the cold war or not you fucking idiot. It would have resulted in planetary devestation. Allowing kikes to make money selling bombs to israel to gas desert people is hardly significant when we talk about mutual assured destruction

Debate me nigger

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His name was Gus Grissom

Saved. Thanks for the kek user.

I've been watching owen with his moon landing meltdown, ill say this, his reasoning is really sound, he's not an Eddie bravo weed tard

he's right you know

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We were specifically instructed never to ever again. Ask Neil Armstrong.
>Dark side of moon
>Ships and weapons

I don't give a shit what some comedian thinks.

Weird how you can see the evidence of the landing sites on the moon today.

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Get a telescope and find it for us, then

Thats what i thought kike
Reminder to all anons jews use the jew card and attack themselves but if you point out that white men made as society they crawl back into platos cave. Disgusting. Every time you see a no moon landing argument its either a goyim they subverted or a kike. Just tell them white men, not jews, made it to the moon and planted the USA flag there. No jews made it to the moon

Yeah, I mean maybe that's legit but most of it is "enhanced imagery"

>computer generated image

You're nice and easy to convince.

So many space images are just artist renditions... sad.

how would anything since the 1800s be possible without usury? we jews bailed out every degenerated western government for all time. without us, you'd be dead.

Here. Photoshop. Just now.
Time required: 2 minutes, 41 seconds

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The jews tell you your credit limit.

God tells you to be free to explore the stars.

So sorry kike.

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Van Allen Belts. Impassable.
The reason we did not go to the moon and are not currently on Mars.
The reason we're not on any solar system moons despite diamonds discovered there.
The VA Belts are toxic to all forms of life.
NASA lied.

The end.

lol at all (You) retards

Also read tragedy and hope first chapter and intro. Usury was not needed for christendom to prosper its just fake jew lies

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Moon landing being fake and similar things are psyops to discredit Holocaust questioning.