Red Pilling Your Friends

My friends and I often have mildly political conversations and last night one of my friends mentioned the $38 billion we recently gave to Israel. I said that it was absurd that we give them that much money yet they do very little for us, and have even attacked us in the past to blame it on other countries. My friends seemed scepticle so I showed them this video
They were all angry while watching it, they couldn’t believe that another country could attack us in an attempt to drag us into a war and yet we would call them our greatest ally. They all tend to lean right but for most of them this was probably their first red pill. I was wondering if Jow Forums had any experience red pilling their friends or had any advice for doing it without coming off as a conspiracy theorist

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Other urls found in this thread:!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Slow and easy. Do not jam the redpill down their throat. It may take years for some.

Nice job OP.
And nice video.
The one i normally share is much longer. But short is good.

Ive done the same as you in the past, getting a friend to watch a documentary.

have you also told your friend about the URANIUM Israel stole from America?

Attached: israel stole Uranium.png (696x635, 716K)

also lavon affair

Attached: lavon affair.jpg (700x656, 524K)

then maybe move on to the dancing israelis

I've never fully revealed my power level, but anytime I've ever dropped mild redpills I've always regretted it afterwards.
I hate being "that guy." I don't want to be a debbie downer.

You can always text them these.

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>having friends
you're not redpilled

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People never change.

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wait a minute. Why was hr giger killed? I liked his art. I don't like admitting it but

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We need clear cut easy to read eye catching posters that display a clear message.

much like IOTBW but not copying that format. We should schedule shit like IOTBW to help in redpilling the masses

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We need a card dump

There’s like 85 cards now so far

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get out normie before you start talking about your girlfriend

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Black Pilled is Pretty damn good, probably the best Video editor we have. If he combined his autism with Ryan Dawson's knowledge, they'd easily crack a Million subscribers. Unfortunately Dawson went full d&c retard.

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Make them ask their own questions to come to their own conclusions that can be assisted by what you had shown. I find people are very open minded when you ask them a question with a commonly held objectively wrong answer such as has Israel been directly responsible for bringing us into wars for their interests? How prone are we to getting involved in war for interests that serve the few and do we do it for our own political parties endgoals that they've been paid to pursue by lobbyists/those who have power to hire people to follow politicians and badger them into acccepting money for pushing select issues in legislation? Do any of these have a direct benefit to us? A direct negative effect? How do you feel about Israel's no man's land that gets extended every couple years by way of bombing the next portion of homes/businesses/livelihoods to rubble in order to maintain peace by "maintaining" a growing land in Palestine that only Israel is allowed on and that you can be killed for being a Palestinian within Palestine on some rubble that may of been your childhood home?

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Are you white? Do yourself a favor, sell your soul to the Jews or shut the fuck up about it. You will literally lose all your friends only to one day realize they are just whites like you and me only smarter and uglier usually.

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Why are you so demoralizing?

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no offense but any person being sent these visually ugly poorly edited cards will be less willing to listen to the huge problems you tried summing up in short blurbs that have nothing to substantiate them and just come off as crazy. I'm this user so you can be sure I'm not against your cause, but I question if you're directly poisoning the tap by giving them really bad choices of visual medium to spread.

All of these cards were made from the Knowledge Bombs in this link:!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

There are hundreds in there on many subjects and about 90 cards created so far. I don’t have all of them saved here so this is the last for right now unless others here have the rest

Attached: 4F28AEE2-8C00-4D73-975E-F13B1371BD37.png (673x994, 628K)

If we would have attacked Egypt, Russia would have likely attacked us, Israel not only tried to pull us into a massive war with arabs but actually tried to start WW3 and a nuclear war that could have killed hundreds of millions.

Attached: 67D1241B-C709-467D-A07C-A6F19F1F3727.gif (270x214, 1.4M)

you fucking retard

And you're bailing out of thread right after that reply by posting something that claims a mininuke was at the base of the twin towers alongside probably the most absurdist art. I think you're trying to poison the well and are incredibly transparent.

Not bailing, just out of cards and don’t care about your opinion

I'm not surprised someone who doesn't care about how they present their ideaology through the memecards of others doesn't care about what others think of them, but you're not helping anyone here nor your own cause short of being someone subversive wasting another saturday away.

I guess I’m flattered you care so much about a stranger’s Saturday.

Because I'm right son... I'm blonde hair blue eyed Aryan white as they come, and I spent a long time "fighting the good fight", but one day the truth becomes too painfully obvious to ignore...
People are incredibly dumb kid. Consider how dumb you think the average Jow Forums user is, then realize the average human is maybe 1/4th as capable of putting 2 and 2 together as they are..
Alright, now consider that the next in line behind the Jew World Order in the food chain is the Chinks (quickly surpassing us), followed by Russians...
You can not beat them buddy... Stop wasting your youth and try to find success mutually benefitting from them for what they are good for... I wish you the best.

You make me want to go download the other cards just so I can post them here to watch you kvetch.

>people are incredibly dumb kid.
You sound like an edgy teenager that doesn’t have a family yet and hasn’t grown up.

It’s a bit of an off putting approach user.
>and I still don’t care about your opinion.
I like these cards

I don't give much of a rat's ass about your Saturday, just being the lone person in your thread that calls out how spectacularly retarded the shit you allegedly shared with your own friends and family is, and to stop others who might be retarded enough to take your bait on a reality-effecting level and ruin their own lives rather than actually bother articulating their thoughts themselves so they may respond to discussion on these huge sweeping topics with actual information rather than shitting the bed. Is that blunt enough for you lefty or useful idiot of the left?

Whatever dude.

>people aren't incredibly dumb
You sound like a holier than thou teenager who lacks experience in the workforce or as any sort of team lead. Optimism is great but reality of who you're going to be managing is not.

If someone wants to share the cards that’s their own business and none of yours.
>ruin their own lives

user at best their friend will just laugh and mistake it for a card game. Not everything is so blown out of proportion.
Try to have a better week and maybe get to a doctor, are your fingers elongated abnormally?
Because you type weird.

Most people who live near nuclear plants sometimes get hit with radiation too.


Thank you OP

This is a public forum and I'm not surprised at all you lack the ability to conceptualize alongside the perspective of what it is like to talk to friends or relatives holding a rightleaning stance in this social climate, as you do not hold these beliefs or have experience talking about them yourself. You believe most people are inherently intelligent and thus hopefully will not kneejerk react emotionally over a political conversation.

Project your own questions of if you need help onto yourself, it'll do you more good. Question if these cards can do meaningful damage to stupid, gullible people who hold beliefs the cards express but will be eviscerated the moment they themselves took the kneejerk reaction of sending one of these out as though it meaningfully confirms and reinforces one of their beliefs when it is about as far on the deep end of looking insane as it can go to those less politically consumed.

You use a lot of words to say nothing

You must be really upset to actually respond saying literally nothing of value repeatedly with this one downright being the pot calling the kettle a nigger.

Attached: 458D34A3-0E59-46F7-A037-5420BE85F70C.jpg (1280x720, 415K)

>believing people are inherently and overwhelminglu in majority smart
>calling others dumb
>believing linking unsubstantiated conspiracy memecards to people in llace of political discussion is effective
>calling others dumb
Holy shit lad.

when were these cards made? this is playing out heavily right now

Take a look at the UK. Normies will allow the wholesale raping of children because confronting is uncomfortable. 99% of people are cowards who allow evil to flourish.

my brother came out as trans a few years ago
i set about on a massive redpilling campaign and managed to get him to snap out of it
he's now a ethnic nationalist that hates jews
im glad i was able to save him
the important thing is to just lead them to the information. you telling someone its the jews is very different from them independantly realizing its the jews
you can lead a normie to the red pill but you cant make them take it

Wow, that is neo level resuscitation.

Da fuck is up with these file name brah?

This. They have their minds made up until they wonder if they do, you can't tell them to change their mind by shoving conflicting information down their throat, they have to want it and since being lied to is often the root of why they believe disinformation you need to make them question the very well they drink from in order to find a new spring that has no martyrdom'd rats in the water.

how deep do you have to go down the rabbit hole to be targeted by globalist assassins

Those are the new iPhone files

What demographic are lefties known to try to target on here and exploit while directly claiming they're good guys who need to use the vehicle of radicalising the mentally ill of an opposing political standing to stain the party's image? Are they one that find special meaning in the meaningless and display neurotic tendencies? Does the poster show signs of acknowledging his target demographic through any posts?

>t. Pseudo Intellectual

I think it's more important to be confident about your positions. For most people I can go straight 1488 and I'll find my friends nodding in agreement. I just talk about my positions like they are established fact and not like I'm trying to teach someone something.
