Jow Forums is not your friend

This website won't contribute to the aims it states.

There's a difference between state goals and spontaneous action, which involves less reflection, but nevertheless can show real dispositions and hidden intentions which are contrary to those stated goals, which means that in the end those stated goals are ingenuine.

I see people here complaining daily about degeneracy, fall of civilization, multiculturalism, calls for going back to some sort of traditional modes of behaviour. These are carefully stated goals.

At the same time, when the atmosphere becomes less official and more spontaneous, the true face of Jow Forums appears. It's a face of people, who treat the word "virgin" as a slur, who brag about their sex tourism and how many women they have fucked, with what kinds of prostitutes they meet.

Others can't control their impulsive urges and constantly post erotic or porn images, which indicates how much time they dedicate to searching for them. A lot people here have also mental disorders. From time to time, they will speak of what pills for wackos they take, what antidepressants are good or how they have problems with alcoholism and what kind of drugs they're into.

Don't take this website too seriously. It's contaminated with decadence, like the people they supposedly oppose

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's almost as if there are a bunch of different kinds of people here.

I'm not trying to accomplish anything. This is an arena for testing how receptive people are to certain ideas, and a source of entertainment.

You're the reason this place has become terrible. I hate people like you.


>thinly veiled whining incel thread


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Jow Forumss aims are zionism and zionism only , none of the shit you wrote

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did the kids survive?


Jow Forums told me to intervene in the natural selection to save a decadent race

No but really where did you get that photo?

>This website won't contribute to the aims it states.
>Jow Forums - Politically Incorrect
so this stuff here is actually politically correct?

Of course , that's expensive merchandise

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neck youself faggot
pol is best fren

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His basement

You’re trying to make this website something it’s not more ever was.

Jow Forums and Jow Forums are not political movements. The prior is just a board to discuss politics on a website with antiquated jap based imageboard software where anonymity and free speech are paramount. Naturally as it is American in origin.

Sometimes cool thing happens, sometimes it’s pissing in a sea of piss.

Enjoy your stay new friend, no one ever leaves. (Unless you die)

you need to kill yourself

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>Talking shit one to each other on a website whitout actually doing anything usefull to acomplish your ideological goals is fighting against the goy

>You’re trying to make this website something it’s not more ever was.
fuck off, I'm calling out the deep hypocrisy of people here, there must be such brave people

You are entirely right. The worst thing you could ever do with your time is browsing Jow Forums and posting . There is nothing worse you could be doing.
If you have any ideal at all you should be spending your time working towards it. Jow Forums does not help in any way with any of that. Regardless of its message, it will never take any action or make you take action.
Face it. If you often come here and post, that means there is something seriously wrong with your life that you should be fixing. Are you depressed ? No job and escaping reality ? You really think you'll fix everything by talking to a few people here in hope of sparking a race war that will magically fix everything wrong with society ? Really ? Really ????
No. Face it. You're here because you have a problem, a problem similar, but million times worse, than consuming and masturbing to pornography.
I see you people complaining about the lack of /sig/ threads. Do you want a /sig/ advice ? The best /sig/ advice anyone could ever tell you is that : regardless of what your situation and what your worldview is right now, get the hell off this site and go work on actually improving yourself. If you really care for political debate, make efforts to create a social circle -- in real life -- dedicated for this with like-minded people (they DO exist). That's the best advice anyone can give you. Your life matters, don't waste it here. If you care so much about the white race and politics, then work towards that. Go be a local politician, or do things in the underground. You'll achieve nothing here.
I come every now and then to give that very same advice because I was lost here for a time and it was the worst period of my life in terms of productivity and self worth. Save yourselves.

said the actress to the bishop

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>Don't take this website too seriously. It's contaminated with decadence, like the people they supposedly oppose
The only way for Jow Forums to die is for people to take it seriously

r/The_Donald proved this

I'd say let the ride stop already I want off

where they captured on palestine or during a coastal raid of somalia?

gypsy say what

Nope, nothing but Alt-Right White Supremacists. CNN and all the other credible news agencies told me so.

>No. Face it. You're here because you have a problem, a problem similar, but million times worse, than consuming and masturbing to pornography.
People here overlap at a 80% level with what they supposedly criticize

What is the difference between Jow Forums and the Left? It's only superficial. Ultimately they think the same things

They could meet at a brothel one day

I guess you haven't browsed here pre-2016 to realize it.

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I am one of the paragons of the whole movement here, at least to the traditional minded. here is what I did, do

>Used to be fat, but became unfat
>started doing sports
>eating healthy
>became employed again
>slowly phased out porn and even fapping recently

my goals are in line with something called the rise above movement

also its much more than that still, just visit the /sig/ threads and see what kind of self improvement drive we have.

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Those are his somalian blood sacrificed. He'll rape and kill them and then sell their foreskins to Hollywood actresses as anti aging cream.

>Jow Forums

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Phasing out pirn is the hardest for me, even in a relationship with constant sex I still sneak off to look at porn.

>Nope, nothing but Alt-Right White Supremacists.
I wish it was that. Instead we're mostly shills and shitposters who don't want to change anything.

>>Used to be fat, but became unfat
>>started doing sports
>>eating healthy
>>became employed again
sounds like a typical Leftist yuppie?

>>slowly phased out porn and even fapping recently
well, that's a real contribution

I used an intermediary crutch of "fap to the memories of real life women" and "the occasional hooker" (this is degenerate though) But the fapping to real life women I have stopped with, and I managed to put my brain more into real world women thanks to the hookers. Which I should quit now.

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So you're generalizing the ideas here... the website that is supposedly some sort of fallacy (stated by you), you're now giving credibility to argue with????

and you sound like a kike. Do you know how many people in our society cannot escape porn? I believe the number is close to 92% lol. Each and every self improvement bit that you make to yourself, you improve your own performance in the real world. Make yourself be more pleasant to others as you become more stable. I may not have cured cancer, but I sure as heck am already better than the average citizen already. Less crime, less burden on the system, I am healthy and dont use the healthservices either...I dont really get you kikes though, you come here trying to inflammate the user base, thinking you wont find opposition, on the biggest opposition site on the internet lol.

>Jow Forums
Not so fast, Schlomo.

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>I wish it was that. Instead we're mostly shills and shitposters who don't want to change anything.

It's for the lulz man, it has been and always be for nothing more or less. Sometimes, shit just comes around that everyone agrees or is infuriated by then the awesome amounts of autism here bands together to fuck some shit up.

You and OP are in the same league, looking for something that isn't quite here, even though it may appear to be.

Fuck off! This site helped me a lot more more than plebbit ever did.

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People mix seriousness with being provocative or funny. I think it's good sometimes to seriously respond to some stated ideas that can be treated seriously. I only point out the hypocrisy which makes those stated ideas ingenuine

but I told you that you've made real contribution with porn, I really meant that

The rest though - you're not different from a big media journalist, who also promotes healthy eating and muh fitness

Boomers really put alot of care into their photoshops. It'll be sad to lose them when they're gone and all we have are tik tok memes

if you take this board serious then you can leave

healthy eating and fitness are counter points to big societal problems, namely to that of obesity, and inactivity, but also drug abuse things like smoking, and too much alcohol.

They are VERY difficult to quit, most people are unable to quit smoking for example. They are a burden on the system since they have more health problems, to high cholesterol, to bigger cancer rates, to polluting it for other people still. Bad dietary habits give rise to even more government intervention, since they also create a host of many bad problems.

And I am free of all vices. The least burdensome to the tax dollar of collectivized healthcare.

Your average Jow Forumsack is either nihilist or narcissist. For all the morality preached here, very few people here seem to be genuinely good people.

>People mix seriousness with being provocative or funny.

Maybe your optics are off. Maybe you take yourself and this site a little too seriously, then project that onto others. I don't think you can see everything going on here. Honestly, how can you tell if someone is being serious?

>I think it's good sometimes to seriously respond to some stated ideas that can be treated seriously. I only point out the hypocrisy which makes those stated ideas ingenuine.
You do realize that ANIME images are posted in threads about white nationalism...

Oh pooland. If i needed americas opinion on something i would ask them not american cocksucker bitch.

Kool-Aid Kamala Harris ties to corruption and the bizarre.

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>It's for the lulz man, it has been and always be for nothing more or less.
I'm not going to call you a jew, but you might as well be.

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>Honestly, how can you tell if someone is being serious?
I don't know, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't respond seriously to something that can be taken seriously

Either way, it's pretty irrelevant to the discussion

Most people are lost souls, trapped in this shitty reality.

The people here are from this reality but tryintg to break into/restore the better ones.

They are of two worlds different worlds and they are naturally inclined to defend both

>someone trying to tell you the truth about a fucking anime website started by a 12 y.o.

You sure I'm the Jew user? You positive on that?

>Either way, it's pretty irrelevant to the discussion
I'm trying to help you to perceive what's really going on here. This site, because of the anonymity of the posters, 100% free speech, the reputation as the asshole of the internet is a coloring book presents information to you to judge, not the Encyclopedia Britannica. Seeing problems with this site is actually seeing problems with yourself.

>using ad hom to attack a message board
The person who founded Jow Forums, as well as the other boards, has nothing to do with what Jow Forums is today. Telling people the discussions and issues here are not serious because it's an "anime website" is dishonest. What even is your motivation to make these type of posts besides to demoralize people who are actually trying to save the west? If you're blackpilled or apathetic that's your own fucking business, but stay out of the fucking way of people who ARE doing something. Faggot.

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>The person who founded Jow Forums, as well as the other boards, has nothing to do with what Jow Forums is today.
No, you're right. I don't understand why you took that as an adhom when I was just stating FACTS. Jow Forums today is filled with fuckboi circle jerking queers who aren't about shit, or going to do shit.

Alex Jones purged, Mcinnis fired... let me guess what you did, argue about who's more of a jewish cog right?

What the fuck is this picture Jew?
>Jews smuggling poor Haitian kids to molest
I guess the rich white goys go along with it too if they want to be 'elite' goys

>Jow Forums today is filled with fuckboi circle jerking queers who aren't about shit, or going to do shit.
Very true. But a small minority of us still try to battle disinformation, poor arguments, and logical fallacies here every day. I urge people to learn from Jow Forums and then leave and apply what they know to their real lives.

Don't worry about it

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Get back on euroweek pleb or hide behind memeflag.

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b-but Jow Forums t-told me it hates niggers too. that is something frens do.

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