Is Stew really the most-based cullanary dish?

>Ancient man had three methods of consuming food (raw, grilled, and boiled)
>bouling food was the preferred cooking method of Man for thousands of years
>it’s ascetic and healthy
>it can be made entirely of locally grown/gathered ingredients

Thoughts? Also genera food-related redpills

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how ancient are we talking? if we're talking ancient greek/roman they knew how to bake and had other cooking methods. if we're talking ancient man, like very early tools stone age shit, what did they put food in to boil it?

They would use animal hides. If there is water inside, the hide actually won’t burn. Bear Grylls does it a few times if you wanted to see how simple the materials could be, despite it (obviously) being fairly advanced as a concept (indicative of high intelligence)

i love stew
during the weekends i always cook enough stew to last 3 or more days
i can just heat it up and it tastes as good as on the first day
i don't have to stress with cooking a large meal everyday and i don't have to resort to using premade meals or eat out

I should also add that baking can be considered based as well if you’re baking breads, because things like pita bread have been around forever

Stew is based
Stew and bread are BASED

That’s why I like it too. It’s a frugal choice, but it’s not jew-frugal, it’s Poor Richard’s Almanac-Frugal

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boiling meat is for the britbongians, not for actual Humans

>around at most 12,000 years
Why do vege shills lie?

What about braising fren? Braised lamb shanks for example. Yum yum. Almost identical process.

When ever I think about making stew I end up just making chili!

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Because nature and shit
>Like the Indian in this commercial

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Stew is the official meal of the Protestant work ethic.

interesting; thanks.

you're supposed to sear/cook the meat in fat before braising
braising is for imbuing your meat with the sauce
and braising with water is shit anyway: do it with wine or beer
transforming the sauce in roux with flour, then fattening it with thick fresh cream can also be done
but just water and maybe a few herbs? not even mediocre
and throwing raw meat in that? for britbongs

fuck off and eat a 3ft frog sandwich

I always have stew with either a bit of some cheap smoked meat in it or some beef bones. Also keep homemade bagels stocked, as well as broccoli sprouts and various fermented veg. It's cheap and delicious

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Stewing is most definitely the best form of cooking when you're on limited supply.

>Bear Grylls
Ray Mears is better

Stew is the most redpilled food and French is the most redpilled cuisine

There was an episode of dual survival where they boiled water in a snake skin. It worked twice before it started leaking.
They also cooked an armadillo using it's shell as a pot.

inb4 that polac starts posting his disgusting cold lentils, oatmeal, cheese, and dirty bowls.

Seriously how much buckwheat can one autist eat?

>Bear Grylls does it a few times

mmmmmhhh, piss soup with hand made shit dumplings, british cuisine at it's best

I was with you until you mentioned cream in a roux. Beschamel is for fags who want their food to look jizzed on.

Stew is great
Grilled meat is great
Both are simple as fuck

Pressure cookers are wonderful. Lentils and beans are where it's at. Bean stew is perfect human food

Whats a good french cookbook in burger speak?

>mfw family is french and only know burger dishes and italian

Pls no bully;_;

Stews are good. Oats are one of the whitest foods ever, though.

Oats for breakfast, beans for dinner, fruits and vegetables and meats thrown in too. You're healthy af

Bear Grylls is a fake faggot

Have you ever heard of clay?

Larousse Gastronomique but it's not so much a cook book in the usual sense, more a reference guide

I will check it out. My usuall reference is the joy of cooking. Want to make beef wellington but time is a real pain these days.....5th dimension when?

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Consider this: Refrigeration and food preservation is a relatively new concept.
Cooking pots not so much.
Stews and soups are a way that you can add the
scraps, scrapings and bones you would otherwise
throw away and constitute them into a nutritional
broth. Consider ratatouille or braised meats.
These were poor peoples solutions to using
ALL the food that was available and throwing
nothing away.
Also with stews, they could simmer on the fire for days, or sit over the fire with a lid on top
(providing a temporarily sterile environment for
the food to sit in) until it was heated up the next
day (killing any latent bacteria, mold or fungus).
Stews, soups, etc. were just a practical solution
to stretching food reserves.

Man screw you guys, I'm hungry now

The great thing about braising liquid is that it can sit in a large container and literally be used and reused for weeks, becoming more flavorful as it does so.
Worked for a semi-famous chef in NYC who was a braising genius. Nigger could cook.

cozy as fuck

Tastes better on the last day, fool

the kekkest of foods

of course it is great

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not gonna lie, never heard of him but I would agree
Why not Polish? Literally living on the edge of civilization lmao
Here's a cozy channel

thick soups and stews is probably 1 of the best ways to live.

>Ray Mears is better
This. If you actually want to go /out/, Ray is your man.

I love the 18th century cooking channel. I bought the hat that has on in that vid

they didnt, in fact no one ever learned how to until they created metal pots from thin air, they still havent figured it out in Africa to this day
video related

Make some stew like me

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Stew is a fantastic meal, especially for cold and wet/snowy winter days. Wholesome, warming and simple comfort food, especially with dumplings or potatoes.

Porridge is also a 100% pure white ubermenschen dish. Oats grow well in cold temperate climates like northern Europe.

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And I was sure you it was the polish user again...

How the fuck can grilled/raw/roasted not be made with "local ingredients"? Did you have a stroke?

This is possibly the dumbest post I've ever seen and everyone who replied to it is retarded.

béchamel is butter+flour+cream
what I spoke of is butter (when searing)+wine (while stewing)+flour+cream (both at the very end), the wine being the majoritary ingredient, by far
vastly different
try it out with duck breast (no need for much added fat, if any: keep the fat on the breast, and sear it first while it lays on the fat; add finely ground shallots and green pepper) and white wine
clearly nothing close to béchamel

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baked bread is
gluten free BTFO

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They dug a hole, lined it with leaves or animal skins, filled it with water, and then started a fire elsewhere, put large stones on the first, and then after the stones got hot, dropped them into the hole. they kept replacing the rocks until it was finished boiling the food.

Seriously what were you thinking when you typed that boiled is better than other cooking methods because it is locally sourced?

Are you actually mentally handicapped? Have you evet had your IQ tested?

Raw is clearly the most based

>boiling meat is for the britbongians, not for actual Humans

You dunno belong to france mohamed.

>Is Stew really the most-based cullanary dish?

It's , Look at some traditional french recipe if you like stew , there are lot of them.

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>How the fuck can grilled/raw/roasted not be made with "local ingredients"? Did you have a stroke?
Is actually what you said. A stew can be made purely from locally sourced ingredients, I do it all the time here in the UK with local meat and potatos/carrots/root vegetables and the like. Local is best when you can get it and know the source, it's much more likely to be fresher than shit that's been in cold storage for six months to a whole year.

>full of carbs
Unironically kys.

Also why is it always the posters who show signs of subnormal IQ that have leaf meme images ready to go? Real noggin scratcher.

For me, its gulash with noodles

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Stews are absolutely delicious

They just filled cleaned, fresh animal skins with meat and vegetables and tossed is under a fire.

Are you as retarded as OP? Why couldnt you roast or grill with local ingredients?

Holy fuck if everyone in this thread killed themselves the average IQ of Jow Forums would go up 5 points.

i usually thicken the sauce with flour added to the beef while cooking it in a pan when there's enough beef fat coming through before putting it in a slowcook machine with wine/beer, vegetables and herbs

*obviously, let the shallots the time to get translucent, before adding the wine

I'm as White as can be, but not being leftist in any way, I indeed may not belong to what France ended up being
and pot au feu is a very low brow dish, like choucroute and such crap, that people eat more due to habits inherited from starving poors than to being particularly good (which it isn't, by French cooking standards)

We do keep cooking chicken tradictionaly in a pork bladder , it work pretty much like a steamer. it's an art today to do it.

everyone knows that dried and salted meats, dry cheeses, and hard tack are the most redpilled foods. white men conquered the world with those three food items as basic staples for hundreds of years.

Have we run out of things to talk about?

this thread is making me hungry but I fucking suck at cooking

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Quick oatmeal recipe that's delicious

You need

Boiling water
(optional: banana, chia seeds, coconut oil, hemp seeds)

Put water to boil
Pour bowl 3/4 full with oats(add chia seeds/hemp seeds or both and banana chopped in pieces if you like)
Mix it well
Take 1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon of honey
Take 1 - 8 tablespoons of fat(butter and/or coconut oil)
Pour boiling water into bowl
Mix well
If it's too thick add more water, if it's too thin add more oats.


Ultimate stew.

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>and pot au feu is a very low brow dish, like choucroute and such crap

Spiting on centurys old traditional recipe.
Mein negger , yep you definetly not belong to france.

>he doesn't cook cowboy stew

I only make soups and stews when I'm cleaning out the refrigerator of old vegetables and shit.

I literally just dice up everything, throw it into a pot with some cream, water, and/or cheese, and let it simmer for an hour or so. then i just blend it into a fine homogenous mixture.

it comes out different everytime, and is definitely not food snob food. but so far i've not concocted anything that i didnt like.

>food on Jow Forums
what are you sliding Chaim?

I always have a stew in my instant pot or slow cooker ready to eat, use veg I grow or from a local farm meat if he has any.
Thinking of baking my own bread as well, just finished a little smoker to make jerky.

yeah, that's the proper way to do it (I do like the additional big spoon of thick fresh cream at the end, though: it smoothes it all)

>muh boiled filandrous cheap parts and piss smelling kraut
seeing what France as become (hordes of gibs and state addicted weaktards, without any remain of individual responsibility, or even wits, doing things by mere habit without even thinking there may be a reason why such things used to be done), I couldn't care less about what you think I belong to

fuck that looks good

Seriously this guy is a fucking annoying cunt nice comfy thread about food and he comes in and starts arguing for no reason.

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>put oatmeal and what ever you feel like in a bowl
>add hot water
see how easy that was

Got cold enough that I just got my first batch of stew meat for some stew this week. I agree with Frenchy here that's pretty much the technique I use too, got me salivating just thinking about it. Red wine stews are the bomb.

Speaking of le French, I'm off to see how the turnout for a US yellow vest support rally turns out, and maybe get some photos or video. Chances are it will just be a small group to start for now, without much action, but it's a start.

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what is literally leftovers mixed together
>this is based most based
you are retarded as fuck

still looking for where this is POLITICAL


Bumping for stew, an overlooked pillar of civilization.

fuck the rest of you niggers. I'm listening to the Frenchfags.

I'm a big stewfag already. I use my pressure cooker. pro tip: Worchester sauce is a God-tier ingredient

>roasting/grilling a liquid-based dish

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>mfw I'm eating a slice of beef and Guinness pie I made earlier this week.

looks good user

read "the food lab" too

>bullion based

Canned-hobo food is the best, specially outside on a tiny gas stove. Not nay of that fire trash

Any traditional cooking style that is based around capturing all nutrients possible without waste, are peasant tier. And I say that in the best way possible.

lol @ an american telling a frenchman his opinion on french sauces. Get a life you fucking idiot. Bechamel sauce has its place. Ever had mac n cheese? It starts with a Bechamel sauce.

>every french person is an expert on french sauces