Is there some conspiracy going on in the NFL?

NFL games have seemed very eerie this year, and a lot of these games have had crazy endings with the refs playing a major role.

They're also pushing this halfbreed quarterback Patrick Mahomes heavily. Is this a psyop? Is the NFL as scripted as the WWE?

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No one gives a shit about American Hand Egg.

>scripted nfl?
As if all these black people are smart enough to do something so complex

Some teams like the Pats are given black project-tier PEDs. All pro sports are a Swiss psyop.

dont they have gay cheerleaders now?

how old are you? or just starting to wake up??

Mahomes has a white brain and black body. Hes the perfect QB.

>watching niggerball

This. Fpbp. /thread
>is NFL scripted like WWE?
Sage garbage post

>"okay this huge nigger in front of me zig left"
>"this other huge nigger next to him zag right"
>"this third nigger just run straight"

Why do Jews worship blacks?

With the Dallas cowboys bad start and then starting to win again I just suspected this..

They are trying to bring viewers back by scripting things

I don't think anyone watches those stupid white man hating niggers throw the ball around anymore.
They are nothing and have become irrelevant due to being unpatriotic racists.
The sport is a symbol of national pride no longer and you know who you can thank for that.

I thought I heard something about the xfl is going to make a comeback. I find that funny because that means that the nfl is starting to be recognized as so rigged that a league designed to be WWE tier scripted might be able to take its spot.

They dont worship them, they see them as a tool for dumbing down the entire population.

This is why they may be scripting events more or atleast trying to influence outcomes.

Fuck off kike, nothing will make me tune into niggerball.

God you're a fucking idiot

>is it scripted
do you really think ((they)) would let something with so much revenue go freely without controlling things? the games themselves may not be planned out but the end results certainly are. once you see your favorite teams completely throw play off games or a super bowl you start to wonder what the fuck is going on.

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the cowboys have played better because they finally started giving zeke the ball 30+ times and traded for amari cooper you fucking retard the cowboys bring in highest ratings wheter they are bad or good

Wtf is this?

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Only team I like are the New England Patriots because they are huhite and a very good team with a huhite coach! Also New England is a very white region of the usa. I have a Patriots hoodie. Also Patriots represent nationalism which I support also! Go Patriots all other NFL teams fuck off cucks!

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they dont have to script the behavior of the players (outside of keep kneeling sort of shit) but really all they have to do is script it at the play calling level. The plays themselves are low complexity scripting that hte niggers already know, therefor no further cognition is required of them.

No one cares about nigger handegg

>fucking retard
Did you call me a fucking retard because I don’t watch nigger hand egg?

>Is the NFL as scripted as the WWE?

It’s not necessarily scripting as much as colluding.. if on the ownership level they collude to influence events via playcalling that’s all it takes

Mahomes can throw the ball 80 yards.
You try throwing it 40.

so how does the cowboys turning it around make you think it's scripted if you don't watch it? just by looking at the records?


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Just get rid if the ball and let them hit each other.

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It doesn't take care of the racist black player problem. No amount of jewery can fix the NFL now.

The NFL is run by organized crime. It's a gambling scam on behalf of the owners.

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Arguably the biggest bluepill.
Saged, reported and hidden.

Good job, user

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Josh Allen can throw 50 yards ON HIS KNEES. So what?

you should be proud of Gronkowski he is ethnically Polish he is a good old boy for the White Patriots KKK Team...I own a patriots hoodie btw already mentioned that previously.

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he can also throw with both hands so basically unstoppable

i dont like niggeregg, but the new england patriots franchise is a good thing for that whole area/community.


not scripted by football has gone way way way slanted towards offensive since the 70s, and really especially since the Tom Brady era. So many angles and types of tackle are against the rules now, and minor things that used to slide are now harshly called out on. This is all in protest to the mental health studies that came out, but also because the NFL doesn't want their handful of big ticket players geting sidelined. There are millions of turbo normies that will only watch if their favorite player is on the field. This is way games have crazy scores now, and so much shit is decided by completely arbitrary ref rulings. If the refs wanted they could probably pull a flag literally every play technically speaking. But in the past flags were really only thrown if blatant and egregious rule breaking happened.
So yeah, its not scripted really, but its way more coordinated lets say than it used to be.

He was stopped Thursday night.

The reason they keep pushing Patrick Mutthomes is because the Kike Liberal media are tired of white men winning MVP’s and white players getting all the praise. 9 of the last players to win MVP were white men. And the past 2 MVP winners were white men. And for the past 15+ years the best players in the league were Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Drew Brees and Aaron Rodgers. You know kikes and liberals were furious watching these white men gwt whorshipped

good ol' american negro worship

All I am saying is that the suspicion popped into my mind.. mainly because people jack off to the cowboys like you do as you are still so invested in their success or failure

Every single NFL player has accomplished much more than you ever will.

>Is there some kind of conspiracy going on in the NFL

no m8 not at all, Peyton and the Denver Broncos won a Super Bowl featuring a halftime show dedicated to fags and the Black Panther party without any shenanigans going on behind the scens

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They won't mind Aaron Rodgers because he is a faggot

Why do you even care? You don't seriously watch niggerball, do you?

Anyone gonna try and watch XFL?

>team called the Patriots wins the Super Bowl the same season 9/11 happens and the Patriot Act is enacted

>be jew
>own two NFL teams
>can make more money by making the teams do unlikely things and betting huge sums of money on the outcome

Remember that faggot player a few years back that the jew media were hyping? Remember when that SF mutt started kneeling during the national anthem, so the networks started broadcasting the national anthem? They even have female commentators now. It's the same bunch of scheming kikes that are destroying every form of escapism. This will end up working against the jews, as it always has in the past.

He's a big guy.

*nigger collision ball

All these people should be put to the sword

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I came here to post that link. Once you get to a certain age, it becomes obvious how fake pro sports are.

So beautiful

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keep it up and you might get one to fuck your wife while you watch

Only if it was an all white league..

I enjoy watching my sons high school football games because everyone is white all the teams are white... fuck niggers and fuck nigger worship..

I can’t beljeve I used to obsesse about nigger collision

>watching nigger felon league
user, you have better things to do with your time

>a lot of these games have had crazy endings with the refs playing a major role.

That happens every year, you've just been too blind to notice it before now.

One referee is all you need, not only to decide who wins, but to control the point spread. The rules are designed so that you can literally call a penalty on each and every play in case you have to take points off the board, or you can award the other team more yardage and more downs and help them to score.

The coaches don't need to be in on it, the players don't need to be in on it, not even the whole officiating crew. Just one referee.

Every Superbowl has been taped in the same studio that they faked the moon landing in

What school is that? I wanna see that.

Owners are kikes, players are niggers, and you ask if it's fake bullshit.

Great fashion sense jewboii ;)

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Northwest Montana... I had to move my family 2000 miles to be able to enjoy it... it’s so nice user. It’s worth the 50% pay cut

his girlfriend is white what a shame usa loves to ruin white bloodlines with mud

American football has been staged for a long time you fucking boomer.

shut up Dutch people are jews...also it is a nice hoodie I bought it for the comfort mostly its a retro look to it...fuck you nigger stop the infighting if it were up to me I would have already nuke the netherlands for your comment!

I never believed people when they said the NFL was rigged in favor of popular teams until the last Eagles vs Cowboys game. In the opening kickoff, the Eagles recovered a fumble and could be seen as clear as day during the review, yet the refs overturned it. That was nuts. There was also another play were Dallas Goedert on the Eagles scored a touchdown pass, and the refs brought it back, because him and a Dallas safety clashed heads by mistake. Throughout the game, the refs continued to give the Eagles petty makeup calls that meant jack shit, as those two key plays killed the Eagles' momentum for the game.
The same thing happened when Dallas played the Saints too. I think I'm done with football

>shut up Dutch people are jews
Only if they're from amsterdam. Why so mad? Your poo in loo language or because you're literally basketball Poland?

They are trying to make the cowboys great again especially with their nigger QB...

They want the cowboys back in the playoffs or Super Bowl to try to bring viewers back

Yes, (((they))) have destroyed football because it was an American pastime.

It really is. On Thursday the bar I was at everyone was positive it was going into OT to make it more exciting, when suddenly they go for 2 and somehow have a wide open receiver for an even more exciting ending. I just couldn't help but feel almost lead up to that point, almost like the league knew exactly what was expected and ran SurpriseEnding.exe at the last moment. Felt entirely staged.

>first complete jewish bible in the world was printed
what is this fuckery?

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what no dude fuck you nigger bitch faggot pussy cuck...nothing wrong with sports dude fuck you cuck...Dutch football team is 100% niggers, Lithuanian one is shit but at least it is white

im an eagles fan and if you ever ask a dallas frontrunner if it was a fumble or not they completely dodge the question as if they know the truth. even a few of my friends who hate the eagles went crazy after the opening fumble. I still got the 7 "refball" texts that were spammed to me during that shit. I least we won last year so it didn't bother me as much as it should.

He’s a half dead nearly always injured Frankenstein stick to talking about soccer Eurocuck

What job is available there? I have a Civil Engineering degree.

thats fucking bullshit. i agree with you on the first play and the goedert penalty was bullshit but they threw the flag when it looked llke he was getting tackled not when he was clearly scoring. the cowboys had like 7 more penalties and there opponents have had the least penalties called on them vs the cowboys compared to any other team in the last 10 years


The NFL is fake af. Back off the tickets disclaimer says... for entertainment use only. This relieves the NFL of lawsuits if they are caught rigging games. The Jets season ticket holder suit already proved this. Stop watching wrestling.

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Lithuanians don't like soccer we are a basketball nation always ranked top 5 in the world and have beaten the jewnited states nigger team multiple times.

Mahomes is gonna be MVP

What position do you play?


Mahomes is hardly the 1st black QB. Wilson, Newton and Winston have been in the league a while and haven't been pushed down our throats like Mahomes. Mahomes has a bandwagon because he's on pace for over 50 TDs. Not a Chiefs fan, just saying. Before anyone comes at me my favorite player (Rodgers) is white lol. I agree with you 1000% about the refs though. They need to chill the fuck out.

NFL is a business first and foremost. All sports skew games or sometimes rig them outright to get a desired result. If people really think that any sport is untouched, they're retarded.

because throwing a ball 80 yards is literally curing cancer

Only black people and gamblers care about Niggerball

>Caring about the favelaball
Our national sports are civil engineering and ice-skating. Don't see too many negroes in those.

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it was a fumble but the eagles had the entire rest of the game to win it when the cowboys nig qb turned it over 3x and the eagles still fucking lost give me a break

They are having refs make more and more blunders so they can roll out a new rules AI as the ref. Thus killing more jobs.

What is google user

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gud point

With AI refs they could use an algorithm to more easily rig games

Former Chiefs fan here can confirm. I haven’t watched a game of football in 3 years but I can still hear the drum beats. Mahomes will win the Super Bowl as a rookie and be the best qb ever. They can’t make me watch though.

The NFL has more Jewish owners than Jewish players. It's a fun sport but it's pozzed as fuck.

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