I've posted on /ic/ before, but they're too focused on animoo moe blob types of artists to say much about drawings like mine. So... What do you guys think? Does my art look decent?
Thoughts on my Dumb Art?
More doodles
And more.
I like it
Any general advice on what seems fucked and needs more work on is appreciated too.
Thanks, user.
To give advice, we need to know what your goals and aspirations are as an artist. The harsh reality is it's almost impossible to make a living just as an artist, but it depends on what you hope and wish to achieve with drawing, and whatstyle you're going for. I do think the pictures are good. How old are you?
Very good advice, user. I do mostly know what I want my art to look like one day, and it includes a lot of animals and some fantasy creature art. But I am considering of studying animation also, maybe, seeing as by this point animating literally gives you more money than programming anyway.
But my main goal isn't to make cash, since I do art for myself, not others. My main focus is doing art I myself would want to download, use as a wallpaper, pay for, etc. Maybe people will end up liking my work and I'll be the next Louis Wain, maybe not. Art would be a second side job at best for me. Another big goal is to have a unique art style in a time where everyone draws in the exact same styles, such as the moe blob anime style, feminist style, calarts (adventure time/gumball/Steven universe) style, etc. But I feel like I am likely doing that already, since several people on other boards say it seems unique, and even my ex classmates at art school suggested it as well, rather frequently.
Style? What you mean? People have different definitions of that. Also thank you, I'm 19. Have another random drawing from me.
It's really fucking good. Dig textures and materials even deeper and try to vary the subjects. Also maybe try to illustrate some poetry idk
It's great, the way you draw is very impactful in an emotional way but also very rational and thoughtful which in my experience is the most important thing when it comes to improving and evolving.
My advice is to try to explore different "emotions" if that makes sense. I used to draw a lot when I was an edgy teen, and following my instinct I'd draw weird aggressive animals most of the time. When I took the time to study different expressions, both in animals and in people, I learned a lot more than I would have by just going with my instinct and drawing what comes natural to me.
In general forcing yourself to go in different directions is always a good idea and teaches you a lot, even if you go back to your main style afterwards. For example you could also try to draw some landscapes and see if you can get the same effect that the animals give. Or using watercolour to see if you can do it with colour and shading rather than with lines.
>illustrate some poetry
Damn, user. I'm stupid, can't believe I never thought of doing that before. But that sounds like a great idea, I'm definitely going to start doing that now. Thank you.
Thanks, user, I really appreciate the in depth advice. Funny how Jow Forums has given me much more useful advice in the last 2 days I posted here than /ic/ ever has in the last 2 years.
one word: hobbyist
Its mediocre, like any young artist
Andrew loomis' fun with a pencil and figure drawing helped me, books are always good resources.
Draw from life as much as possible
>draw animals
>Andrew loomis
I've went through his books before back when I drew people, honestly very outdated. Don't get why no one mentions Michael Hampton, for example. That's where my human anatomy improved most, back when I drew humans that is.
That and Loomis is useless for animal artists. I have a few books about animal anatomy I'm going to download soon though.
Your linework is very good, just needs some shading and maybe higher quality coloring that doesn't have such obvious marker strokes.
I miss having money and making giant artworks like pic related, I made that one two years ago. Wish I knew of some cheap marker brands, would you by any chance happen to know of any, or store recommendations for cheap tools?
Better yet, do you think I'd be able to get away by just digitally coloring all my sketchbook drawings like this? Or does it seem off also?
Ok, im not interested in you so stop making everything about yourself.
Loomis books like fun with a pencil and successful drawing give insight on fundamental skills required for good artwork and really help one in accurately constructing their drawings to realistic proportions and dimensions.
The figure drawing books are whatever.
It's good, but these days there's too much digital art and not enough traditional stuff out there.
Really digging all the fucked up eyes
>just describing how much more useful other books are than Loomis's outdated work
>"reee stop making it about yourself reeee"
Wow... user, did I strike a nerve in you?
Even half of /ic/, the exact people who turned him into an meme in the first place, finds Loomis to be laughable. He's only good if you want to learn how to make mediocre art for quick selling purposes. And again, read it, done that. His books are overrated. Maybe for some he's perfect, but certainly for others he isn't too useful, so stop shoving him down everyone's throats as if he's Kim Jung Gi.
Always was a small detail i hoped people would notice, I appreciate it, user. Thanks.
Basically, youre good enough for non artists to compliment you which is why you came here to fish for ego boosts, but in the long run you are in the category of shit tier artists who cant elevate themselves to anything actually beautiful or worth a damn to anyone who knows anything about art.
Try to do some actual hard work and study for years if you actually want anyone to care about your weird animal scribbles. My friend Ben in the 2nd grade was equivalent or superior to your skill level. Catch up son.
Nice copypasta. You do realize that non artists are the targeted audience, right? Artists have been creating art for centuriesspecifically for normal people, not shut ins who never go outside and are envious of everyone else's art. Also in the last thread I made months ago on here, other artists actually commented that they also were into the things I've made, so you're wrong on that as well.
Im just being real here. You want to make money drawing? Do some of that strange anthropomorphic pornography, your art style would probably catch peoples eyes and you would become popular quite quickly. This is the sad reality of things.
If I want to make money off of art, I'll just become an animator or do art for a nearby store in my town that already uses animal art on their products frequently. My main goal is not selling out, I already have a proper job so why would I desperately make furry porn? Extra cash is fine and all, but I can live without it as well, and money certainly won't be an issue for me a year or less from now.
>animating gives you more money than programming
Sorry, that's not true.
I think you have a good basis and I can see someof those drawings came from using reference. Main advice for getting better at drawing is use refrence, use drawing from life, and use good tutorials that teach you good form, learn anatomy if you want to do more creature work, and mirror your canvas throughout drawing to spot mistakes. This final tip is from me, you should learn to colour and finish your work digitally, try to make finished pieces not just doodles even if you finish them in paint anything just take it to that level.
>If I want to make money off of art, I'll just become an animator
Ever heard the saying it takes 10 years to become an animator? It's a completely different skillset to drawing.
Anyone can get into programming, even my vegan brother who reads clickbait articles all day and does brain devouring drugs got into it. It depends on the language, but I was referring to the common ones everyone is learning right now. I've seen some of the most brain dead people get into programming, so I would imagine they are overflooding with those types right now and the job market for it keeps worsening. Unless you're leaning some obscure language, you're not going to keep a programmer job for too long since cheaper people who ask for less pay will come around.
As for the drawings, most of them were done without sketching "blueprints" underneath. Kind of like Kim Jung gi. Would that already be considered sort of having potential? Because I rarely hear of people doing that.
Also thanks, I will do so in terms of finishing more work. At least will color things in digitally.
I studied animation for a while so I know some basics. It's just a "what if" scenario, because most of the people I went to art school with began going to animation right after graduation and have made that field seem easier, for me, than expected. But if it's genuinely that bad, then I'll just stick to my current job. Thanks though for the heads up, user.
You have a point. I was thinking of continuing to do a ton of traditional art, mostly colored with art markers, and saving my time by digitally coloring some lesser art to keep seeming active on IG.
Yes I do think programming is easier to get into, but from a personal perspective (I'm a 3d artist in game dev) they need more programmers than artists and more often than not pay them more. But I agree you need to be good at something and competative to be able to get a good wage.
That's a nice dog there, yeah I do think you have potential, I think you just need more practice, I can see some drawings have come out nicer than others. Putting more of a sketch down first could help you stay more consistant but you should try and find the best way for you personally.
Actually just realized that getting these digitally colored make me see more of my anatomical flaws.
I'll go back to pencil then a bit later, thanks user.
As for what you said about programmers, maybe you're right. I'd have to look more into it to be sure, because I still do feel like many immigrants just flood in certain countries and do poor quality but quick coding with a lower pay than immigrants.
>Cue the Indian tech support meme
But in all seriousness, immigrants will always be cheaper and when they overflow in your country, they take your jobs. I would know, I'm a migrant myself and the first thing I did when I was new in the country was take a job that for normal natives paid minimum wage but for me, paid below minimum wage, because migrants are new to everything and pretty dumb, or they just don't care.
>do poor quality but quick coding with a lower pay than natives*
Fixed that. Basically an immigrant will usually ask for a lower pay than a native citizen would.
LMFAO this faggot is so up his own ass about his own art, so he posts on a normie ass board for validation since /ic/ an actual artboard couldnt give a flying fuck about his rookie ass art, i dont even know what to say
Actually I've received a lot of ok critiques from /ic/ several times before, but only lately it has been a slow day. But what more should I expect from a reddltor frogposter that's been on this site since 2014.
>pepe avatar fagging
>thinking /ic/'s opinion is in any way valuable
>same board where people shit on Da Vinchi and Kim Jung Gi
>mfw this is the mental state of frogposters
>Da Vinchi
this is some kino bait
These are good, user. Good command of form. 4-legged animals aren't easy. You're approaching a coherent style. Keep going.
Thanks for the feedback, user. Guess I must be doing then.