How do I get guys on Jow Forums to hit on me without getting called out for attention whoring? Please...

How do I get guys on Jow Forums to hit on me without getting called out for attention whoring? Please, all I want is a cute bf who is into dark humour and self improvement ;( all the guys on dating apps are super vanilla in terms of their humour and personality...

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i met my gf on tinder. she named dropped kek and scooby on her profile and i super liked
rest is history

Clever guys into dark humor are too self aware to use dating sites.

I could try this but majority of them are pretty normie whereas there is a whole goldmine right here... unable to be accessed.

Post your picture. I'm probably what you're looking for

You realize they are all gay, right.
>Jow Forums
Pick one

You can start by posting pic.
We need to see if you can even land a guy like that.

Oh anonette, I was in your shoes once. I'm a bit of a weirdo who can get on well with normal people but feels the best around Jow Forums weirdos. I always wanted to have a hyper-intelligent but peculiar bf and because Jow Forums is brimming with adorable aspie weirdos, I tried my luck. He totally ignored my feelings and ghosted me, lol. Don't chase Jow Forums guys, they are even worse than normies.

Go to the gym. The most you can realistically expect from fishing on Jow Forums is a long distance relationship and it's pretty hard to make those work.

>How do I attention whore without being called an attention whore

try a dumber or more desperate audience like r9k

Post your own progress pics. You are working on improving yourself physically right?

soiboy detected

I'm a girl

Yeah it takes a real clever person to spam the already most spammed meme on the site.

But I’ve been normal sized since puberty.... I don’t have fat photos and I don’t wanna get too muscley

You won’t get “muscley” without steroids, so stop worrying about that. Girls who lift weights naturally just look really good. Way better than if they don’t. Srs.

If you want a Jow Forums bf your chances are 100% better if you lift.

I’ve literally never seen a decently toned girl on fit. The rare girls who do post their pics look like they’re preparing for bodybuilding and that is too much!!

Plus if I post a before after with my after looking measly I might actually get bullied since they’re so autistic about every muscle definition.

>i want a Jow Forums guy
>i am a basement dweller
How is this supposed to work? You don't get to be ugly and get a hot guy just because you are a girl on the internet. You're the female version of most guys on this board

Where have I implied I am a) basement dwelling and b) ugly

Nice bait, got me to respond. So are you gonna provide solutions or what?

You obviously don't want to post your pic, so you are probably ugly or fat. And yet you want a Jow Forums bf

>Where have I implied I am a) basement dwelling and b) ugly
>with my after looking measly
>might actually get bullied
There's no way a pretty girl would think she will be bullied on Jow Forums, they don't give one fuck about muscles on a pretty girl

Ok but how is that not blatant attention whoring. There’s no way around waiting before I give away my identity?

your stalling is attentionwhoring too

hey OP, Jow Forums guy here, I like dark humor and stuff, and don't like dating apps.

wanna chat?

You literally said in your first post you are an attention whore, it's not a secret.
>anonette is scrolling through google trying to find a pretty girl to post

watch this.


I don't know what that means.

OP by the way we can chat with a throwaway kik/discord or something,

are you a chubby chaser?

>op is fat confirmed
I knew that's why you wouldn't post pics.

>Jow Forums
>Clever guys
Kekked so hard my soul left my body for a brief moment

Kek,I'm not the op, but like you I'm sure that she is either a fattie or an uggo. Fatties are known from their entitlement towards fit guys, kek.I'm just wondering why that user is so interesting some random attention whore who isn't even credible and won't post her pic.

100% positive OP is a Jow Forums faggot pretending to be a girl that likes Jow Forums faggots

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Oh noe noe noe, I hate fat girls. If you're fat then adios. If not, then yeah I'm still down to chat.

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8

yuno a cute

I'm 100% positive too

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For a start, where do you even live?

Get off of Jow Forums you nigger.

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Implying this has anything to do with personality.

>guy calls you a female version of everyone on Jow Forums
>you prove him absolutely right