This won't exist in 100 years

How does that make you feel?

Attached: 1544699465699.jpg (1538x2048, 348K)

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With the advances in modern medicine, it's possible she could live to be 116, so you're possibly incorrect.

So every white person will suddenly decide to have no children at all world wide?

The hat is made out of a great deal of synthetic material, I'm sure it will still be around in 100 years.

i wont exist in 100 years either, so mehhh

couldn't care less .. as long as this still exists

Attached: 6Z3A7208.jpg (1200x1800, 1.15M)

>How does that make you feel?
There won't be any Hapas? Wonderful.

that's an asian racially appropriating white aesthetics

pretty sure Asians will still exist

This will exist in the European-Japanese hafu utopia while the rest of the world turns into brown insect people.

Asian women are better at being white than white women. This is established fact.

>appropriating white aesthetics
That's a Asian-European mutt. I know it's difficult to tell. Mutts always take on more features of other aces.

Attached: eye color.png (150x172, 30K)


I'm fine with it, mud races don't belong on the White man's world.

those are eye contacts. she's over 75% asian and likely 100%

>Asian women are better at being white than white women. This is established fact.
You're a loser virgin that can't even get an asian woman let alone a White woman in bed.

Did she dye her eyebrow color too?

lol those things are tattooed on.

Whitey better hurry up before they completely run out of Korean women. Get yourself one before it's too late.

Did she have surgery to have unattached earlobes too?

yes they actually do that. sir give it up she's asian (significant majority)

>thots photoshopping and attention whoring themselves on social media won't exist in 100 years
perfectly fine

>Did she have surgery to have unattached earlobes too?
Probably. Not that it matters because chinks don't belong in White nations.

Kana is 100% Asian. Detective Faggot

but the fucking EARLOBES user

Koreans have eyelid glue they use as makeup to make their (already surgically altered) eyes wider.
You don't know how bad it gets until you start digging into it.

And eyes, and eye color, and hair color, eyebrow color, chin, and forehead. I think she's 1/4 or 1/8 European.

Attached: 2.png (1207x405, 408K)

Does it burn if you're not a cuck all the time?

She's 50% plastic.
That's your answer.

The checkbones is what is most off, and that's a lot of surgery.

Attached: 1.png (833x426, 166K)

japs are over 100 million you dumb yank that's excluding expats

You realize she's like 13, right? Even in a plastic surgery obsessed nation, you think any one would do that to a child? Fucking moron.

koreans are 65million in south alone and I'm not sure about north korea to be honest with you.

the only one going to colase is 50 million in china because of mone child policy

Thank you for your input Tyrone. Hope you got the welfare check I sent you.

She does porn you sick faggot.

Kana is LITERALLY 100% Asian. Look her up you stupid faggot.

You don't understand the power women have to accessorize and morph. They are like the Jew in that way

>knowing porn whores by name


100 years? try 3

we should do something

Attached: 1544841703436.jpg (960x960, 68K)

You can see the grown woman in that kid's eyes.