Finnish Defense Forces

>Finnish Defense Forces
>900 000 men + 12 600 border guard paramilitary
>AKs, grenades and basic gear for everyone
>thousands of stingers and NLAWS
>thousands of artillery
>emerges victorious in all joint exercises with Norway, Sweden and the US
>can brunt the full force of the Russian military or NATO and emerge victorious
>budget: 2,8 billion euro (2018)

>~210 000 men
>descrepit and weak in all ways
>budget 38, 93 billion euro (2018)

>"c-conscription doesn't work a professional military abl-"

Attached: Valatilaisuus_15022013_113-20.jpg (1200x800, 902K)

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My serkku Aiva sent me a lovely Christmas package from Finland that I got today that included salmiakki. I am happy,

Attached: 1475531893600.png (417x500, 20K)

well you can fight for zog any time, i wont lift a finger and i am glad that the german military is a pile of trash

Cuckscript "armies" are dysfunctional trash.

t. speaking from experience

>not part of NATO

T. Ryssä
How can anything compete?

Attached: Itsenäisyyspäivän_paraati_2015_05_Leopard_2A6.jpg (1280x853, 230K)

>included salmiakki
based and black candied

that camo is excellent

>Sgt. Püstitus will never order you to die retaking Narva from the Onions.

Why live?

Attached: CuteEestiThinksItCanDefendItselfFor10Hours.jpg (450x555, 21K)

based white mongolians. finland might be the only country that can make conscription work

It's only usable for 3 days a year in Finland, then they have to switch to their Summer Snow Camo 2 days after Midsummer's.

Attached: Meanwhile-in-Finland.jpg (720x540, 63K)