I called a man "adorable"

>pursue shy guy who is also a marine
>ask him out
>says yes
>set up time and date
>whole time he doesn't make much eye contact
>grabs himself a beer and starts to talk to me and open up
>at the end of the date I ask him for a hug
>run home
>I called a marine "adorable"

Did I mess up?

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this literally happened to me this week.
i'm confused as whether she just wants to be friends or pursue things further, i imagine he feels the same.

in short yeah, but recoverable but just letting him know you havent friendzoned the shit out of him

Also I have Aspergers

No you fucking don't

I’d be depressed. When a girl calls you anything resembling “cute” it makes us think you believe we’re non-threatening asexual stuffed animals.

I called the last Marine I was fucking in the ass adorable... he didn’t mind...

what a faggot

He’s a Marine, of course he is...

He did not respond after this.

How many days should I wait to text him again?

I don’t want to screw this up because I haven’t liked someone this much in years.

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>"I couldn't tell if you were bored"
bad move, femanon

Your honesty just fucking this up. But hey look at it this way, getting into relationships are supposed to be easy, if this behavior still works then it turly is meant to happen. Cheers

Okay should I just move on and focus on something else then?

No you didnt fucked up. And he didnt respond BECAUSE IT WASNT A QUESTION.

Wait 36 hours and ask him on another date.

I'd probably think you don't see me as a sexual person. Don't call a man cute.

No? I love being called adorable.

You also love getting it up your ass.

Nothing wrong with that

True that. Just makes you a homo

Yep, 300 confirmed kills and your ass is next.

Oh oops. This guy I like told me he likes robots and I blurted out "Really? How adorable!". I guess I shouldn't tell him how cute I think he is...

He's shy. You're shy. You're both trying to find a level of openness you're comfortable with.

You may have pushed a bit too hard, he may have been startled and run away.

But it's not the end of the world. Give him a little time and then talk to him in a friendly way as if nothing had happened (because nothing really did). You can probably pick up where you left off

You shouldn't view it like this. When a girl calls you cute it means you're more viable for a long term relationship than a guy that's "hot". Whenever I describe a guy as being cute, it's always when I'm into him.

Cute is what you call a puppy. Not a guy you want to date. I don't want to be called cute. I want to make your panties wet and being called cute implies the opposite.

>more viable for a long term relationship
we're the kitchen appliance you've always needed

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yeah no.
if a girl calls me sweet or cute. i disregard her as being into me and move on. especially if we haven't fucked

Probably means more approachable and down to earth. Haven't you heard of the cute girl/boy next door archetype? A man can be both cute and sexy.
To the guys annoyed at being called cute, are you actually underage or that insecure? I've never heard cute used as code for unfuckable, if anything cute guys are implied hotties


Some people add periods to the end of their sentences and others don't. Be more mindful of that, because adding a period is sometimes seen as passive aggressive. I know it's a dumb rule, but I don't add periods on my texts to seem more friendly. I only add periods of I receive periods

it means we're a stable meal ticket after you're done fucking around, and we're evaluated like you're in the appliances section listing off the product features
that's what you're doing by creating a dichotomy between "hot" and "cute", you are openly admitting to "alphafux betabux"

just came here to say thank you for posting that picture and making me find out about cholo goth culture. pic related is the original image

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A person can be both hot and cute depending on the circumstances you absolute mongoloid.

Thats hella gay. Being this vested means you care too much. Most "alphas" can also be skinny short weenies, but the main difference is that they dgaf. It's a mentality thing. The person who even created the Alpha/Beta model regrets it because people are using the terms to hell and are using it wrong

>When a girl calls you cute it means you're more viable for a long term relationship than a guy that's "hot".
did you write this? are you able to read what you write?

>adding a period is sometimes seen as passive aggressive
I refuse to believe this is for real

look im 24. in the past girls who called me cute and sweetie. never pursued a physical relationship with me. majority of the time its codeword for. im not fucking you now but maybe if we go on dates i'll consider it.
unless we've already fucked. i dont want to be called cute. if the guys u date are okay with that. good for them

Maybe you should be a little more honest and tell him how much you like him. Then tell him that you feel as though you fucked up by calling him adorable and explain what you meant by it. I think it'll help you both to express your true feelings to each other. Someone has to open up here.

as autistic as it sounds, he's right ..

Google it and look into the load of studies they've made. They say it makes you look angry, PA, etc.

I know, it's really dumb, especially if you like to be grammatically correct, but casual texting is another game with different rules. I feel it though. You yourself didn't add a period, and I am more open to you than a person would have added a period. If I added a period, I feel like I would come off as less friendly.


I believe that as long as a girl likes or shows interest in you, calling you cute or hot is good either way. You can get away with holding her hips afterwards, exuding quiet confidence. I heard of some 13 year old boys fucking older teen girls, even if they called him adorable and babied him at first. The little man handled it just like that, like a man.

If she wasn't to compliment you, call you a creep even, that would just plain ruin everything

I didn't write that, more than one person can post in the thread. Holy shit, lurk more, embarrassing

nope, you're just very, very insecure

I am not cute. I am a strong, masculine, sexy, manly man. Girls are supposed to find you cool, or hot, or intimidating. “Cute” is an emasculating word. Like “hubby”. I’m not soft, I’m not in need of protecting or nurturing. At least when a girl calls you a creep it means she acknowledges your manhood and sexuality, maybe in a frightened & semi-disgusted way but they do.

How would you feel if a man called you “handsome” or “burly”?

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>that horrifying smug look women give when they mentally place you in the “Daww, you’re gonna be my dopey husband one day!” box
>you know the one
>”Aww, what a cute little goofball...he’ll make perfect husband material. I bet he’s too pussy to even fight back”

Sends me running for the hills. I’d die before accepting her proposition to become her lapdog.

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t. virgin
I've been called cute by childish grills who found me attractive and didn't how else to say it; in some places calling someone cute is saying you like them without having to outright say "I WANT TO RIDE YOUR DICK SO HARD"
have you never head girls talk about some guy saying how "cute" is?

anyway, OP, I think it's fine to call a guy adorable, at least I'd be flattered especially if after a date; it'd be obvious she digs me in a more than "just a one night stand" way

Y'all have insecurity issues if being called cute makes you feel emasculated.

but the PUA manual said so!!!

no. we are tired of dealing with females who never put out.

Fuck out of here virgin. You’re talking shite.

>NO U - the post
a classic

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Go somewhere with your fake ass shit.

>Using the insecurity buzzword
>Saying y’all as if you’re from the south

Woman or reddit detected

I call my boyfriend both adorable, cute, sexy and handsome. Each of them is a compliment and each of them he likes. You have to be really fragile to be offended because of compliment.

You didn't screw up that bad. If you're actually going to date him for a while, it's no big deal at all. If it was a one date and you're not interested, you insulted him but not badly. My advice, Call him 48 hours give or take from when the date ended and talk to him. Don't bring it up but tell him you had a good time and you would really enjoy spending more time with him. He may be shy and he may be a virgin reading your post.

yeah, more likely to get cucked

>what do you call a faggot in camouflage?
> a fucking faggot, the same as you call any faggot.

seriously what the fuck does it matter what he does as a job? would you have the same problem calling a welder adorable? a farmer? a fucking coal miner?

to be honest it sounds like you're trying to date at the profession rather than a man and it makes you sound like a roastie. there is also the distinct possibility that you are not even a grill.
please remove yourself to b and prove your female status.

and yet you are still a virgin; you should process that

every woman who has called me cute before we had sex has either never had sex with me at all or cheated on me
This is a common experience

Yes, but did you start calling him cute before you had sex?

Yeah, way before it, I actually called him cute before calling.him handsome or sexy

There's always an exception to the rule but usually "cute" or other synonyms reveal a woman's unconscious desire for him to take care of the kids she has with another man

Never heard of anything like that. I mostly hear girls calling men like actors or singers cute which basically means that could fuck them on the spot, usually it is parked with something else they find attractive about them

oh user, the things you tell yourself to cope


don't wait at all idiot, waiting shows that you have no interest

but if you don't wait you look desperate user!

I honestly just mentioned it because I thought it made my comment feel more offensive...

I doubt he's a virgin. He might not even be into me I can't tell. He's hard to read. Maybe he's a sperg too.

Also I did not expect the thread to get this big.

>Maybe he's a sperg too
>Also I did not expect the thread to get this big
if you're a girl on Jow Forums you're guaranteed to get lots of replies, regardless of what you say, so be prepared for a pile of shit to be delivered to you
there's a lot of broken people here who were hurt by some grill at some point

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Im adding periods to everything in spite now. Fuck that gay shit punctuation is important.

Handsome should apply to both genders just as cute should

>punctuation is important
fucking this


These are all things I've been called before the girl tells me she's sure I'll make some lucky girl happy one day (but not her), so it has become a cue for a lack of sexual interest and I typically pull away after receiving these compliments. In all cases the girls didn't reach out again, so it's a pretty good indicator.

I feel the need to add that this only applies to the final statement. Obviously you're allowed to separate your sentences, but in texting it has become common practice not to full stop your last statement. It really does make you come off as angry or snooty