Careers in 2020 and beyond

Just testing the waters to see what the best degrees to major in will be post 2020 after trump has made our nation great again.

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probably something to do with cybersecurity but i dunno

Manual labour jobs. The kind of $15/hr jobs that Mexicans used to do. There will still be tech jobs but at a much smaller scale when other countries lock out USA firms from participating in their markets.

Asteroid mining.

lol robots are gonna do those jobs now

the political/corporate globalist elite kept bringing in immigrants because they wanted cheap labor. now that machines can do the same work for even cheaper, the immigrants are a liability, so the elites are pushing this new wave of nativism spearheaded by their man Trump. "it'll bring jobs back, we swear!" then when the immigrants are gone, the farm laborers and factory workers and miners find out that, whoops, they're not getting their jobs back after all. sorry Jim Bob, you're still not gonna be able to put food on the table, and btw those welfare checks you were getting under Obama are going away too.

but the leftists are right about one thing, eventually we'll have an automated luxury communist utopia... but it'll only be the 0.01% who'll get to enjoy it, after all the unwashed masses and useless eaters are gone

Trades, tech, or anything to do with health care.

Nearly 2 years in and I've finally resided to the fact that no one actually likes him or thinks he's doing a good job, they just like how he upsets and does the opposite of the people that they view as the opposition. Same way I never liked my grandmother, I just liked how she drove my cunt father insane whenever she came around.

>robots are gonna do those jobs now
Which jobs?

Robotics are nowhere NEAR sophisticated enough to do plumbing, electrician work, carpentry etc.

I am so fucking scared of Trump losing in 2020. Tfw I live in one of the bluest states and my vote is useless. Doesn't mean I won't cast it again.

>the elites are pushing this new wave of nativism spearheaded by their man Trump.
The fuck are you smoking? Elites are terrified of trump and the EU is desperately shipping in blacks so they can erase the native population.

lol you fell for the "elites are terrified of trump even though he's obviously one of them" meme

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Collegefags smugly believe that it will only be manual labor affected by automation, but they are full of shit. Most manual labor jobs involve a lot of hands-on problem solving, work that cannot be automated unless we build an actual T-800.White collar jobs are far more at risk than what anyone wants to believe. Much of the work that lawyers, doctors, accountants, and engineers do could also be done by software.

>Much of the work that lawyers, doctors, accountants, and engineers do could also be done by software.
Lawyer here, anyone who says that our work can be done by a machine is retarded who doesn't understand the work lawyers do.

Aren't you guys basically actors who memorize alot of rules?

Of course not, you're thinking of actors that play lawyers.

I could go on and on and fucking on about POLITICAL eleites who despise him. The list is never ending. I'm talking about people with the power to commit genocide, wipe life off the planet with the touch of a button. Not "oh I made lots money hurr durr look at my yachts". I'm talking real elites.

Elon Musk, Bill Gates etc. Have a FRACTION of the power over human destiny that George Soros or the unelected beurocrats of the EU.

Inb4 you don't reply

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>Most manual labor jobs involve a lot of hands-on problem solving, work that cannot be automated unless we build an actual T-800.
>but a lawyer, doctor or engineer can easily be replaced by a computer
This is what blue collar insecurity looks like.

Read this as "consolefags" and was very confused. Guess I've been on /v/ too much

I've been told by attorneys that it involves alot of theatrics. I'm curious, what is the work day off a lawyer like?

>I've been told by attorneys that it involves alot of theatrics.
I guess court work does to a degree, but there's still a lot of thinking on your feet and reacting to things as they come. There's also the need to be able to empathise and comfort people, because people don't go to lawyers unless they're desperate or in trouble. Not so easily replicated by a machine

>I'm curious, what is the work day off a lawyer like?
It really depends on the area you practice in. I do a bit of everything (civil, family and criminal), so my days vary a lot. I could be in court one, talking to clients who are in prison because they haven't been bailed, trying to find someone emergency housing because they're leaving their abusive partner. Of course, it means that it's always interesting. This week, I'm helping a more senior lawyer with a hearing to determine whether our client is actually capable of giving us instructions or not, for example.

>a lot of thinking on your feet and reacting to things as they come. There's also the need to be able to empathise and comfort people, because people don't go to lawyers unless they're desperate or in trouble.
This seems to be supporting my theatrics theory.

Do you have fun being a lawyer?

What you said is also applicable for accounting. Data entry sure, but there is tons of judgement, data analystics, planning, etc involved.

I do enjoy it, yes. It's definitely not for everyone and I feel like a lot of people would make terrible lawyers, but I think it's for me.

Okay? I have no experience with accounting, which is why I was only talking about being a lawyer.

How hard is law school? Is it really the impossibly difficult hellscape everyone makes it out to be?

Go on and on then
I'm interested in listening

I didn't find it too bad, but I also think that I was perhaps better at figuring out how I work and how law school works. For example, I probably did about 20% of my readings throughout the entire time I was there, because I learnt very quickly that what you covered in class was what was going to be covered in assessments. The readings are relevant, but not as relevant as actually going to class and paying attention. I think the worst part was anxiety towards the end about finding a job you enjoy, but I don't think that's unique to law school.

>needing a degree
But after Trump MAGAs, we can all make $50,000/year starting salary at a factory again.
nah, any 400-pound fatass can do that job.
memes aside, robots will replace a lot of retail jobs and transportation (trucking etc) by 2020. And that will create more workers for low-skill jobs like plumbing etc which will drive wages down.
And then another decade robots will take those over too

"There's a list of people.that hate him

Since in my opinion he's a flawless god, if they hate him, they're scared and it's actually PROOF I'm right"

What? I said what I wanted to say. The usual super rich can't actually do that much to you. Rich doesn't always = power. Bill Gates doesn't have enough influence to start WWIII. Men far poorer than him could literally wipe you and me out within the hour if they wished. They know where you are, who you are, what you do and have access to more weponry than you can imagine. These are the people who hate him.

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He's in no way flawless, thanks for putting those words in my mouth.

That's also not proof that he's great, all I was saying is that it's retarded to say he was ever on the same playing feild as the elietes that hate him. That guy said "he's one of the elites". Being rich is not equal to political power. We put him in political power because we trusted him. He's doing a pretty ok job, even though he does it with no tact

Being fisliked by elites doesn't make him not an elite.. nor does it mean he isn't serving elite interests. You're still making ridiculous false equivelancies.

Wasn't most of the reason trumpies voted for.him because he was an "unbuyable millionaire and knew business"

Unbuyable alone sounds pretty elite.

the elites needed TPP to grow more powerful than sovereign nations and escape national level courts. TRUMP KILLED THAT BILL LITERALLY ON DAY 1 OF HIS PRESIDENCY. but keep pretending you know anything, ignorance is bliss for sure

"I could go on and on"
"The list is never ending."
"inb4 you don't reply"

ok there retard

I can't tell if you're not understanding or just really don't want to hear what I'm saying.

I was trying to make one point. I said "elites hate him". I was referring to political elites. I should have specified. To which you or whoever replied "but he was an elite"

I'm trying to say he was a different kind of "elite". He was and is rich and yes, that gives him power and privilege that likely you or I don't have. However, that power is different from the power of the likes of unelected beurocrats. Trump would be counted among elites like Rockefeller, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Opera etc. None of these people have armies. None of these people have access to nukes. None of these people can make laws. None of these people have imported millions of forigners to a nation in an effort to achieve (and they literally use this exact term) "replacement migration".

You and I COULD become as rich successful as Trump, it is possible. You will never be as possible to be as powerful as a beurocrat.

I said "I bet you won't reply" hoping for a rebuttal.

>Elites needed TPP to become more powerful and avoid law
>Trump stopped it, therefore going against the elites

Are you retarded? You're proving my point.

and i replied

show me the lists

show me your proof

Antonio Tajani
Angela Merkle
Donald Tusk
George Soros

Not sure what you want proof of. If you want proof that elites hate him you just Google the name of almost any powerful world leader and "Trump" you'll see countless quotes about how they think he's so evil.

>transportation (trucking etc)

It will be interesting to see what happens when millions of truckers suddenly find themselves out of work. I'm sure none of those guys would go block off an isolated section of highway and start setting those robotic trucks on fire.

That would be fucking metal. I suspect unions will delay these things from happening for a few decades.

Why is this thread full of Jow Forums virgins?

Hella relevant

>I'm talking about people with the power to commit genocide, wipe life off the planet with the touch of a button.
>Men far poorer than him could literally wipe you and me out within the hour if they wished.
>I was referring to political elites. I should have specified.
You mean like this guy, who's practically the definition of Political Elite, who Trump's been taking orders from the very beginning of his Presidency? The same guy Nixon and Reagan and Bush and Obama were all taking orders from?

Trump used to be a reality TV star, he's an ACTOR. And right now he's playing the role of CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. His whole job is to make people like you think he's fighting the establishment when he's actually supporting it.

The political elites had the pro-immigrant liberals in power when they needed to keep immigrants around for cheap labor. Now that the immigrants aren't useful anymore because of automation, they put an anti-immigrant nationalist in power. This is how the whole charade works, they have a right-wing puppet when their plans require moving to the right and a left-wing puppet when their plans require moving to the left, and as an added bonus, they get to make the plebeians think there's a choice when there really isn't. The left boot and the right boot are attached to the same person, and they're both trampling on you.

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That's nice but I see no evidence of this.

something in psychiatry I would imagine

can someone reassure me that aerospace engineering is good shit? going to study it next year and i dont want to sit with €100.000 up my ass with a shit degree

It’s pretty shit if you’re paying, pretty solid if you’re not. Since you are it is, still not too late to switch. But if it is just pick up some other skills to compensate for the specificity and focus of the degree. It’ll look hella good when getting another job if you have great skills and a specific major that’s tougher than shit like that. Also if you want to be actually smart, start networking right now so you’ll be set post graduation.

absolutely study Aerospace engineering as your first subject and study Russian as your second so you get a chance to actually work in the industry

Law enforcement, military, and medical fields are the only guaranteed paychecks.

Aero is pretty good but I wouldn't pay €100k for it. Even in America you don't pay that much for an engineering degree unless you make some really dumb decisions.

well, to backtrack and add a little more info, €100k is the maximum i estimate. €70k is the minimum.
thing is, student loans in norway are pretty chill compared to america, because the welfare state is a holy cow you're not allowed to criticize. the repayment is low and i can freeze it for a few years if needs be.
is the specificity going to be a problem, though? i have some other, cheaper options, though its kind of a wish of mine to study and work within aerospace engineering.

Well, in 2020 there will be more coal mining jobs paying $12/hr. There will also be some more minimum wage farm harvesting jobs. Both of these will be replaced by robots by like 2022 though, so rough.

>get $xxxx more this year in taxes
>my kids school's budget was slashed and teachers are getting like one whiteboard marker a trimester
>my kids less affluent friends are getting shittier and shittier free lunches
>teachers are finally getting outraged enough to quit, go to private schools

jesus christ

Nursing. Anything computer, info systems, com sci, com engineering etc.

No way. 2042, maybe. Not 2022. Robotics isn't at that point yet.

I expect the next batch of jobs to get automated to be point of sale and long-haul trucking (with a human still in the picture for last mile).

Civil engineer specialized on border walls.

This except I'm pretty sure we will find an ultimate solution like basic income, it's hard to let 99% of the population starve to death even if you have zero empathy because they will riot and rebel, also you will be losing out on a lot of entertainment and culture.

I unironically like some of trumps policies. I’m a centrist too