Why do I find sex gross? Everyone spends so much time thinking about how to get it but I can't even get past the idea of kissing. Is there something wrong with me? 21/male
Why do I find sex gross...
asexual maybe????
You may be a sex-repulsed asexual. This is actually more common than you may think.
People who are asexual don't experience sexual attraction to people. They don't see someone and go "I wanna bang that". They may still get hormonal and want a sexual release, but usually do so through masturbation and have little to no interest in involving other people.
There are also asexual people who don't mind sex and may have sex for other reasons, but they still don't experience sexual attraction. There's also a spectrum where people may not experience sexual attraction to 99% of people, but do occasionally have it with very specific people. This can be called gray-asexual or demisexual.
Basically, if you find people aesthetically pleasing but don't want to have sex with them, if you don't understand hookups or casual dating, if you find sex repulsive or just something you don't care about, and if everybody else seems obsessed with sex and you just don't get it, you may be asexual.
There's actually dating sites out there for asexual people, so if you want a relationship but don't want anything to do with sex, there are options for you.
Also, if you find yourself desiring sex but still grossed out by it, there may be something else putting you off of it, for example being a hypochondriac or germophobe. In this case, I would suggest consulting a therapist (or even a sex therapist) to help you handle the hangups that are getting in the way.
I guess that sounds like me. but there's no interest in a relationship at all. is this gonna be a problem? everyone says a good man needs a good woman behind him. do people really judge unmarried people in their 30s/40s? I don't want to be, say, passed up for a promotion because that guy has a wife and I don't. it feels like missing something fundamentally human
jesus christ don't listen to any of these faggots op. stop jerking off so much
I'd say it's better than being so desperate for a relationship you latch onto the first person who pays you any attention.
Just focus on yourself and your life. There's nothing wrong with that. Don't let people guilt you into a life plan you're not happy with. if you find someone you wanna be with, awesome. And if no, who cares? It's your life, live it how you want.
If anybody gives you shit, tell them you're waiting for the right person.
OK, when you really think about it, sex seems gross. There are fluids and bodies slapping each other and mouths going where normally a mouth wouldn't want to go.
But when you're actually horny, it feels great and sounds amazing. Normally you wouldn't want to drink cum, you'd want water or coca cola or something else good.
But when hormones happen and you find someone who floats your boat you may change your tune.
>When hormones happen
I'm 21.
Wish I felt the same. Once you've had a
Taste, you're hooked for life. Sex: most addicting drug
I think he means when youre in the zone of about to have sex. Hormones release and you have such feelings.
I do have same feelings. I cant imagine even huging someone unless i really like someone. I do have ocd and i hate when ppl touch me so i guess that explains. But yes, sex is gross. But it feels nice with someone you like a lot and trust. I wouldnt be able to have one night stand. I want to puke and take a shower just thinking of kissing a person i dont like and trust.
OP sounds like one of these faggotts that say they don't like the taste of alcohol. of course alcohol doesn't taste nice but we try and try again until we get used to it because we don't drink alcohol because alcohol tastes nice we put up with the taste of petrol in our mouth because we like the feeling of being drunk. the best thing you can do is to grin and bear it and keep stuffing away until you start to enjoy yourself
What does that have to do with op though
Try pedo stuff or sheep.
Helped with someone I know.
If someone is 45 years old and waiting for the right person, it's clearly the person looking that is in the wrong.
>Is there something wrong with me?
Well obviously? Most people experience sexual attraction and romantic attraction. Somethings wrong with you. That doesn't mean you're a bad person or whatever.
OP here.
Interestingly I don't drink either because I don't enjoy the taste of alcohol and don't enjoy being drunk. But my issue is not understanding why people crave sex so much. Clearly it's not an acquired taste for most.
If there's something wrong then what should I do to fix it? I just want to be normal.
You're a pussy OP, go fold some napkins
You sound like a faggot
this, or just tell them you aren't interested in one. If they still give you shit they can fuck off bc its your life, not their's
>you may change your tune.
Maybe someday you'll change your tune about girls.
this whole post reeks of "you'll understand when you're older"