ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

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Do you fart in front of your SO (in a non-fetish way)? If so, how long before you got to that point?

Why can’t I get casual sex? I’m 19, 6’1 and I’ve been told I’m decently attractive. It still feels like women ignore me. Posting my tinder, I get a lot of matches but like no dates.

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Why when I have good conversations with a girl and she's into me I can never seem to meet up? Mostly girls I talk to on Tinder. We seem to hit it off and snap alot for the first few days and they say they want to meet up but they never go through with it. The one I'm talking to now is the first gf material girl I've on Tinder so far (I live in Iowa) and we snap a ton but I tried to hang out with her this weekend and she said she wants to but I'm worried I'll get completely flaked on again and I'll have wasted my time talking to her.

Tl;dr How do I ensure this person will want to meet up with me

decently? you're very cute (:

I used to date a girl like 10 years ago
We were both like 20ish years old
She's back in my city after a couple of yeras
You women, not like you exist, what would you expect?

Then why is it so hard for me to get my dick sucked???

how do you go around casually dating people without getting feelings for them?

As a 21 year old virgin man who never tried tinder:

You look sad in thoses photos and that meme is unfunny (at least to me).

Seriously how do you hope seducing someone when you basically say that you are an annoying, depressed, narcissicist.
What are the positives about you ? This is what you should say. If you really find nothing, say nothing, or something vaguely sexy or amusing.

desu I think girls matches you when they see your photos and unmatch you when they see your bio/ talk to you.
Also, maybe you have no text game, talk too much on tinder instead of switching to text, or whatever.

Tinder is basically like porn for women looking to hook up.

They're horny, so they message you, then they bash the bean and suddenly they realise they don't want to have casual sex with someone who might give them an STD.

Too many fucking emoticons. People also don't want your soundcloud link.

The second part of your bio could work well as a joke 6-12 months ago but existential despair memes are on their way out so you really have to mix it up by adding something positive at the end.

>yada yada I am a depressed narcissist but I will let you steal my hoodies so there's that

I'm 18, going on 19. How do I meet women to platonically spoon me and stroke my hair and reassure me that everything will in fact be ok

I feel like there's a gap in the market here

I posted about this in a thread from Friday afternoon.

My crush (guy) was very passive aggressive with me during our last Skype call (we group call with a few of his friends), in the sense that he was insulting me without explicitly naming me. Later on in the call, towards the end, he resumed being very sweet and kind to me. Since we're going to call later on today, I want advice on how to approach him. Should I ask him if he's mad at me, or if I embarrass him or what, and if so, how should I word it?

>clapping emoji between each word
That screams basic bitch or wannabe drag queen

>use Hot or Not
>instantly match with girl within walking distance
>hit it off about how we never meet other people who live close
>she frequents the park near my house
>ask to smoke with her
>says shes down
>ask if she has snap
>leaves me on read
>the next day, replies "Yes, I do"
>tell her to add me, give her my username
>leaves me on read
>never replies
>never adds me
>visits my profile a couple more times
>say fuck it and ask if shes still tryna hang

What the fuck is going on

Jesus christ give her a time and place you fucking idiot. Why are you pussyfooting?

Listen friend
Don't ever get attached to someone over Skype
I made that mistake 10 years ago
He's not your "bf"
He will never love you

It's stupid. Drop it


Girls, how do you feel about a guy who has no social media?
Is it a red flag? Would you find it strange if the only method of contact a guy had was just a phone number.

I am worried this might be putting girls off

I don't understand
I planned on getting to that once we actually talked on snap and got to know each a tiny bit before we met up. I don't usually expect to meet up with people without at least being able to contact them outside of the app

>I planned on getting to that once we actually talked on snap and got to know each a tiny bit before we met up.
She doesn't know that. Snapchat is the stereotypical exchange nudes with (almost) no consequences app. For all we know, she thought you were just trying to score some nudes. You were already messaging her using an app, what was stopping you from asking her out there?

My closest friend just ghosted me. We knew each other for a year and we were really close and at times intimate. We were inseparable. She knows things about me only I know and vice versa, we both were really very close. She was infatuated with me as well, but because I couldn't sober up, she did not want to enter a relationship with me until I cleaned up, which I couldn't. About 10 days ago I think I killed the friendship by getting drunk one too many times and doing something that may have harmed her academic life. She's removed me from social media.

I think I've accepted this, and today I've written out a manuscript detailing our relationship and everything I feel/felt towards her. She lives with a relative when class is in session so I know where the house is.

Should I drop this off to her residence? I know it won't do us much good, but I really want her to know how I feel and how the ghosting has really affected me. I know now that we'll likely never talk again, but This was the most real thing I've felt and I want to get across how profoundly she's affected me.

Is this a shitty idea? I'm not looking for any tangible outcome from this, I just want to express my feelings in the only way I know how to to a distant person

People have tried to make apps for platonic cuddling but they get bumrushed by guys because women don't actually want to meet up with random men.

There's no market, and therefore no gap.

Leave her alone, she's made it clear she doesn't want anything to do with you. If you give her it, you're going to become yet another example of a man who doesn't know when to give up.

Even if the writing includes an acknowledgement of me giving up on salvaging anything with her? I really do want her to know how the ghosting has hurt me, as one of the things we both really belived in was the idea that nobody deserves to be cut off like that.

There is a market, its just that only robots can fulfill it

Leave. Her. Alone.

>I really do want her to know how the ghosting has hurt me, as one of the things we both really belived in was the idea that nobody deserves to be cut off like that.
I'm sure you both also agreed that fucking up other's opportunities is also a shit thing to do, but you went ahead and did that anyway.

That is true, I'd just be opening wounds that need to close if I were to do this. It does feel immesurably better writing all my feelings out though, like putting it to paper means it can leave my body. I guess I figured I thougth she'd feel the same way

Just ask him if he's mad at you. He will give you the answer.

Do whatever the fuck you want, just don't give her a novel about your feelings. She doesn't want anything to do with you.

Should I give him some kind of ultimatum, like "I feel as if I anger you, so I kind of don't want to talk anymore"? Will that scare him away?

What can you tell me from this situation? Do you believe she's into me?

>Be me high school graduate going into summer
>Go to this girl I likes graduation and hang out with her at her after party for a few hours with some mutual friends
>We're pretty good friends and I mentioned earlier in the year that we should go on a hike together
>At this graduation party she says before I leave that we need to go on a lot of hikes together this summer and I agree
>Flash forward about 2 weeks I text her to setup a day
>We settle on a day (yesterday) and I drive out to her house
>We go hiking and talk a lot
>More of a wooded walking path but that's irrelevant
>We get back to her place and she starts walking into her house right away
>I feel really confused so I start to follow her and then I try to say something and stumble over my words a bit
>I then sort of manage to say goodbye, give her a hug and turn to leave
>As I turn she invites me in to have some lunch before I go
>I accept and we end up sitting around and talking for an hour
>I then get up to leave and we hug and talk about how we need to go on another hike soon out by my house next time

Does this all seem like a good sign or is this nothing to get excited about? I was really confused about when she just started walking to her house but then she invited me in after I said goodbye. Was she just expecting me to follow her in?

Loser faggot
If a woman says "Let's be alone" she really says "Kiss me"
You fucked up and was pussy

You sound like a colossal faggot.

>I did something to damage your academic career and it was so bad you never want to speak with me again
>but here is a long document about how this event has been problematic for ME and I want you to have it for reasons that definitely aren't "please feel sorry for me and talk to me again"

You are a shit person, work on yourself.

You could've fucked her but you missed the signs. Doesn't seem like all hope is lost though. Try again next time

Jesus christ women and their bloody ultimatums.

Unless a guy is an absolute doormat that you probably wouldn't date anyway, giving an ultimatum will instantly put someone's back up and you will get an answer you don't want just on the principle of the thing.

Just do what user said and ask like a normal fucking person.

Also accept that men behave differently around their friends than they do when you get them alone. Women make a big deal out of this but they do it too. A guy teasing you while his friends are around to hear it is just the only appropriate way of showing affection 90% of the time. Unless you're absolutely positive he was purposely being hurtful, and given that he went back to being nice to you, he is almost definitely into you and not angry.

It definitely wasn't like that, she's broken up with long time boyfriends because they wanted to do something sexual. She is really against doing anything like that and it's sort of one of the reasons I like her so much.

Any and all of that event could be strictly platonic, I wouldn't count your chickens yet.

She never said let's be alone, she just invited me into her house for lunch before she had to get ready for a job interview she had soon. I didn't really see any signs of intimacy to capitalize on during my time in her house.

That's what it felt like, I was just surprised she invited me in for lunch afterwards. We had a lot of fun hiking and talking together. I definitely didn't repel her, I'm mostly just curious if I missed something somewhere. There's a bit of a track record of me missing cues

I see. It wasn't so much teasing though, it was more like flat-out insults, like he was trying to break me down.

When it's just the two of us he's very warm though, so you could be right.

It was probably intended as teasing. The person at the butt of the joke might not always see it, especially if there's a disconnect in your senses of humour.

If you don't like the way he treated you in front of his friends you're allowed to say "hey that's not cool please don't" because any decent person who wasn't actively being hurtful will realise their jokes don't come across and stop doing it.

Just don't give him an ultimatum or he will kick you to a curb a dozen blocks away.

The realm of men with their friends is thick with insults and slurs, what you might consider hurtful is possibly just normal guy talk. In a typical conversation with my friend I will insult them at least 20 times and expect no less back. Guys don't mean it but it's just how they talk a lot of the time.

Not that guy but I am interested and willing to give you feedback, can you remember specifically what he said?

You should know a lot of guys flirt by playfully insulting though. It's a two way street of communication to find the line where you're both comfortable of course.

This Pic related is extremely accurate. Men aren't socially allowed to compliment each other, so we do it in the subtext. I wouldn't call my best friend a fucking dickhead 10x a day if I didn't love the guy.

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That's true, I recently met up with some of my friends and showed off I lost 30 pounds and one of them said I looked like a twink faggot without any meat on my bones so I knew he thought I was lookin' pretty good. Naturally I asked in reply if he was coming onto me.

A well phrased line from a TV series:
I don't give shit to people I don't like, I just don't talk to them.

I'll use the analogy I used in the thread from the other day:

Let's say I eat a lot of bread, and my crush knows this. In the last call he kept making remarks like: "Anyone who eats a lot of bread is irrational and stupid", or "you can't be an intelligent person and eat a lot of bread," that kind of stuff. But, he didn't say it in a teasing way, more like he was just being flat-out insulting.

Yeahhhh you're an idiot. If he were trying to be insulting he would say "Hey anonette's such an idiot!"

The fact that he's make sideways comments means it was a joke.

I've come across this very recently myself. A girl I know professionally (but have known for quite some time so our rapport is good) found out I don't like seafood, and while talking to a third party within earshot of me she made some sideways comment about how stupid/weird people who don't like seafood are, then give me a sly smile.

It's a joke. It was intended as a joke and it went straight over your head. Are you insecure by any chance? Feel that he's out of your league? Your behaviour sounds like someone who feels totally inadequate around the guy she likes and is just ready to accept anything as a sign of his disinterest.

You might have the autism user. If someone says "anyone who eats bread is stupid" they're obviously not being serious. It's sarcasm. The statement is so flagrantly outside the realm of logic that it's supposed to be funny that he's saying that. Unless he was somehow really convincing about it like a total nutjob and is on a crusade to end glutens or something, he's obviously just having a laugh.

Now I have no idea what he actually said since you're using a metaphor for some dumb reason but it sounds like he was just trying to make you laugh in the way that guys traditionally interact. Reminds me a bit of that ms paint comic of a new girl in the office who says "just treat me like one of the boys" that ends with the old guy getting fired for treating her like he would a guy.

Is it weird that my friends don't have very successful dating lives? The ones that want just sex can get it, but everyone's having trouble finding someone to date long term. They're somewhat introverted, but otherwise pretty normie.

I was at a point in my life recently where I started gaining more confidence and seeing the outside world more after years of solitude. I met a girl I felt I connected with pretty well but sadly my inexperience ruined things after a few months of good times with her and I believe she wants to move on after a month of no communication.

Since things are over now would it be okay for me to tell her thanks for being my friend and helping myself learn a lot about myself I never knew before? I felt like she was a important step with influencing my self improvement and I want to wish her luck.

Might not be weird if you're in an area that doesn't have much in the way of spouse material.

No, the conversation wasn't about something frivolous.

Let's just say he was insulting my religion and my work.

Not saying you can't do that but it's going to be very very easy to do this wrong. Be careful user.

Are you one of my IRL friends? My immediate friend group is like this. Ironically the two least autistic of us are the ones who have been single longest.

If you want real opinions tell us what the fuck he actually said instead of dancing around us. Don't paraphrase or change the wording, tell us something that he said to which you took offence. Sideways comments are often meant to be jokes and until you prove otherwise I'm agreeing that you have the autism.

No that's pretty standard in what is called a hookup culture

Fun fact : "hookup culture" has existed for as long as humans have been alive. The internet has merely made it more visible and accessible.

I don't know if that's necessarily true. My friends and I meet lots of people who look perfectly fine on paper, there's just never a spark or any chemistry between them and my friends.

Yeah, same. My most normie friends have the most trouble finding relationships. The only one of my friends who has had a long term relationship is the one who's a super introverted nerd.

Again, those of my friends who want just sex can get it. Unless literally everyone else only wants sex, there's no reason why my friends who want relationships should have so much trouble finding other people who want relationships. And most are open to both anyway, but would prefer long term if they can get it.

To be honest I'm actually kind of relieved we aren't the only ones experiencing this. My best friend and I are the two most normal and well adjusted of the group, we each have more relationship experience than the others combined, but both have been single for ~3 years each. Of course we have our reasons but in that time I haven't accidentally fallen into any relationships or anything like that, which is a new experience because even though I'm no chad, my late teens were filled with girls and plenty of them caught my interest. Now I meet girls and they seem so boring or they're uninterested.

Thinking about it I don't think I've so much as had a crush on a girl the time since my last relationship.

I've actually been with my SO for about 4 years and we recently got engaged. Meanwhile, I have friends who have literally never had a SO despite being in their mid-20s. Heck, some of them would still be virgins if they hadn't said "fuck it" and lost it to a one night stand.

This is what he said:

"See, this is the problem I have with [my religious group] - they literally believe this illogical shit.... [My group] keeps making this claim, which is really fucking stupid."

Right and why is that an insult to you? He probably just thinks your religion makes stupid claims.

If he's not religious himself he probably doesn't even see that as potentially offensive to someone who is.

He's clearly insulting you. Either that, or he's so socially retarded that he doesn't understand how it makes you feel.

I used to have this crush on a girl a few years back, asked her out, got a yes but she was going through some hard stuff at the time. We haven't talked much through messaging since then but I kinda wanna start messaging back up after seeing her a few weeks back.

I miss being good friends with her, I just don't know how to start it off.

Something like, "Hey X, what's up? Haven't talked in a while, what's up with you?" sound good?

When did text messaging go out of style? I've been reading it increasingly on here that there's a negative perception of texting, you shouldn't text, and should only call to set up dates? This is a totally foreign concept to me

My bf does in front of me, I rather try not to. Took around a year or so

You don't casually date

I would expect nothing

Every normal gf you would get that would genuinely love you would do that

I wouldn't contact him. I'm not going to go through all the struggles on ringing every time if there is an extremely easy to use messenger or WhatsApp out there

Never heard of it

>she replied and is making conversation

bless Jow Forums for kicking me up the ass

as long as I can get a foot in the door I can handle the rest but I needed that push to try and get things started so thank you boys and grilles

You're a amorphous little fagtron who wears cheap headphones in public and has face pubes. You're oily, your hair wack, your neck droopy, you wear loose-fitting graphic tees and probably loose jeans or cargo pants/shorts. There's nothing remarkable about you you're a drone man. You go on about your little meme depression as expressed through your spastic use of emojis. You purport to be a music producer, guitarist and songwriter, yet your stupid little snub nose and blank complexion tell me you've only chopped up n ruined perfectly good samples in audition, fl studio or logic. You reek unsophistication and everything about you says you're an immature dweeb and apparently being 6'1" is not enough to counterbalance this.

Attached: 1524540167936.gif (320x240, 647K)

Is the first pic suppose to be the worst one?

Who told you that? Texting or Facebook messenger are the two mediums I most commonly use to talk to people

90% bullshit

It comes from a group of people who are prematurely nostalgic, mostly for a time period they never lived in, where you couldn't just message someone and had to phone their land line to speak to them.

The truth is that normies actively prefer messaging. Yes, you lose a lot of nuance in text, and yes it's kind of a cheap form of communication, but there are tonnes of benefits. I would go as far as to say that the "texting phase" is a very real stage of new relationships. People wouldn't do it if they hated it.

Maybe put all that time and effort into sobriety

Eating bread is stupid

Next time you talk say.
>On X day you said Y. What did you mean by that?
Bing bang boom no more ambiguity

ugh. in car, trying to tell you guys about how i can't resist my wife's 14 year old chubby sister. i'm so fuckin' sick of this conflict.

i hate that little fuckable shit. Fuck.
i know that if I could be alone with her, just to be with her. really just to enjoy her company, i would.
I'm fucking 25 crushing on a 14 year old girl. HARD.

It's all about who you spend the most time around.
it's agony

I wish I could tell my wife.
Just so that she knows.
oh wait. she fucking does.
she called my a pedo coon, and she said that if I talk about her sister again then she's gonna fuck somebody else.

Nah it's fine. My bf also doesn't have any social media accounts and i don't have a problem with that. Social media is all about flexing anyway so it's unnecessary.

i'm orbiting a planet right now and it's showing levels of sustainability for life, though its atmosphere seems to be quite unstable (planetary storms and whatnot). i'm almost running out of fuel so i can't orbit for much longer. should i abort mission?

Treat your situation like you live in a world where satellites can only be recovered by crash landing.

This isn't the GIOYC thread

just remember to rely primarily on yourself and resort to Jow Forums only in actual need

yeah, it's ok

I'm in no way trying to knock you when I say this but you look really homosexual. Your hair color, hairstyle, unshaven look and even clothes are pretty typical of gay guys in my city.

I met a cute girl on Tinder who apparently lives for movies.

I typically like to do a small-scale no pressure coffee/tea first date but I'm wondering if that + a movie would be a faux pas. Really what I'm asking is if the femanons here would be turned off by a movie date if it was preceded by coffee/tea?

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I have a 12 cm dick.
I've never initiated sex with anyone, I've never had sex, my girlfriend is virgin, but she isn't all that ignorant about sex but most of her knowledge is from hentai and fics and stuff, no real life experiences.
The furthest I've been with her is making out.
I don't know if I should tell her, but sex is pretty far from happening but everytime i hint about that she says that it's not important to her, but then again she's a virgin.
It's one of my biggest insecurities, can I get some non meme advice?

so you don't want sex because you consider your dick too short?

dude, that makes no sense at all. Perhaps there are girls out there who wouldn't want to have sex with you for that reason, but your gf clearly isn't one of them. Thus, you have literally no problem here.

I just don't want to ruin her expectations if she has any, I know that having sex will happen someday I just want to be ready mentally by then. The problem is that I don't know if I should tell her first or act confident or whatever.
I guess foreplay would be important too to please her, so it's cool since I'm into it.

Your dick isn't overly small desu. I think the average is more or less 14 cm. So don't beat yourself up over it. But also keep in mind that your exposing yourself and feeling vulnerable is what everyone experiences. Girls get so worried when one boob is slightly larger than the other, or if their vagina weird, will he notice? Will he hate me? Etc. My advice would just be to have sex when you feel you trust the person enough.

I really like this girl

Went out 2 times, second time hugged her and talked about going out on a third date.She said she would be tired after work, continues to text me but she didn't propose alternative.

Should I continue talking to her? She sends heart emojis sometimes and is really sweet.

too much overthinking.
just do it. When you feel horny just start making out and let things happen naturally.
And be sure that your dick will hurt her anyway and t won't feel small at all. She's a virgin.

GOOD post.

>Should I continue talking to her?
of course not. You should sit at home and post on Jow Forums instead

I has such bad luck in my early teens I basically sealed myself off from women and am in therapy over something happened. I'd like to have a relationship with someone willing to take the lead. What should I do? If it helps, I'm very handsome

But she rejected going out with me, she basically gave me excuses.

How do I know if she still likes me?

I dated this guy for almost 2 months and everything was going fine , we used to talk almost everyday but he suddenly stoped texting me. I wrote to him a couple times and he acted like nothing happened , but he still doesn’t initiate the conversation anymore. We haven’t talked for about two weeks now. I am confused , what do you think?

>females or males
Anyone here into DDLG? This girl I hooked up with is into it and I have NO fucking clue what to do