GF and I want to not use condoms but still not get pregnant

GF and I want to not use condoms but still not get pregnant.

She wants an IUD combined with me pulling out.

Is this a terrible idea? How likely is it her her to get pregnant?

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We currently just use condoms. I check them for punctures. If there's any doubt, she takes plan B.

Also, what's the likelyhood of it falling out and would she KNOW if it did?

UIDs don't fall out. They are literally barbed hooks made out of plastic. I ain't a women, but from what I know they seem to work. That said, they are very unpleasant to get (it crippled by sister for a couple days).

There are other options, but you'd have to talk to a doctor about most of them since we don't know your gf's medical history.

Why would you not just talk to your doctor about this

Just have kids you degenerates.

She wants the copper based one by the way. Don't know if that helps.

We will be soon, I just wanted to hear your opinions.

>crippled by sister
How so?

We're writing up a list of questions. As for her medical history, she has a long history of cervical cancer in her family. After our own research we learned that the only one that shouldn't increase her risk is to copper based one, so the hormone based ones are off the table.

>We will be soon, I just wanted to hear your opinions.
Meant for But that's hilarious I replied to you.

We will one day but if we do it now we'll be on welfare and we don't want that. We're saving up to pay for kids.

I mean... Both are really effective when done right together especially.

You know it's not like school terrifies you about right? Getting pregnant actually isn't even that easy. Accidents happen sure but high school sex Ed makes it seem like she'll get pregnant if you look at her vagina the wrong way even.

>she'll get pregnant if you look at her vagina the wrong way
I have always thought that way. It's engrained in me.

make sure she isn't allergic to copper

Yeah.. nah.. 30fag, been with gf for 5 years, always used pull out only. It works fine if done right. That's the caveat though.. a lot of people don't.

I wasn't around when she got it, but she had to take a day two days off work and just lay in her bed. However, once the pain subsides it is gone completely... According to her anyways. I didn't ask too much about it because I am entirely uninterested in her whoring around.

>copper based
She said those are only for people that can't use the hormone ones. Like I said, I don't know a whole lot about it, but it sounded like the copper ones were meant to irritate the uterus by changing it chemically, or something. The plastic ones have hormones in them that actually prevent ovulation... I think.

Guess I should finish that thought...

Proper pull out:

Get your dick out before you come. No edging, no getting close, no worry or anxiety you're finishing too soon and staying in out of fear, get yo damn dick out.

One you have blown your load, you cannot enter again until you've fully cleaned the outside of your dick AND pissed.

Precum does not contain sperm. That is a myth. It only does if you produce it after coming and you haven't pissed yet.

Came here to post this, thx user.

Ideally stop having sex until married and want kids. If, however, you won't do this, just use spermicide combined with pulling out.

Use spermacide and pull out

Me and my boyfriend use nothing. He pulls out and before sex he's peeing so there won't be any cum in precum

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IUD's are more than 99% effective. Once it's set in there and the doctor gives you the all clear to start fucking again, you don't even need to pull out. If your GF tells you to pull out though, don't be a creep.

I wasn't with her when she got the IUD, but she said her lower abdomen was really sore for a few days. She figured it was her body getting used to having a sharp ass piece of plastic scraping her guts out.

Iud's are just as or more effective than condoms. And they can be left in for up to 10 years, or removed at any time

IUD's are retarded effective
My girl has a hormonal one and I bust in her every night; never had a problem with it

That whole peeing is kinda dumb since precum cleans the pee away... Pulling out is very effective believe it or not.

I do not recommend IUDs. I have had nothing but friends complaining about it and how terrible it is. It works very well but there are several discomforts that I would never tolerate for my wife. Pulling out works very well and so does the calendar method; combine them and you will do fine. IUD + pull out is redundant.

Is this true?

I'm trying to convince my boyfriend to try the calender method because we currently use condoms and although it's doable, it's not ideal. He is totally against it and I can't really convince him otherwise.

>That whole peeing is kinda dumb since precum cleans the pee away... Pulling out is very effective believe it or not.
You misunderstand what the peeing is for. It's to rid your urethra of any residual spermatozoa.

I was born from IUD contraceptive l0l

I would rather get a little of pee than get pregnant. He always pees because otherwise precum could be mixed with "leftover" semen/cum

The implant is better... no chance of that falling out.

>How likely is it her her to get pregnant?
Unlikely, but there is always a chance. Don't even bother pulling out.

There's always a chance, guy. Pic related. For copper iud about 2 to 8 out of every 1000 get pregnant.

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Nuva ring is good, iud works. Neither of these will leave you needing to pull out.

You two should get your shit together. If you're this afraid of kids something is wrong.

Just ass or mouth fuck her, faggot.

Get her tubes tied, and tie your own balls in a knot as well.

This is the only way to be sure, apart from full scrotal-slicing.

>For copper iud about 2 to 8 out of every 1000 get pregnant.
I was Wong its actually 6 to 8 out if every 1000 women every.single.year who get pregnant while using the copper IUD. The lower is for the hormonal IUD.
Good luck.

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It is not hard. First time I finished inside my girlfriend she got pregnant.

Remember op iud and the worlds greatest pull out gsame what protect you from std's.

IUDs fall out, cause health problems, and if you’re packing you can feel it during sex.

Go on the pill, find one that doesn’t make her a hormonal pissy raging bitch, and make sure she takes her pill on time every day, then bust away and you’re fine.

Also you can always just track her ovulation. The only possible way to get pregnant is if sperm is present during her ovulation phase. so if she is very regular, you can just pull out/not have sex during that fertile window and bust inside every other day. Previous GF and I did this for 6 years and didnt get preg. We used no birth control other than timing.

Just don’t give in to the condom. They fucking suck. Id rather jack off.

Condoms do indeed suck ass

Child support.

Had a girlfriend with an IUD for 3 years, never used a rubber, never got her pregnant. Shit's cash.

do you pull out or naw?

>i'm something that happens only 0.01%

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There's an implant she can get in her arm. It's small, less painful than someone shoving an IUD up into her ovaries, less likely to fuck with her seeing as it can't start trying to crawl out of her ovaries, and it lasts for four years

am i missing something? has no one in this thread heard of the pill??? shit's easy and effective.

They did mention them and the side effects

IUDs are really effective, I was with a girl who had one for years, came in her dozens of times without issue. don't think you have to worry much, especially if you're also pulling out

only downside was I could feel it inside her sometimes, especially when I was fingering her or when my dick was pressing up against her cervix. feels like you'd expect from a sharp piece of metal, it wasn't actually sharp enough to hurt but it could be slightly uncomfortable. still worth it to cum inside her bareback

I fucked my girl for years on birth control, IUD, and pulling out.

You'll be fine

Why not just use the pill?
Creampies errytime.

Natural family planning can be very effective if she's willing to take her temperature every morning. And evaluate other signs. Childless for 5 years using this method.

Don't pull out

If you can't deal with having a baby with her, you're with the wrong woman

Get her an IUD or have her take combination birth control pills. IUDs and birth control pills are over 99% effective with perfect use even when a man ejaculates into the woman. Combine one of those two methods with pulling out and you’d need a miracle of biblical proportions to get her pregnant.

Thanks for the tips user. My girlfriend was getting pretty nervous that she is late on her period. But I never even finished inside her.