
>hated by both Nazis and Communists, referred on multiple occasions as "racial trash"
>backwards in terms of all European standards, outdated mentality, unable to adapt
>the only ones who accepted communism instead of viewing it as occupation
>degenerates by nature
>all aspects of "culture" stolen from the neighbors and invaders
>didn't ally with their Balkan brothers in the war against the Turks
>were the only ones willing to cooperate with the Soviets, which is why they got all this clay
>claimed to have been the leaders in the resistance against Nazi Germany
>claim that they are the smartest and strongest people in Europe, but they never had any accomplishments because the evil Westerners are keeping them down
>have a habit of moving en masse to a foreign clay and then claiming it as theirs, used this trick to win most of the clay they currently have
>very impulsive, loud and nigger-tier violent
>unwarranted self-importance, will think you hate him because he's Polish, even if you don't know what or where Poland is
>failed in WW1
>started WW2
>claim to be patriots, but work for ShareBlue for 5 cents per post

Attached: polish flag.jpg (800x450, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>started WW2
Are you high?

Poland is a jewish meme being sold to Americans as a white haven so that Americans keep pumping money into Poland so that the jews in Poland can continue to rake in money white actual Polish people starve.

I live in Illinois. There are way too many Polacks here, in fact the third most popular language after English and Spanish is Polish. And let me tell you, the Polacks are so fucking annoying, douchey and unbearable, every day I come closer to starting the Fourth Reich.

>Reminder that germans caused the collapse of the Roman Empire
>Reminder that germans caused the downfall of unified christianity by creating disgusting protestant heresy which directly let to woman priests
>Reminder that germans caused both world wars
>Reminder that in just the last century germans are the cause of death of over 50 million white Europeans
>Reminder that germans literally harboured, transported and funded Lenin, communist mouthpiece Pravda and then later on literally allied with the communist Soviet Union against Poland
>Reminder that germans invited millions upon millions of niggers and muslims into Europe
There's fucking a lot of this, but listing all of this shit would take too much of my 99,9% white time and I can't be bothered by some shitty bait thread made by the literal eternal destroyer of Europe.

Attached: 1521654362482.png (1186x889, 434K)


Bunch of kike loving catholic niggers. Hitler should have killed more of them.

HAHAHA this is basically true

Ah yes, here come the 52%.

Attached: 1541830999200.png (602x462, 617K)

This is also true

Wow man you are WOKE nice posts 10/10

Attached: GERMan.png (1232x2974, 203K)

>were the only ones willing to cooperate with the Soviets
Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact

Attached: 123581012.jpg (251x242, 15K)

fuck of D and C shill

Attached: german master race expanded.png (1232x3461, 297K)

fuck off commie, you treacherous cowards brought it upon yourselves.



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German "people"

Attached: 1544851179805.png (1384x1155, 340K)

Lmao jewiest jew shit I’ve seen in a while. Fucking kill yourself.

they likely came from scandinavia but earliest records of their migration puts them somewhere around macedonia until they slowly reached spain
they were a bunch of euromutts more akin to a mongol horde than any particular ethnicity and merely spoke a germanic language

>very impulsive, loud and nigger-tier violent
I went to Poland a few summers ago. The people there were a lot more reserved and polite than they are here. People working service style jobs are rude though.

I don't think the rest of what you posted is accurate, but this is pretty obviously a bait thread, so good job I guess.


Attached: youstartshityougethit.webm (640x360, 2.68M)

>"Germans... allied with the communist Soviet Union against Poland"
Are you fucking retarded, or just completely historically ignorant? The non-aggression pact was not an "alliance"; it was simply an agreement not to attack each other (which both sides knew was total bullshit and wouldn't last long). This is like saying that the US is allies with Iran because we have a treaty with them, only even more retarded because we're not CURRENTLY COMPETING FOR MILITARY CONQUEST IN A MUTUAL AREA like Nazi Germany and the USSR were. My fucking god, a simple college history course will set your dumb ass straight.

But isn't this the official Russian stance? xD

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-15 Russia accuses Poland of starting Second World War .png (620x147, 15K)


t. 50% Polish Amerimutt

Attached: 31E9FD5F-C57C-4754-941D-0E18C1A98263.jpg (1024x720, 83K)

>Lmao jewiest jew shit I’ve seen
You haven't seen it yet, wait for it...

>God’s chosen people - ubermenschen
>Goyim (animal soul) - untermenschen
>The promised land - lebensraum


Common core american trying to teach me history of my own country.

Attached: CsiYpyoWAAANIIW.jpg (816x564, 107K)

>American talking about education

Poland brother,you CANT attack germans because germans are the ultimate evil and control USA.Thats the whole point.Few people are awake and get that its the Germans behind everything and behind USA.Germany controls whole Europe but they hide under "European Union" which is nothing more than 4th reich

Attached: nato.jpg (750x337, 87K)

True EU flag

Attached: 1543864718578.jpg (720x412, 39K)

no one gives a fuck what you think memeflag. youre just an assblasted catholic whore or a kike.

Oh wow, you scoured the internet until you found a misleading picture.
You Polacks want to believe that Germany and the Soviet Union had an alliance because you want to believe that you were the victims of some grand cooperative conspiracy, not the you're just an extremely weak and soft country that even two hated enemies could destroy you.

>obsessed with Poland
>cowardly blaming Poland for their own fuckups and crimes
>creating those threads few times a day

American "christianity" is literally the most cucked one.

Attached: 1512798430540.jpg (1200x938, 314K)

>work for Shareblue for five cents a post
Why are you talking about yourself?

you got some room to talk with all the apostates in yor church. and unlike your cult, we aren’t bound to mortal figures.

>kraut officer shaking hands with soviet officer
What did Jamal Rodriguez mean by that?

>nb4 you made a spelling error, checkmate



I don't know what your goal is OP but if it is to have everyone hate Germans you are doing a great job
The more of these kinds of threads I see the more I am okay with Germans being replaced.

Because they were hated enemies. Therefore, finding one instance of them shaking hands is misleading.

>we aren’t bound to mortal figures
meanwhile 90% of mutt "culture" is about celebrities who whore around and stuff

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Attached: Niemcy_rządzą_polaczkami.jpg (815x432, 191K)




Attached: Poland_is_smar-.png (355x463, 228K)

>one instance
Oh wow, I found another one. German foreign minister happily shaking hands with fucking Stalin.

Attached: pobrane.jpg (185x272, 7K)

As a German bro idk why they do this

It's probably a kremlinbot posting under the German flag. They do it with every nation on here trying to stir up rivalries.

So are you actually arguing that the Soviets and Nazis weren't hated enemies? Because if that's what you believe then you really do have the intelligence of a typical Polack.

22 threads and still going
nice autism

>I don't like your opinion
CNN is this you?

Attached: 2k48t0.jpg (500x607, 19K)

Well its working
Seeing this shit every day has turned me into an anti-german
and I am german

I am not surprised if it is working on Poles and they would be fine with living next to turkey over Germans

typical devide and conquer shilling
ignore plz

poles are bros

Are you retarded enough to believe that Molotov-Ribbentrop wasn’t an alliance?

You’re bound to Israel.

I can't tell if you're completely retarded, or just shitposting.

Stalin was roffling at Europe eating itself, no alliance.

If you follow the timeline, everyone waited for the Soviets to declare war on Germany. Instead, it declared war on Poland. Surprise-surprise.

Lewak pls go

Hmm, Germany invaded the country that single handedly smacked Soviets prior.
>B-but nazis hated commies
Really makes you think.

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Attached: CZOŁEM_WIELKIEJ_POLSCE!.jpg (530x451, 133K)


Attached: poland_stronk!.jpg (670x506, 77K)

A new thread to divide the goys.
Good job Ytzhak Goldstein


Attached: krautcucks btfo.jpg (803x1024, 140K)

Best day ever :^)

Attached: 1516467294682.gif (352x240, 1.18M)

Learn history, mutt

when will the British finally kick out polish scumbags from the UK?

Attached: Poles_are_smar...whoa....jpg (918x543, 101K)

Damn rip whites.... the first one in 1941 was way cooler tho

Notice how only the first thing is true and how it explains all other shitty takes in this greentext. Out of haters of Polands over here I seem to remember one who just wanted responses to his ridiculous bullshit like Poles accepting communism. It has to be the same one.

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Attached: jack off time.jpg (274x540, 41K)

I live in Scotland, we are wanted here

Can someone explain me why the Allies did not drop nukes on germany? For some reason Japan got nuked, but the instigator got off scot free?
That bullshit. Imagine fucking krauts becoming another synonym of shadow in english dictionary.

Germany Range-ban when?


>we are wanted here




Attached: Poland_for_the_Poles_England_for_the_English_and_the_Poles.jpg (227x222, 12K)

Dropping bombs on aggressors would be fine. Both Berlin or Moscow would've been terrific targets but it never happened because of politics and potentially dangerous and undiscovered radioactive fallout. By the time the bomb was ready it was agreed that Berlin will be Soviet prize.

OK in the beginning of the post I was on Polands side now just pure gas....pure......gas....

Polands transport system fucking garbage. Was there 2 weeks ago and got thrown off three trams and 1 train to wait hours in minus temperatures for a bus to come take us the rest of the way.

Attached: oogaa boogaa.jpg (510x908, 275K)


Range ban

You made me read it faggot. How even in retarded baitposts can anyone claim that Poland failed in WWI when it was the only world war where we were on the winning side? I know it makes as much sense as claiming that Poles support communism but if we were to sell this shit to anyone what would be the arguments?

>guys let's start war with every single country in Europe and when shit hits the fan...
we blame Poland.

Attached: grfgere.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

Typical ShitSkin German cuck still upset that they can't win a single war. even the E.U. which is the 4th riech, is a failed conquest.

Attached: germany.jpg (953x836, 166K)

Since Poland is welcoming refugees and allowing their women fuck niggers. I don't give a shit about Poland anymore.
Poles say good bye to Poland.

If you're so weak that women are taking control of society there is no future.

20 year old average Polish girls has had 15 sex partners or so (there was screenshot from fb going around). That's even worse than in my country.

Birth rates will go down as Polish women are very promiscuous.

Attached: euroweek milk chocolate.jpg (533x400, 50K)

t. Ahmad Bin Schulzmann

Because Japs are fucking insane. To take Japan it would have cost something like 6M lives if invaded by sea/land not even counting Japanese soldiers. Nuking them and killing a few hundred thousand was actually more humane

Check out my nigger I captured in Warszawa yesterday
>What do?

Attached: CAPTURED MURZYN.jpg (922x1280, 217K)

I like poles. I would blame the same people who made England and America join the war

But they have and the eu is not even a pre war ideal instead it's a post war monster we created

>I would blame the same people who made England and America join the war
So that would be what? germans?

Attached: 1519665565092.jpg (1254x1787, 553K)

Szkocji od Anglii nie potrafi odróżnić, sierota

Attached: krautnigger mentality.jpg (824x1024, 149K)


Gas him like that one retard on Jow Forums who wanted to test a gas mask.

time to kill myself

Whoever had interest in American/British overseas territories and spheres of influence.


Attached: d7883b7db.png (630x612, 158K)

No the Jews Churchill talked about in his book and same for America. Did you know America almost joined the axis

typical krautnigger shitpost

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Marcel proszę cię kurwa, idź spać!

>backwards in terms of all European standards, outdated mentality, unable to adapt
Good. The Germans appear to be going extinct because they can't reproduce.