I get these every month
I get a new one every fucking month
And I can’t stand them anymore
I have one the size you see in the photo. And one on my tongue that big.
Photo is me.
I have tried everything and I just need help.
Anyone else have these problems ?
Canker sores.. I get them every couple months. Nobody seems to know what causes them or how to prevent them. But if you’re down for some pain, grab a q tip and rub salt water on it. Rinse off after a minute. Do this everyday
When I was younger I would get them non stop too. The saltwater helped a lot. Do it as much as you can
Do you use mouthwash?
Used to get them very frequently, started using mouthwash and got them much less frequenter.
Also listerine is good, it burns the canckers like fuck for 5 seconds and then its numb for a good 30 mins
Saw a dentist who gave me oracort for it. Helped reduce it.
When I was in highschool we had to take mandatory band. Everyone wanted to play drums. We got to pick our top 3 choices for instruments, and usually the two people who would be selected for drums would be drawn out of a hat. I told the teacher after school that I couldn't play any mouth instrument because I had cankers and I got to play drums automatically. Good shit.
Dentist said it happened because of stress and poor diet.
I get Cankers when I eat a lot of chocolate.
You don’t have a tooth that is turning because of crowding?
Google will show you webMD which gives a list of possible causes, like vitamin deficiency to stress. Maybe see what changes you can make based on their recommendations and if you don’t see results visit a doctor...
Will be trying thank you
I get these every couple of months.
Never figured out what causes it.
I use a Chlorhexidine mouth wash whenever it happens. It disinfects the canker sore and minimizes the time it takes to heal.
This may sound random af but if you eat any spicy foods or highly acidic foods such as tropical fruit that also aggitates them. I love spicy food but can't eat it all the time because of canker sores.
I think they're called "fingers"
Other than Canker sores it could be oral herpes. Occasionally passed during childbirth or more commonly if you're a faggot.
in the UK we have an oitment called anbesol liquid which is shit hot at relieving the pain and gets rid of them the next day
Seriously, you can buy this shit at the grocery store for like a buck
Don't believe me? Look it up on the internet before you try it
It will HURT bad for about a minute, go numb, and then 'sorta' scab over
It's like all the pain you're gonna go through for the week or whatever will be forced into 1 minute
>hurts so bad
But seriously, look it up and try it
I've seen that they tend to appear when my immune system is low. So in addition to all that anons said, I would say (1) sleep a little more than what you usually need, (2) do sports, preferably a lot and (3) eat well and sufficiently.
op has herpes
I get them more often in the winter, I think it's the dry weather
shit is annoying
I get these whenever I don't brush my teeth for the night. Every single time, like clockwork. I usually do brush my teeth, but sometimes I got lazy when I got drunk or sth.
Its a canker sore so drink only water or milk and try to stay away from anything with sugar. And use salt water and try to get medicine for it theres some patches that you can put over them so do that before you go to sleep and thats really all you can do.
You need to quit sucking that dick.
Incurable. Best you can do is stay away from physical stresses.
It's because you are on that damn phone all the time
This. Some convenience stores specifically sell medicine for canker sores, look for those. Also, whenever I get them, I mouthwash like a motherfucker. The stronger mouthwash the better.
Fix your immune system by having a healthy diet, sleep scedule, and moderate exercise routine. If they keep appearing, or you have any other symptoms, (i.e gastroinstestinal symptoms, headaches, fever, nausea, feeling tired all the time etc) you should see a doctor, because they might be a symptom of something more serious
Came here to suggest alum
>that tartar build up
for one, keep your fucking mouth clean
Oh man, haven't had one of those in a while. Just one more thing to be happy about, thanks OP!
Dental hygienist here.
>rinse with saltwater once a day
>limit spicy/sour foods
>switch your toothpaste/mouthrinse- some ingredients have been known to agitate the oral mucosa and might be causing your sores.
Talk to your dentist about the pain- there are some topical gels that he can prescribe to numb the tissue and make the sores less painful
Stop eating sugar. Stop drinking soda and energy drinks.
dry-mouth mouthwash or salt water helps. I usually get them after my teeth cut or bite anywhere inside my mouth show i sleep. Goes away after like two days rather than suffering for weeks because they heal slowly.
You can get them without those though.
a lot of sodas and mandarins would cause it for me. what solved is abstaining from these things.
Should've stayed a virgin, faggot!
Vaping can cause this too.
That sounds more like ulcers from acidic conditions in your mouth, they look almost the same.
dude do you have mouth cancer?
>Dental hygienist
How does it feel to be a joke?
stop sucking dicks you faggot