Stefan Molyneux has made a documentary about Poland and Polish nationalism

Stefan Molyneux has made a documentary about Poland and Polish nationalism.

This is the trailer for it.

P.S. Premiers on December 16th, 01:00 a.m. (UTC+1), in just 2 hours.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Canadian Alex Jones made a video


He's not really AJ, but both him and AJ cuck on the JQ, that's for sure.

>meme flag

Does SM mention the Judaic belief that other nations will serve the Jews and Israel according with their Torah (Old Testament)? Or the Talmud?

Yes you fucking tard watch it. Critics don't pick up on this because, like you, they are actually too aspergic ADD to listen to bald man asmr for an hour.

>fucking tard
Wow rude. You could be more chill for once motherfucker, I wasn't hostile towards you one bit.

>Stefan Molyneux

If you trust Stafan Moly then you are entry level boomer

Anyway, using this terrible thread that is probably created by stefan himself (he always posted himself here back in 2014) to check

>If you trust Stafan Moly
I don't really because he avoids the JQ and he has said himself that he has part Jewish ancestry.
>probably created by stefan himself
Don't worry, I'm just a Pole interested in what he will say about my country.

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All I know is that he is a censoring pos and a sociopath

Waiting for the gazeta wyborcza fake nigger jew to write an outrage piece already

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Maybe, but at least he has started to talk about racial IQ and behavioral differences and starting to value nationalism more. It has surely redpilled some normies.

Alrdy have the documentary notified. Gonna be lit.

Top keks if he calls Stefan Molyneux a Nazi, wouldn't even be surprised.

Polaks are shitstirring

>”A philosopher in Poland
Lmao the ego on this self proclaimed philosopher

Good lad, let's see how cringy it will get.



Fake (((nation))), fake country
>Daily reminder

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>Fake (((nation))), fake country
Kys kike-bong.

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Superchats are enabled goys

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>let me tell you about your country


Oh, this subhuman in UK again.

>I am qualified to speak on behalf of my entire country, no one else is allowed to make observations or documentations.


He's based.

This is better than I thought. SM didn't cuck and his "individualism" shattered a bit.


Muh WWII analogies again

Muh christianity. Polish christianity is a coverup to do retarded shit and have a justification for it.

>Was about to call you a faggot cause I thought SM had a degree in Philosophy.
>Turns out he only has a BA and MA in History.

Turns out I stand corrected.

No one watched him anymore, seriously, Lauren southern gets more views now and she's going down the tube also .
Both of them showed their true hand too many times for anybody to trust them at this point


You don't need a degree in it to be a philosopher, if you had a degree in it you'd know that.

Philosophy is not Science. It has different aims. Most of them useless btw.

Okay, SM just got more red pilled.

He was sucking us off too much.

He was, but he realize the importance and strength of healthy patriotic collectivism and in turn surely had red pilled more normies into white identity.

cringe fest of the century

Its cute how this absolute melon regards himself as a philosopher. Especially when his rhetoric is so bad.

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Why is it so easy to detect a kike from just a few characters of text?

>If another team is doing better than you, just be better



Molymeme is a fucking retard. Look at what he's saying at 54.50 "White guilt if a profitable machine that people pound in order to get resources" Does he realise that Polish have been literally begging Germany for reparations for the past 5 fucking years non-stop? They have been trying to guilt trip the Germans just like the Jews do. Why does Molytard not speak against that ? And WHY does he not speak against the 70 years of guilt tripping that the holocaust industry has caused?

is this guy a philosopher?

he read every wikipedia article on it

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>Does he realise that Polish have been literally begging Germany for reparations for the past 5 fucking years non-stop?
Deservedly, because the Jews have gotten all them gibs when the Poles were forgotten and shafted.

Well you can debate him if you think you're better.

It was a decent babies first redpill movie.

SM is a good gateway for normies.

Small island small gene pool