What do you like most about women?

What do you like most about women?

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making them laugh. making a pretty girl laugh is the best high i've ever had in life desu.

came here to say this, their feets

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This user knows the objective truth
But I'm gonna have to side with this user because making a chick genuinely laugh is like nothing else out there.

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>posts man feet

the soul

Their cunning, there's just something charming about them. Tbh I believe women are superior gender with their kindness and care for others, they're just so smarter and matured than us

That cheeky, spoiled look girls give you when they know that you are doing something you dislike just because it makes them happy.

Nothing really, but my lizard brain has been wired to like their holes, tits and ass.

>wonders why women won't date them

How fragile we are

I've had enough dates, nigga. Just never had the chance to fuck a bitch and women cut you off even if you make one mistake on the first date, you dig what I'm saying?

Fragile in what way?

their softness and emotional warmth

Cute tummy

Bob physically and emotionally, there are not many Margaret Thatchers around


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I am dating and having sex with a girl with big tits.

>I am dating and having sex with a girl with big tits.
Easily the most believable sentence I've ever read.

You incels think that this is something hard and next to impossible to accomplish. The truth is, it's very easy to find girls to date. Some of them will have big tits. Then it's just a matter of math.

How deeply they feel things
How vehemently they want things
How they yearn to be loved

I think you may be confused.

Short of being attracted to me, they've always been nice. And like another user said, talking to them and making them laugh is a great feeling

I agree, but I wouldn't say superior, they just have what we lack in as a gender and vice versa. It's a beautiful sort of yin-yang duality.

I love the way girls reciprocate sexual tension, and the way it gets thick and heavy yet it goes unspoken... The way they let you read between the lines, the little telegraphed passes, the subtleties.. oh god the subtleties. Yeah, girls are definitely more sophisticated in the realm of flirting. More manipulative too. And god it's a fucking turn on

IE they are fucking crazy, and will jump to conclusions on fucking everything and make you out to be a monster whether their conclusions are true or not...

You are awful at lying

That's a way to make something negative from sweet post. If someone is emotional it doesn't mean that they are crazy

their wonderful personalities

Oh no, I agree, but it just triggered me. Had a few women in my life who adored being emotional, and "caring", when what they would do was put their emotions over anyone elses and rationalize being a terrible person towards me or others. It's like the other side of a coin of being a sociopath using emotions as an excuse.

>I have shit taste in women and can only attract psychopaths therefore I have made it my life's mission to find dudes who are happy in their relationships and convince them that they are not

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Most of these women were in my family.

So? Just like girls with daddy issues are attracted to asshole men your dysfunctional experiences with females in your family has caused you to be attracted to dysfunctional partners. You have a shit taste in women because thats what you were taught. Deal with the shit in your own backyard before you go stomping around everyone else's.

Well yeah it is, but don't condition emotional manipulation and abuse for just being an emotional human being. But I can see where you are coming from

Never knew how to until recently, and understood what a normal female is like. She showed me how I was brought up was fucked up, and gave me the self respect I needed and I give her what she needs as well. Even she will tell you that inadvertently women are crazy in an ironic way compared to how men can be crazy.

And, I wouldn't say Psychopathic, but more like Histrionic, Controlling, and Borderline.

If you know exactly what normal females are now, why you're so fucked up and exactly why you're attracted to dysfunctional women then why would you say such incredibly vapid things?

Hey, abuse sucks. What can I say? It's not like one day you find a good person and all of sudden snap out of it! It's just as vapid to assume men don't have emotions or just as much. Got to be tough! Don't be a pussy! You're no man! Etc. Have to be the provider!... Such bull shit. Being in touch with emotions isn't bad, but when people think it's a gift and drown in them to the point of insanity it's pretty god damn scary. Soo I'm sorry for being vapid.

>Soo I'm sorry for being vapid.
You're forgiven. Just do us a favor and don't let it happen again.

Are your feelings better?

i dont want dates, roastie

....are yours? I'm not the emotionally damaged fuckboy who goes on an anonymous tibetan underwater yoga forum in the middle of the night to REEE about how all girls are crazy because his mommy was mean to him.

the hole. its all they have to offer, but im generous enough to accept the offering


I wonder what you could offer based on this kind of response and it's probably even less. Guess no one has offered to you yet?

i can offer financial security, a place in my decently sized house and to take on half the responsibility in a healthy relationship.
i can, but im not. because all that outweighs a hole and "love"
>>Guess no one has offered to you yet?
>ur a virgin lol
how typical. problem is, im not

Aren't you just too charming? How can girls not throw themselves on you with this magnificent behaviour and subtle traditional influence to your gentleman's nature

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Don't worry about him, he is just a dick in both meanings. He should worship every woman that is generous enough to look in his direction

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why would i do that?

Why would a woman even bother looking at you when you are just a piece of meat between legs? Everything else you have to """offer""" is something she can do herself without much struggle while getting someone who would actually treat her with love and devotion. You are meaningless to women

So men can only offer money and not a decent personality and good conversation? It's really a mystery you're alone :/

Damn. This got me thinking. And I still can't answer it. Character wise I certainly prefer dudes. Women's bodies are better, but were never enough to make ms long for gf/sex. Maybe that's why I don't understand the folks from Jow Forums, apparently I genuinely don't care about women. I don't know yet what to think of this. Anyway, thanks for the thread OP.

>inb4 gay
Sadly no, gays appear to have a fun life, but I'm not into guys and dick.

i agree, women can """work""" (albeit less hours and worse than men), but she can also get one that treats her with love and devotion and forks over his income to her (i.e. a slave). this is usually what happens when she hits the wall, when her inherent value (the hole) degrades and she needs a slave to sustain herself and possibly the several kids she has.
but, since im """meaningless""" to women (which implies their opinions mattered in the first place), im not going to end up in that slavery. they'll close away the hole, which is the best bit if i have to chose one. in reality, women have nothing. so its win-win for me.
that too. though not with women, since they barely have a personality outside the hive and make for woeful conversational partners. i just stated the obvious, for women obviously seek financial stability first and foremost.
im not alone.

You really think that more than meaningless piece of meat? Cute. Women with loving their husbands and beautiful children will have fun laughing at you when you are an old fart paying for prostitutes and drinking booze to forget how lonely and unloved you are

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*that you are more
*Their loving husbands

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and i, from the top of my money, will have fun laughing at the slaves who believe their women are anything more than a hole that they are leashed to. who believe that the "love" they feel is unconditional, rather than in exchange for the money they provide. who believe that women are anything but parasites, and that the children are the incarnation of their slavery, that the woman has won and has their slave by the choke-chain.
but nice attack on my person. shame that i have too much self respect to buy a whore, and i dont drink. try again.

Their only strong point are looks. Any advantage they claim to have from emotions and feels is a giant meme.

>top of my money
Oh yeah, the money you will have left after wasting everything on alcohol and prostitutes with the rest being completely meaningless

Your ancestors must be so embarrassed kek but I'm personally glad, you won't have children

Oh yeah, you have "self respect" kek, bet you will respect yourself just as much when you are 60, surrounded by people in love with families and money while all you have is a little of money, prostitute in bed and empty whiskey bottles on the floor

But please never stop hating women, so men will have more to choose from and women won't be bothered by things like you, also society needs things like you to show people why it's worth it to date and start families in order to not end up like you

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ohhhh boy xD

>the money you will have left after wasting everything on alcohol and prostitutes
didnt i just say i dont and wont do either? not as long as attention-deprived sluts on tinder exist.
>Your ancestors must be so embarrassed
oh so youre a stormfag? muh ancestors, muh this, muh that. whats next, muh race?
>all you have is a little of money, prostitute in bed and empty whiskey bottles on the floor
again, attacking some imaginary person. but hey, at least i have money, and not a bunch of child support and alimony bills and a kid who hates my guts, right? at least i can spend it on what i want, be that escorts or be it something more than a hole
>please never stop hating women
i wont.
>society needs things like you to show people why it's worth it to date and start families in order to not end up like you
surely if that was the case, i wouldnt end up like this either? if society really wanted families and men to trust women, they wouldnt destroy traditional family values and create a caste of men who have no investment in society?

but please, continue. im happy to see what baseless, fortune-telling insult you fling at me next.

Yeah I will love to pass down my genes to create beautiful white children that will get in relationship and pass down their genes to make beautiful white children

And I will children that loves me and will pay back everything I do for them when I'm old and ill because they will respect and adore me

Thanks, we need less salty things reproducing

You ended up bitter because of your own choice, and we as society need things like you to serve as "anti"example

Don't be too salty, not everyone is made to be happy and loved, you can always be rich and bitter instead, you know Scrooge core

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Are we living in a totally bizarro age where it's suddenly a hatecrime to say you have sexual needs as a man?

This is the era of Tinder you fuccboi. I'm not swiping like on a girl with no tits.

Their smell.

S.O.Y boy

>they're just so smarter and matured than us
Lol no

Personality. Well for long-term relationships, that’s a key thing if you didn’t know already.

Also, I depends on what you’re looking in the women. Some people may just want casual sex, others want a relationship, etc.

>everyone who gives differing evidence to me is a liar


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Nah, it's not about if it's possible or likely. The way you say it screams "I don't even believe my own lie"

A sense of humor and a little confidence

Other things would include their gait, hair, posture, and face.

How does a woman smell?

It varies from person to person but it can be their perfume, their natural scent , their moisturizer, their shampoo or their washing detergent.
Most women seem to have a unique smell that overpowers all the other scents they have.

The girl I currently like uses Aveeno moisturizer and when she walks by I get an faint oaty smell and it makes me stop in my tracks and take it in.
I actually hate Aveeno but on her it smells wonderful.

Not their personalities
