Do people forgive?

do people forgive?

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We like to claim to be forgiving, but often do the exact opposite.

The #metoo movement is a nice example of how people generally don't forgive other people.

Like in everything, it depends.

Would you forgive others?

How vague. I forgive people up to a point. But we all have our lines.

Do rapists really deserve to be forgiven, is the question.
It's situational, like and said

>Do rapists really deserve to be forgiven
Most of the people caught up in that aren't rapists. Not even remotely close.

>Do rapists really deserve to be forgiven, is the question.
Everybody deserves forgiveness; even the worst of the worst. Otherwise you're only exercising bigotry.

Pedophiles and child killers don’t deserve forgiveness.

Not all of the accused were rapists. Doesn't louis ck deserve to be forgiven after he apologized? His only crime was exposing his grotesque body to unsuspecting women then masturbating.

they weren't even unsuspecting. he asked them

don't get me wrong, it's weird behavior, but the guy doesn't deserve to have his life ruined by it.

I've seen people say the same about other races and similar minorities.

>Pedophiles and child killers don’t deserve forgiveness.
Is still a cruel and bigoted mindset that makes you in the bad guy instead. Saying doesn't deserve forgiveness is just pure chauvinism and nothing more.

>Niggers and spics don’t deserve forgiveness.

So we should give people who torture, rape, and murder children a pat on their sweet little heads and tell them how they didn’t do anything wrong. It’s bigoted not to let them loose, after all.

Yeah thats my point. Putting louis next to Weinstein is not only unjust to louis but also undermines the whole movement.

>So we should give people who torture, rape, and murder children a pat on their sweet little heads and tell them how they didn’t do anything wrong.
Or rehabilitation that's fair, reasonable, but most importantly: relative.

>It’s bigoted not to let them loose, after all.
It's bigoted to use them as a target for your own dehumanising.

Ian Brady and Myra Henley lured little kids to their house and tortured them for days. Raping, burning, cutting, beating them. They recorded their screaming, crying, and begging on audio tapes. Those tapes were played for a court, the brutality of which made many people leave the court in the middle of playing. They got off on their misery. They then killed them and taunted the families while in jail.

Yes they should have been let off with a warning. Maybe some therapy would help that, yeah? After all, they are obviously good people at heart.

Man, you louts would really hate shit like Buddhism (or moral relativism for that matter).

I do hate moral relativism, yes.

>Ian Brady and Myra Henley lured little kids to their house and tortured them for days. Raping, burning, cutting, beating them. They recorded their screaming, crying, and begging on audio tapes. Those tapes were played for a court, the brutality of which made many people leave the court in the middle of playing. They got off on their misery.
Yeah, and? That doesn't justify your own hatreds and crimes.

Also, Myra just went along with it out a mix of fear and infatuation. Ian did most of the dirty work. Myra was unfairly malign because she was a woman.

>They then killed them and taunted the families while in jail.
That says more about their psychology than their crimes.

>Maybe some therapy would help that, yeah?
It would be the most effective.

>After all, they are obviously good people at heart.
"Symptomatic" would be a better word.

I'm starting to see what he meant by "bigot."

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>being this much of a stupid cunt.

She orchestrated a lot of it you motherfucker.

>empathizing with child torturers.

I’ve had enough of you. I hope you never have to go through anything like they did. I bet you think the children are more at fault than the rapists, yeah?

I think rape is good. Because if a rapist doesn’t rape, he might hurt himself.

Empathy means having it for absolutely everybody. Children and child killers alike.

>I hope you never have to go through anything like they did.
That would be just using it as an excuse to do the same to others.

If that helps you sleep at night.

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Glad to know you support them.

Glad to know somebody here can't differentiate between "empathy" and "support." Granularity in thinking, after all.

Sorry I don’t watch enough Rick and Morty to think those big thoughts like you. I am just not smart enough to give Ian or Myra a free pass because it hurts their feelings to be held responsible to their crimes against small children.

It is entirely dependent on the person, people who have long history with someone tend to be more forgiving towards them then those who do not.

Not sure about other people, but I certainly don't. I will engage with people who have wronged me in a civil manner if I have to, but I will never trust them again.

>Empathy means having it for absolutely everybody. Children and child killers alike.
Empathy means being able to understand someone's feelings, it does not have to be extended to everyone.
It is like respect. You can respect some people without respecting deranged child killers just as you can have empathy for some people without extending it to child killers.


I live by the rule:
"Respect Others as much as they Respect you Back."

So yes and no...

I forgive, but only if I know you're deserving of it.

You mess up twice, I'll never forgive you again.