Here's the thing guys

Here's the thing guys.

I'm 30, jobless, live at home, with a lib arts degree that is useless for any vocation. I really want to be a biologist but have loads of student debt already, and it would take me quite a bit longer, plus more debt, to finish another undergrad degree + a PhD. But frankly, any other career would make me suicidal. This is my dream. I could not pursue before due to a variety of factors.

What should I do guys?

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I don't understand your life situation at all
What pushed you towards that career choice?

How did you get to 30 without actually making it yet?

What's your day routine??

Do it and pay off what you owe you can still pursue it. Don't let those factors stop you if that's really your dream

>What pushed you towards that career choice?
I love science. I think about it all of the time.

>How did you get to 30 without actually making it yet?
By being a retard in my 20s, partying too much, and having a shitty childhood.

>What's your day routine??

Change your life routine and don't let mistakes in the past define what you do now

many biology majors are unemployed. PhD will take a while and still suprising amounts of unemployment at that level.

go into trades

How old would you be when you're done?

You're going to be that old no matter what, so. Options =
>be 35 studying for PhD
>be 35 doing suicidal career
>be dead

I work in HR.

Some of your assumptions are dubious. A liberal arts degree is not useless. Except for some purely technical areas, my (Fortune 500) company will consider anyone with any degree for any job. The key is in the person, not the transcript.

But if you do want to go into science, you might not need a whole new degree. The one you have, along with a few focused courses, might be enough.

Does your undergrad college allow alumni to take additional courses without being in a degree program? Many do. If not your school, ask at another.

Hey OP, these are genuine questions I'm about to ask.
Do you compare yourself to those you believe have succeeded?
What do you consider yourself as being successful?
And thirdly, did you "peaked" previously in your life? If so, how was it? Thank you for your time and don't give up on your goals

>Some of your assumptions are dubious.
Yeah, you're right. There are options. It's really that I don't want to get into any of those fields.

>Does your undergrad college allow alumni to take additional courses without being in a degree program?
I'll look into it. I have seen a few accelerated grad programs in computer science for lib arts holders. Perhaps there are similar programs for bio. Thanks, Toby.

>Do you compare yourself to those you believe have succeeded?

>What do you consider yourself as being successful?

Independent and self-reliant, competent in my work, doing meaningful work.

>And thirdly, did you "peaked" previously in your life? If so, how was it?

Yes. I was a popular kid in high school and college. Little did I know that I would be the meme of the kid that peaked in school.

I want to reiterate what has been said already
Biology is another degree that will just put you in debt unless you become a doctor or something. Not to mention that you would be nearly 40 by the time you finish your degree.
If you really were as popular as you say you were, I'm guessing you're a pretty charming individual and, with your lib arts degree in hand, can make something of that. I think you're underestimating how much companies value people that are good with people.

I know a few people in your situation. They majored in a total meme degree (which, by the way is employable. Many office jobs only say you must have a bachelors), then got a "useful" major and banked all their happiness in this.

Then they got a B.S in Chemistry and became a lab assistant for $15 an hour and realized how stupid they were.

Here are your options, in terms of what I'd do

>get over yourself
get a job in an office or some shit. You're a fucking NEET dude. I don't mean to be rude but the longer you stay at this the worse your situation will be.
>Get a trade job
Maybe go to trade school, I don't care. Be a plumber, or some shit
>get a bachelors in something IMMEDIATELY useful, like CS or something

You shouldn't be finding inner happiness from your job. You shouldn't feel suicidal, but I think you're overestimating how suicidal office jobs make you. You'll make cushy benefits and money.

if you REALLY REALLY feel like bio (really, nothing you've posted shows you're all that interested in it) go for the PH.D combo. Sure it'll take a while, but fuck it you have one life. I'd maybe start with an AA in that science to see if you even like it. The number of people I know who went into grad school and ended up dropping out is insane.

You're stupid.
Learn marketing and market your meme degree.

>market your lib arts degree into a PhD scientist position

Great advice here.

was meant for this guy:

>Be a plumber

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What's better, an unemployed guy or a NEET guy living in his parents house eating tendies?

>I don't know what I studied or that liberal arts includes lots of things.
You could always be a janitor.

what I studied specifically is irrelevant...

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