Lab grown meat?

It could help the enviorment. Thoughts?

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fuck this shit

I'm gonna put my lab grown meat into a woman's vagina if you know what I mean

if they put a slice of cheese and some grilled onions on it, then we'll talk

If it is safe for real, great. But (((they))) have a poor reputation regarding food, water and healthcare safety.

I'd rather eat that. I would rather not kill animals for my meat if there is another option.

So like american cheese but with meat?
I'ts still shit.

If it tastes good and is nutritionally equal or superior I'm all in.

it depends, if it's a lot cheaper to produce then yes. It's a well known fact that animal farming creates a shit-ton of co2. So if it's cheaper it can help the environment, produce cancer-free meat, low saturated fat intake and BTFO vegans.

It seems like a good idea, but then all the meat from animals that are slaughtered will go to waste. And I'm against needless waste like that.

I literally dont

>Eating literal cancer

>not having farmland and giving the government full control over the food supply
>good for the environment
fuck dude

epic /ck/ meme

What would help the envrionment even more would be to kill off all niggers and chinks.

Lab grown meat is for faggots. Vegans are just looking for an excuse to give more money to big food processing corporations.

Are you a test-tube baby?

>could help the environment
Oh, this is a thread is for Chinese and Indian anons only.



It must be cheaper, tastier, healthier, and in greater quantity.

If it fails in even one of these things, no.

I thinj it is great. If it tastes ok, I’ll buy it any time over real meat even at a 50% cost premium.

Not sure why anyone would hate this.

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>my shekels
>t. jew

>Step 1: Make it not look like worms

That's what ground beef already looks like

>produce cancer-free meat
no no no
these literally look like nemotides or small red worms, absolutely nothing like ground beef - this is why they refused to show what the raw meat looked like

I've seen ground beef once, maybe even twice, in my lifetime and disagree.

The most sought after meat is known for its fat content (think Kobe beef). This looks like it's all protein. Might be better than eating crickets, but I'll keep my ribeye, thanks.

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i may cure cancer but it probably won't

Sounds like cancer. Real cancer not "PETA studies with a sample of 12 people may suggest eating burgers every day will increase cancer risk by 3%" cancer.

Chad as fuck

The elite eat grass fed steaks and organic vegetables grown in private greenhouses, the goyim will be fed basedmeal and corn oil

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Don't get angry because another burger replacement has joined the game.

based and mealpilled

And this. I don't want to be the lab rat that finds out 20 years later that come enzyme used to catalyze protein synthesis* also makes tumors grow really well.
*not a professional science bitch, some terms may very

>another burger replacement has joined the game
Is that supposed to be a joke about Mexican laborers?

Blah blah blah to much co2 which the vegans food needs.

More likely to point that jews are menacing your workers (again). But yes, you can say that is feral bean related.

Vegans can eat this shit. Don't let (((them))) fool you with this crap. It's made to poison you and get you to accept real meat being banned.

Ingredients: UNKNOWN

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No, the first dude they show in the video has a yamaka on. There's definitely some scheming going on.

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Well it throws out the ethical problems for vegans, which I guess is good. Personally I have no problem with killing an animal to eat it, so I won't be ingesting any fake meat anytime soon. I'll continue eating the real stuff for another twenty years and see what the long term studies on fake meat look like. If there doesn't seem to be any indications of problems eating lab meat, then I won't make a switch, but rather just start buying whichever is cheaper.

>4 seconds in

Come the fuck on, you did this on purpose.

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Meanwhile, the men who run the world eat raw, natural meat and drink blood, including other humans. There's a reason why it says "not to be used a primary source of protein" on the back of all muscle milks and powders. The molecule mimics that of protein, but it isn't actually protein. It's a synthetic chemical. It's the same thing with lab grown meat. Eating synthetic, fake food means your muscles will be fake and synthetic. "You are what you eat" is 100% true. In football, you'll see guys who are over 6' ft and over 250 pounds yet the slightest tweak or twist in their bodies, they break and are out for the season. Too much fake creatine and powder despite their 4 40s and bloated muscles.
Raw meat+calisthenics (literally meaningbeautiful strength in Greek language)= God tier body.

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You have the gay


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Fuck niggers.

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When they start selling lab grown pussy I'm interested.

>Lab grown meat becomes the new Coke
>I get made fun of for years because I only eat real meat
>Don't give in to pressure for decades to eat the stuff
>40 years later 80% of lab meat consumers have a new form of cancer and it gets banned
>Laugh as wannabe carnivores die

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Yeah they outright said it was in Israel. Did you not notice the funny hat?

Well idk about raw meat but the thing about calisthenics is true. they build ligaments and tendons as well as your muscles. Herschel walker was probably one of the only guys to never lift weights in the nfl. but of course you'll have the deniers and naysayers that will being up genetics which is retarded. He was fat and overweight when he was a kid, naturally an endomorph. convicts and boxers are forced to bang out pushups and situps. Calisthenics originated in sparta too.


>the Jews will figure out a way to make it require foreskins
>surge in foreskin harvesting industry
>foreskin futures
>foreskin derivatives
>all meat not grown from foreskins declared a violation of rabbinical code
>non-kosher meat removed from shelves due to kosher tax
>we're all cannibals now

By the time some of these fast food multinationals have finished with actual meat it might as well be artificial.

The point is in the long run we won't slaughter animals for meat.

I think it's pretty much only meat if it comes from an animal. It's so bizarre to think you people are actually real until I turn on normie TV.

The Jew marinated the fucking fake steak, it might as well have been a Palestinian.

Never gonna happen, it's to expensive and there is no obvious way of industrializing this, to the point where it will even become close to a financial alternative for animal-grown-meat.

at least it wont get pumped with antibiotics, because vats where it will be grown would be sterile and controlled enviroment
how about to inhale car exhaust directly to trigger the libs

Help the environment? Culling 2/3 of the earth population would help the environment.

>oy vey goyim it's just a conspiracy theory we want to genocide the majority of the world's population!

What environments?

To grow meat you need a growth medium, specifically it takes about 5L of growth media per pound(lb)(~450g in a lb) of cultured meat. So one hamburger, a quarter pounder(~110g) would need 11L of media and cells! To produce 1000 quarter pounders you would need 11,000 liters of cells, and so on.

Currently, all startups also use FBS (fetal bovine serum) which currently cannot be produced in labs. In fact the only source of FBS is the meat butchering industry, it comes from blood drawn from cow fetuses. The FBS provides all the hormones and growth factors to make the meat grow quickly, and without FBS meats can actually take a long time to culture.

Cell cultures are also very susceptible to infection and contamination, in fact the lab meat industry will still need to use anti-bionics in all likelihood.

So there are still a couple of barriers to lab meats on the industrial scale that need to be overcome, the FBS issue is doable and I'm surprised no one has solved it yet - whoever does will make a lot of money. The contamination issue is also just unavoidable really, so there's little way to get around it. The industrial scale of bio reactors needed to create the amount of meat people actually eat is actually huge though, and it's going to cost a lot of money to get set up and to maintain.

Niggers, pakis, chinks and the kikes would do just fine. Less filth more beef. Honestly, one cow is worth at least 10 million niggers.

They argument is which people we are going to cull.

You're one of those people who don't buy lab grown diamonds, aren't you?

>oy vey goyim you need universal herd cull care so our algorithms can decide who wins and who loses based on your expected ROI and social score!

>It could help the enviorment.

No, I'm one of those people who doesn't buy diamonds. I mean, I guess I probably have like maybe some sand paper with them or something.

Fuck that. This is being done so the elites can horde all the actual meat while everyone else develops cancer from this shit.

Red meat doesn't cause cancer, it contributes to it. It causes heart disease however. Kek, amerimutts are always so dumb.

what do we need labs for when we have schools full of meat?

Also let it be clear that I would be perfectly fine with this if this shit was only given to non whites.

So, does it have fat and connective tissue too, like your normal meat would have?

>t. 80 year old woman recalling her golden years of being able to stay awake all afternoon so she could watch daytime television

No, but if you pay for universal free healthcare, it will come with monthly vaccines to cure you of your need for connective tissue.

Wouldn't let my dog eat that.

not gona eat that, the goyim can too easly fuck my with whatever "acsidental" desise or whatever.

too dangerous you should wait 10 years befor trying any and look if any side effect on the NPC's
besicaly bieng the crontrol and not the tested

But meat doesn't cause heart disease. You should update your knowledge to something from this millennia.

The Canadians and Their Lies

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Probably not Finnon, if the cell being cultured is just a regular myoblast then it won't differentiate into fat cells, blood vessels, ect ect it will just be a large slab of amorphous cells that soak nutrients up.

And just add a little drop of kike juice and you can turn the world gay

>"s-ylent will replace the need for meals"
>everyone who eats it turns into a deranged estrogen fairy
>"synth-meat will replace the need for butchers"

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If they are going to make it it should only be available for the elites and their children.

This kind of science is pretty cool. Bring the cost down and lets see where it goes.

you are not accounting for the fact that athletes are out there performing at the peak and loading their bodies with so much stress that they are basically redlining every time they play. of course they get hurt when they are pushed to the max. same thing with drunks who survive car crashes because their bodies were relaxed and not tensed up. your body is at most risk when you are the most tense and tightest stage. though this isnt to dismiss what you said about the raw meat + calisthenics combo since martial arts is a proof that the body can be trained to be strong with using its own weight and techniques.

I'm fine with it but I'm sure Jow Forums will eventually convince me it's a Jewish conspiracy to turn people gay.

They have to market it to the rich first. That way at first it is seen like something only the rich and famous can afford. Then when it's culturally normalized and desired by the unwashed masses it can be mandated for their own good.

>oy vey goyim it gives you a free transition!
>you wanted to be a girl!

If it has all the same nutritional value, I'm all for it.

Well that clears up the mystery of where they got the cell cultures from.

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>Lab grown anything

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>It could help the enviorment.

I doubt it's any more energy efficient than growing chickens.

Already have user

>lab meat becomes a thing
>real meat becomes banned
>can't make lab meat yourself
now what?

Vegans want this more than anyone. I promise you.

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the thing is, why the fuck hasent this come sooner. Kikes are witholding technologies that we should have right now fuck this shit, we are still running in the 90s with some of the stuff we have right now. A good example of outdated technology is modern spine surgery we still bang poles into peoples backs, wheres the synthetic spines that work like your broken one.

Many "natural" additives are lab grown, using genetically modified yeast cells.

if it tastes good, then i don't care.
if it doesn't taste good, then i won't eat it.
that's all it really boils down to.