Any questions, kikes?
The map of who is and who is not white in Europe
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we're not white fuck off
>This idiot statement brought to you by a fuckin leaf
Slavs aren't white, neither are meds.
White refers to the peoples of north western europe. That includes
Anyone other countries native habitants aren't white
Seems about white
East Thrace is not white unless we cleanse the roaches from the Evropean vaterland.
this is the legit version
Holy shit you are one of the most retarded people here. And Jow Forums is filled with nazis. Fuck off Amerimutt in denial.
didn't expects west african groids to commit so many suicides
we are not whites
Nigger leafs are not white so fuck off
Sorry lads, I know you're angry you didn't make the cut. But your peoples are too distinct culturally and genetically to be included as white. We need to draw a line somewhere.
Eastern Germany is slavic
Uralics, Basques, Maltesers and Turks aren't Indo-European
100% racist
0% factual
I told you to fuck off amerimutt-in-denial, you are ecluded from this European thread.
They must be the most intelligent blacks
Russia is an indo-european language, dum-dum.
then "white" is just an empty label. canadian iq is lower than the italian one (
> muh greek ancestors
modern and ancient greek admixtures overlaps, as well as the roman and the italian ones. the only differences come from thier interbreeding with barbarians during the invasions.
> muh nordic roman emperors
caesar, de bello gallico, book 2
XXX.—And on the first arrival of our army they made frequent sallies from the town, and contended with our men in trifling skirmishes: afterwards, when hemmed in by a rampart of twelve feet [in height], and fifteen miles in circuit, they kept themselves within the town. When, vineae having been brought up and a mound raised, they observed that a tower also was being built at a distance, they at first began to mock the Romans from their wall, and to taunt them with the following speeches. "For what purpose was so vast a machine constructed at so great a distance?" "With what hands," or "with what strength did they, especially [as they were] men of such very small stature" (for our shortness of stature, in comparison with the great size of their bodies, is generally a subject of much contempt to the men of Gaul), "trust to place against their walls a tower of such great weight." XXXI.—But when they saw that it was being moved, and was approaching their walls, startled by the new and unaccustomed sight, they sent ambassadors to Caesar [to treat] about peace.
You are why our race is failing and why Israel is dividing us so easily. This map is obviously referring to original inhabitants. If we're representing current populations, UK, France, Germany, and Sweden aren't white.
"yall ain't white hurr durr"
Good job getting disorientated and confused by the kike. Unity is our strength
forgot source about the admixtures overlap
My heritage is 100% European. French, Scottish and English, AKA white. So is most of Canada outside the 3 big cities. Atlantic Canada is one of the whitest regions in North America, and probably the entire globe at this point.
Yeah and what language are you using now, ENGLISH. North Western Europeans have utterly dominated the globe.
Yeah I'm referring to native inhabitants, not current populations.
If you include Slavs and meds as white then you might as well include Jews and light skinned mexicans and Arabs, then it all goes to shit.
Haha, stupid Belgians.
i don't need english (ugly language btw) to identify myself within my culture. you on the other hand need classical art in order to have a clue whatsoever of aesthetic judgement, you need galilean physics in order to improve your life quality.
I thought we are mongoloids. Is yellow white?
I agree Finland is not white.
kek likely
This. White just means ethnic European and should only matter in the Anglo colony nations. We are all being invaded by the same enemy. Arguing whiteness is a waste of time
and i even improved it
Southern Germany is more close related to french and spaniards than the rest of germans.
you literally cannot see a difference between a german and a pole, you absolute retard
every single l**f post ive seen on Jow Forums today is completely braindead - coincidence? i think not
leafs and jews
white means european
and the term was in fact coinned by iberians when reached the new world even before in the inquisition laws.
Dumb leaf doesn't know who lives in Iceland.
>UK does not exist
based and greenpilled
looks fine
yes, i already knew it. spaniards even invented ,in recent times (e.g. excluding the rigveda or the jewery) , the concept itself of "race". they called it "limpieza de sangre".
now it's just pseudo-science, like astrology, since we have genetic analysis.
The caucasus is not white.
Thank you for the contributions.
Here is a better version
slavs are weak white cunts fuck off faggot
You wee beauty
North Europeans aren't white, neither are brits.All of them are arab colonies now
White refers to the peoples of southern europe. That includes
Also Poland
Anyone other countries native habitants aren't white anymore
Fuck Israel, Syria should be your greatest ally
>implying southern europeans are a part of the white race
real version
i mean the separation between "whites" ad "blacks" based on skin tone.
reces do exists, and are showed by PCAs like yours.
Sure thing is you are not
>not mongol
yeah please keep telling me that im not white turkish rape baby
Some Syrians are white, Lebanon is white. Israel is mostly white (ashkenazi Jew), Iran is sorta white. Turkey has lots of whites (stolen Europeans) which mixed with the turkics
Really, your siding with the towel niggers? We need to stand with Israel, they are our greatest ally.
you fucking retard, Germany is in Central Europe and so is Austria. I'm not even sure you can call Ireland or UK north western Europe. Also France is divided.
these would be more useful with keys and labels
yr right
you are a literal arab rapebaby
delete, capra.
T-Turkiye isn't s-sissy
Stolen Europeans kek
he is almost right,english is a germanic language raped by romance vocabulary
I checked and I'm surprised
English has just so many words that soud italian, I just thought it was latin
based fellow swede
the only correct one
Well, the higher Italian IQ compared to Canadians did show there. Thank you Sir. Sadly, Jow Forums these days is filled with Nordicists and Stormvirgins
it's ok ahmed.Don't be mad.It will be over soon
The only accurate map I’ve ever seen on this stupid fucking message board.
nice try
shh only dreams now ahmedi
I'll side with a towel brother over a literal nigger or Jew any day, you fucking mutt.
Lakeniggers and oceanniggers can fuck right off
no brainer. the mutts only could have chosen the fucking jews.
The final red pill is that no one is white
only Shaun King is white
Nice try Paddy
Glad someone realizes that not all Spaniards are White and not all are non-White. There's a huge difference between Celtic blood in Galicia and Asturias, or French-like Aragon and Catalonia, and the Southern Andalusians who look and act like a mix of gypsies and moors.
Fuck off leaf we are not white- We are European.Now kys faggot.