NZ $20 BY 2020


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t. Goldberg


The only poor people in NZ are brown people

Islander brown or like poo-poo with beans brown?

now hiring: entry level custodian
starting at: minumum wage
experience: 10 years
must work: 60 hours a week no overtime, weekends + nights
benefits: 15 min unpaid lunch

Islanders and Maoris

Maybe that will cover the cost of importing literally anything whatsoever.

Look at the bright side of this. If it requires a college degree to work at McDonald's, the quality of fast food will increase. :) and illegal immigrants will get even less jobs.

So you're saying the Jews are enslaving another disadvantaged minority population?

>enslaving another disadvantaged minority population?
no one forced them to leave the islands

Economic slavery will entice more to come, if it's a better deal than on the islands.

how is it slavery to be offered a job here compared to living in a village

The gibs are the bait. Then you make them believe they have a "right" to all these different kinds of things and more money. Now you have them hooked on it for survival, and after a while they won't even know how to go back to the islands if they wanted to.

And who will work to produce all the entitlements? They will, the the slave camps, because they don't have any alternative, and if they don't work then then it only hurts them and their families and communities.

You need Mexicans.
Business owners will find a way to get you some before this 20 dollar bullshit goes through.

>and if they don't work then then it only hurts them and their families and communities
the welfare is higher than any wage in the islands

Did that happen before or after they immigrated?


Why the fuck would you cry about the shit wages here getting slightly less shit?

You must be an ACT voter.

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Oh, OK. Then the Islands are already captured and now it's your turn.

Good bye small businesses and those who wish to start one

>Why the fuck would you cry about the shit wages here getting slightly less shit?
t. werimu

Fuck off Goldstein

What you think this does:
>3 people working for 20$ to get the job done
What it actually does:
>1 person working for 20$ to get the job done that previously 3 people had to do together

You're not even American, YOU fuck off. I don't work for minimum wage anyways

If you can't pay someone $20 an hour then you don't deserve to be in business. You need to get out of the way and let someone more intelligent into the space that you're occupying.

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You're not even Kiwi, YOU fuck off and go lubricate your mutilated Jew cock.

This is a thread for people who don't bear the Mark of the Jew.

you really want more gibs don't you hori

This. You can blame are these fat, dumb, Republican white men for flooding our nations with 3rd worlders, just so they could run some piece of shit useless business whose entire profit-structure is derived from slave-wages. These businesses deserve to crumble and that Republican faggot owner can do something he's more qualified for--like stocking shelves at Walmart.

>fuck small business let's get the chinese factory outlet monopoly instead

>Incrase minimum wage
>Prices go up 50%
>Jobs decrease due to less exports
>Now earn less per year

Many such cases

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>hurr durr I'm a white christian republican! Come to my plumbing supply store run by me, my cousin, and 25 illegals I just brought in via my church's Christian Refugee Ministry!

Get fucked brainlet.

NZ is an island we have barley any legals

Don't assume my religion, hater scum.

That fucking minimum wage is more than what engineers make in the european union after taxes.

You are retarded if you think that will work , it would bring down your country.

Such a high minimum wage is retarded you will only destroy half export jobs ,slow down your economy , reduce job creation and bring wages down due to labor surpluss.

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>engineers in the EU make less than 12 EUR hourly after tax
That sounds grim

That's before sales tax, breathing tax, value added tax, and a spending loicense.

also EU VAT is fucking high

Would be affordable if they kicked out Islanders and Indians.

>NZ is an island we have barley any legals
We have a fuck tonne of immigrants though.

>Would be affordable if they kicked out Islanders and Indians.

yeah we have chinks who own businesses not work as wagies

why do all you anglo commies have a min wage?

Both groups are a net drain on quality and productivity, they also depreciate wages by all competing in only a few industries.

Because we only had a half hearted attempt to roll back the welfare state

I'm pretty sure I've never seen a successful Chink business in NZ.

If you don’t take these measures NZ will collapse.
You produce nothing of note.
Everything is imported.
You take on a bunch of foreigners.

A literal formula for disaster.

>You produce nothing of note.
What is that supposed to mean

>give me less money

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>mountain kike complaining about fair compensation for labour

Min wage is $15.75

16.50 mate

That's higher than our minimum wage

Everyone in this thread is retarded. The true minimum wage is 0.

Fu i’m only making $5400 a month

You forgot taxes.

I've never seen an example of a linear increase in the cost of goods tied to wage increases. $20,000 cars will not suddenly become $40,000 now that people at mcdonalds make $40k per year. You might increase the cost of goods by a few percent but thats it.


Go to Auckland.

>minimum wage people buy $20k cars
Maybe with one of those 18 year car loans.

Euros? That's about 31 an hour if you work 8*5. 20 NZD is 12 EUR.

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You're an idiot. Workers either have higher requirements or there are less. Rather than people exiting "min wage" jobs they will be staying in the position because little does anybody know, 15 and 20$ per hour is a living wage. No need to quit working in a supermarket or at Starbucks because you can love off it.

Less money spent training workers
Less money spent on HR
Better qualified workers with good work ethic leads to less loss and more customer satisfaction
Nothing will go up in price because everything balanced out.

$20 an hour? Looks like we're going to increase those prices you silly goyim.

>voted for sociaIism because they said they were gonna do something about the immigrants
>they did nothing about the immigrants
Iosing my faith in democracy Iads
anyone want to take up arms?

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Great! and a Big-Mac will be only $15 in 2020.

yellow jacket time tbqh famalam

and "Based Winston" also is going to sign the migrant treaty

that cunt, I voted for him.

>$20/hour minimum wage
>$11.87/hour paid in taxes
No thanks, Ill pass.

>decent minimum wage must mean a 60% tax rate on minimum wage earners
Good goy

Why not just argue for lower taxes then? (((oh, that's right)))

>I don't want my pay to increase


>increase in minimum wage directly benefits low income workers
>reduction in low income tax burden almost inevitably comes as part of a package which benefits shekelstein and his mates
Gee I wonder why you would be arguing against minimum wage increases and tax reduction

>if I do enough mental acrobatics I can say this is a tax reduction

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and for* tax reduction

We taking over brehs

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A minimum wage increases unemployment.

Lower wages mean lower prices, meaning the cost of living is lower.

People who are competitive in the job market will not earn minimum wage.

Wages cannot be set below reasonable levels because people are free to refuse work. Therefore there is a natural minimum wage that reflects demand for employment. When people refuse work, employers will increase wages in order to attract necessary workers.

who is winston? i thought Jacinda Ardern is your merkel?

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Enjoy your $7 loaf of bread KiWi

you have MMP and should also understand coalition partners

I guess its days are numbered

20 New Zealand bucks? That's what, 10 Dollars Americano?

Big corporations killing off small businesses, then they'll let the wages stagnate for decades so they can keep paying you shit.

We need a progressive minimum wage in all countries. Companies that earn more pay their employees more in accordance with how much they earn. Smaller businesses pay their employees less in accordance so they aren't forced out of business.

>Co-ops are the best way to implement soft communism
>oh darn it, but I'm too lazy to start one to show everybody how much better they are
>i'll just get the government to force all companies to be co-ops :D

german wikipedia didnt mentioned wilston. thats why i asked

Holy shit, you really have no grasp on economics at all?
>Min wage goes up
>Prices for everything go up
>Currency is essentially worth less now
>Less jobs available, mainly small businesses
>Now you have less jobs and the people at the bottom have the same lifestyle but now the middle class can afford less luxury purchases (cars, TV's, etc) resulting in even more jobs lost.
How fucking low is that IQ you have?

Winston Peters is the main coaIition partner of the current Government, he's the cIosest thing we've got to your AfD and he was in a position where no one couId form a government without him
Instead of going for the grand coaIition Iike you have in Germany, Jacinda teamed up with him and he gave up pretty much aII of his positions on nationaIism for sociaIism

I wouldn't say AfD when he is an old style keynesian and social democrat while being nominally socially conservative

be right back, short selling the nz dollar

what a cunt. ty for the info

neither wouId I, he's just the cIosest we've got

the inflationary impact will only be on goods which do not face international competition like services

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Not for much longer it seems.

min wage is 5 million in Venezuela.

min wage means absolutely nothing. An efficient and productive economy is what keeps life affordable, not a minimum wage.

>t. brown people lover

Define fair to start with before using that word

Do you not realize that 10$/hour in 2000 is just not the same fucking thing as 10$/hour in 2020 you dumb boomer faggot?
Index it and end this bullshit circus, or don't bother with the pretense of a minimum wage.