>tfw you haven't accomplished any of your long-term goals and you're in your late 20s
time for slow death by alcoholism
>tfw you haven't accomplished any of your long-term goals and you're in your late 20s
time for slow death by alcoholism
sounds like a shitty way to go. what where your goals?
-draw competently
-learn a language
-learn to play flute
-move to another state
can't do shit, man, hope a random brain hemorrhage takes me out
well what hampered achieving those goals? seems like a time management issue
I guess. Also lack of commitment, lack of good help, depression, lack of confidence, anxiety, losing family, etc. Can't believe I've wasted my youth and not accomplished anything. I hate my life.
you seem to know the roots of the problems so you can always remedy them. I wouldn't beat yourself up over what you didn't accomplish within a desired time frame.
I suppose so? I know the roots but I'm too wrapped up in hatred of myself over the fact that I've wasted all of this time and that even if I do commit to something that I'll always be shittier than if I started earlier to move on. Crazy stuff, I know.
so op do you want life goal advice or death by alcoholism advice cause i could give ya both if you wanted
>tfw you are almost 30 and your entire life has either been feeling soul crushingly depressed or being medicated and not feeling anything at all
>realize that this will probably be the rest of my life
cool fucking story
What the fuck man..
Late 20's is still a good age to start new shit.
You got till your 40s to do whatever the fuck you want.
Instead of sitting around wasting times on this shitty forum and typing this shit go fucking start doing what you wanted to do.
I do not see why you can't still do any of these.
Go pirate Rosetta Stone with whatever language you want.
You can learn a flute. I once randomly bought a guitar from a junkie and learned to play it just from lessons on the internet. A year later i picked up playing the Mandolin. I am sure you can do the same with flute.
If you want to move to another state do your research right now. You can always become an adventurer and travel around the U.S. to see where you want to settle. Maybe you can hop a train or some shit and learn to play the flute as well as learn a language on your smart phone all at the same time.
You are a boring unimaginative lazy asshole and you have no one to blame but yourself. Get your ass together man you still go time.
Ya know...get a tefl endorsement and teach overseas. Could the the thing you need. Look up idelt and take either the 120 or 150 hour course
Honestly learning all three of those things (drawing, language, musical instrument) seems like a ton to take on, so no wonder you failed. Each one is easily a "practice for 2-3 hours a day for months/years if you want to get anywhere" type of deal; if you're working full time then I'd say cut it down to one thing unless you want all your free time to be gone and to make no progress.
The other solution (it's the one I chose) is just to not have any long term goals or future plans. Just concentrate on the now, find something time consuming like videogames to fill the spaces.
>The other solution (it's the one I chose) is just to not have any long term goals or future plans. Just concentrate on the now, find something time consuming like videogames to fill the spaces.
Makes me sad, user.
>Each one is easily a "practice for 2-3 hours a day for months/years if you want to get anywhere" type of deal
People tell me to concentrate on one thing and then move on to the next and I'm only starting to do everything at once now because I'm not young anymore and I'm not getting any younger. Probably not a good idea, and I am constantly discouraged and hate my life.
Don't be sad, it works alright. I'm spending today mostly grinding heists in GTA online, and not thinking about the work week coming up or indeed future months or years. If I do think of the future it's for specific content releases I'm looking forward to.
I know the feeling. I used to be what I thought was a good artist growing up, then as I got old enough to realise I wasn't actually that good I tried to learn to improve but I got nowhere and just got frustrated with my shitty work. Now I don't draw or do art any more.
user I don't think you should totally give up on everything. I wouldn't want you to be a guy who looks back on his life when he's 50 and feels like he wasted it all. It's bad enough being half that age and feeling that way.
I hope you can find something productive to commit to that satisfies you.
Yeah, well, it's my life. Nobody else is going to help me become a better person, I'd need to do it myself. But that's hard work and I might fail so better not to try, and not think about what's to come.
Feel better, user
Make me
Or you could just keep trying.
Kernel Sanders was a failure almost his whole life, he tried so hard to be successful in so many walks of life untill eventually he gave up and just went back to the one thing he was good at, frying chicken, then, as an elderly man, he finally found his fortune and success.
Never, ever give up. There's just no point.
Didn't he sell the franchise to some company and then get bitter at the inevitable fall in quality?
>Never, ever give up. There's just no point.
But your anecdote explicitly describes the Colonel as trying repeatedly and failing for most of his life, and only after giving up did he find success. Surely the lesson is "give up early to be successful quicker"?