Far-right Vox in Spain

What's next for VOX? Spaniards please tell me. Also why aren't there constant generals for this

Attached: abascalsantiagovox0.jpg (393x393, 30K)

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What's a VOX?

Never heard of this.

abascal is the present day pelayo

even though this is absolute fake news bullshit it can be a neat intro
It is basically a spanish Salvini.
He wants to protect and control the borders and also wants to protect and promote the spanish natural nuclear family

It will be only reductive politics. Since is right wing = facist and fascist is bad. Left wing = Republicans (not the GOP burger). And republic is good

Attached: 7080154C-DE88-43D4-9089-13BE46BC20A1.gif (500x268, 1024K)

Sucking Israeli dick to get into power

National-liberalist Party

Attached: 1544567486055.jpg (1125x704, 632K)

Most Spaniards are cucks that hate their own country and consider the King and Castilian an oppressive force. They would unironically rather join France and suck snails through their anus than be part of Spain.

t. Spaniard on vacation.

Attached: Spain.png (1023x711, 319K)

From a spanish leftist magazine

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yeah yeah I know, they are not anti Israel, but it is impossible to gain any political power if you go against (((them)))
They are anti immigration, anti feminism and anti communism.
It is about choosing the lesser shitty of the bad options.

You know, not everybody speaks Mexican.

Except they won't do any of that
They just dog whistle while slurping Israeli kosher dick
Just like trump

It only says stupid stuff I just posted it for the drawings which are self explanatory , Vox is the devil itself for the left kek

What is going on in Spain at the moment? haven't heard much about Spain since the Catalonia-shenanigans.
Do you still have a huge youth-unemployment? and an inept government?

Just he usual; faggots, communists, Dominicans stabbing people and feminists running the country to the ground.

So long as he keeps his hands off of our blessed Gibraltar, I have no problem with him.

youth-unemployment stays sky high, all whiny snowflakes that study useless degrees and then complain because they are waiters.
The ones who actually study something useful (sciences and such) just go away to other countries because the government considers more importanrt to flood our country with shitskins and pay them basically for existing
The actual president impeached Rajoy and is ruling the country with literally 0 votes working along with former terrorists and the catalan and basque nationalists.
The socialist party is fucking our shit up

"The ones who actually study something useful (sciences and such) just go away to other countries because the government considers more importanrt to flood our country with shitskins and pay them basically for existing, instead of investing in technical advances and investigation*

>Also why aren't there constant generals for this
I was kvetching about immigration a few years ago like most sane poeple, and I remember one of my first posts on here was when I asked a Spanish bro about exactly this. He said that if we could merely elect Trump and/or pull off Brexit (which was a massive fucking task and literal occult warfare mind you) that it would be enough to create a domino effect, and that men from all over Europe and all European diaspora, perhaps even the leafs could rise up and achieve similar feats, securing their sovereignty and defeating the all the small souled, all the bugmen. He basically said not to worry about individual European elections at all. And he was right desu. I can assure you without the slightest bit of fucking irony that pre-Trump, Salvini's ascent or VOX being this successful would have been a notion that people laugh at.

Perhaps Trump will ultimately not pan out extremely well for us, maybe zog is too strong here. But in failure we will learn bros. And we will share in victories too.

>The actual president impeached Rajoy and is ruling the country with literally 0 votes
What the fuck? i assume he was president because he won some election, or was he appointed by parlament?
Regardless, is this "socialist problem" a problem throughout Spain, or is Spain divided. Like how East Germany is kind of sane, and West Germany not so much.

The domino-effect might not be so apparent, what drives people to vote for "far-right" parties or candidate, also affect established politicians and parties. They are not oblivious for the consequences of third world immigration.
Many of them still say the same thing as they did 5, 10 and 20 years ago. The same diversity is our strength etc. As if the empirical evidence about the consequences of immigration that has emerged over the last decade are none existing.
But many established parties are changing there views on immigrations, take CSU (Merkels Sister party) they are increasingly taking a "right-wing" stance on immigration.
..Or that Austrian guy they elected, he is from the mainstream conservative party, but ran on a political platform that where pretty far-right in terms of immigration.

If this is how the dominos fall, a gradual shift in the sentiment of established parties, then it would be very difficult to notice.

cantabria/aragon descendant here

Kek the meme about spaniards being shitskins is actually true.

>The Savior of Spain has been born

>The family tree "Morenazi"
"Moreno/a" means someone with dark hair or dark complexion and "nazi" means, well... nazi.
The face at the top says "100% Spanish race" and the black text at the bottom within the yellow line says "The most aryan thing that there is in your family tree is a German pastor/minister that fucked your great-grandmother.

>Day of the "hispanicity"
>More to the right, AR!
(Dunno what AR stands for)

Well, in spain there are some regions that are historically more left or right leaning.
15 Days ago the elections in Andalusia (the most lefty of them all) gave them 12 Regional Parliament seats basically winning in coalition with the other """"right wng"""" parties.
PSOE (spanish socialist party) ruled Andalusia since the 70s.
Also Catalonia is really divided now, and that topic also divides the rest of spain (right wing is anti independence and left wing the opposite)

Well, a domino effect was more of an implication rather than a literal strategy, and perhaps I should have thought of better wording. We both presumed that it would be a massive and complex struggle. But I was just learning about geopolitics and the way he explained it to me made sense. I was wanting some kind of international, Apollonian tier ideological movement basically, where we could spread info and speculation on forums all over the web, beat the MSM and globalist parties at their own game. But that is fragile and stupid as fuck, Spencer tier even. He knew that we just needed to prove they could bleed. We did that.

Forget about the impeachment thing.
The left parties worked together to impeach Rajoy ("""right wing""").
The socialist party is working now with former terrorists and other anti-spain scum

I forgot*

>that fucked your great-grandmother.
great-grandfather it actually says.

You're right, no idea how I missed that. Thanks for the correction.

I bet you are the spanish girl living in Sweden.

Post feet.

No, I'm a 23 yr old born in Sweden to a Swedish daddy and a Chilean mother. Cease your faggotry immediately!

Attached: absolutely aryan.png (604x608, 801K)

>far right
they are just a light version of republicans

Attached: VOX.png (600x339, 313K)

Stance on the EU and the €uro?