South African politicians urge followers to begin race war

Open calls by South African leaders to start the genocide of white people in SA. I realize that this has been going on, and has already been said in a round about way by other politicians in SA. But this one seems a bit different. Where earlier the leader stated that they aren't going to kill whites "at least not yet". But NOW, politicians are signaling for the atrocities to commence. Giving their followers the green light to pick up their machetes and start hacking whites.

>"We'll kill the children!"
>"We'll kill the women!"
>"We'll kill any that we find on our way!"

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bump. Get in here Anons. I think it's happening.

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Monkey hunting season is about to begin down there.

bump. they're trying to bury this.

I’m rooting for the blacks.

Nothing will come out of it, the Third largest party leader, Julius Malema, said that he would kill the white man, and in another occasion he shot an AK-47 during a party commemoration together with about 1000 people.

If you wanna stay updated in SA follow AfriForum and Ernst Roets.

If you wanna donate there are two main charities, Helping Hand of the Solidarity union and the South African Family Relief Project NPC.

Both are white people focused charities and hence don't receive government support.

Obviously you would, as a Somalian.

That's because you've always had blacks putting roots in you.

this, BFLF are a meme party, this would be the equivalent of a foreign press listing and quoting Fatt Heimbach as a "politician".


Legitimately even I am tired of hearing about this.

South African whites have had plenty of time to get organized and secede. Yet all we hear from SA anons is that they are either waiting for someone else to do it, "raising awareness", or hoping daddy trump will help.

Secede now or stfu

based nigs making the ethnostate actually happen. why are white people so pathetic and weak?

in a fictional universe, some fictional SA anons would go to fictional water plants, power plants/substations, bridges, etc, and blow that shit up with fictional bombs. then they'd wait out the fictional urbanites with fictional rifles until they made a break to the fictional countryside for fictional food supplies and water--and the fictional SA anons would rain down hell on them with fictional bullets.

how do you guys like my book idea?

This is the same as saying that white Americans had plenty of time to secede and form an ethnostate, how can you be so dumb man?

It already exists, look at Liberia nationality laws, only blacks can be nationals.

Not gonna happen without foreign support, and I don't think the Globalists would support white people.

Nice I'm getting the first plane to SA to battle harden for when it come to Europe.

Sounds like a horrific tragedy in which millions of innocent urban youths are slaughtered by evil racist whites.

>how do you guys like my book idea?
It would make for a decent Minecraft server.

yeah, so, Trump is 100% definitely, without a doubt, NOT going to help...hope they're not counting on that jfc

Good. Finally, your pathetic white race will die off.

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This was inevitable. The world is getting more radicalized by the day.

Emperor Salvini has to declare war on SA

as soon as we're done with their army we'll fuck all of their women

Ma noi non siamo bianchi coglione.

>go to south africa to met some guy about terrorist and a goy conspiracy
>have to team up with a brown skin gide
>bunch of negroid try to attack us
>mow them all down
>mfw goynews call this a "neo-nazi kill peacefull protestor"
>mfw kill all the negros in a town
>mfw im the hero of the town

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Literally zero coverage of this in MSM Australia

Good white race is the weakest race anyway. Ya'll wont be missed

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I don't think you would need globalist support for something like this. Guns, aren't very difficult to get(police stations) and the whites are mostly farmers to food and water is sorted. Bombs aren't difficult either. Anons plan is actually very realistic. They are the only suppliers of the people basic needs in SA so if they cut that of from non-whites they will win easily.
>t.fenian in Northern Ireland

I think you mean "I'm being rooted by blacks"

Oh hi mister Somalian, Salvini is going to cut off your gibs me dats and kick you out of the country.


Yes, she's a kike

eve fair banks dot com

I’m rooting for the blacks.

Tell that when US comes and starts liberating the shit out of everyone in the name of niggers.

Hope whites around the world, and in particular Americans, are paying very close attention to this.

Get armed and get Jow Forums motherfuckers. If you think the 50% shitskins in the US aren't coming for us in the next 5-10 years, or maybe even after 2020 as payback for Trump, you got another thing coming

You'll see whites start firing back at the biggers but then the UN will defend like a hawk on the whites. The rest of the world will have to come to terms that whites are getting genocided and you'll see people pick a side. Anybody IRL that defends the niggers are open traitors to the west

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>Open calls by South African leaders to start the genocide of white people in SA

So the indigenous people have finally decided to fight back against their invaders.



The rest of the world won't even see it because media won't be covering it. Even all-out civil war and genocide won't be covered. It's too damaging to the (((narrative))) and (((current world order))).

>whitoid cant rid europe of kebab

>niggas possibly getting the job done within a very short amount of time

uff Jow Forums, this irony is top shelf

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No. Wait until that jidf user in South Africa stops posting for two weeks.

This. Fuck them. Why are we supposed to care? Because Charlize Theron is kind of hot sometimes and that district 9 guy and Die Antwerp? Let me know when they get at least 10% genocided down there. Enough of this hype train bullshit every time one of them scrapes their knee or something.

Smug fuckers with their "well, they have plenty time to prepare for this/should have seen this coming" posts are either dumb as doornails, shills or both. The situation for whites in South Africa is nothing like for whites in the states or Europe.

Population wise they are outnumbered by at least 8 to 1 and thats as a Country. American posters then go on equate their experience with blacks to that of South Africans. Provided you are aren't retarded enough to live in Detroit, Chicago or some full blown shithole like that your black population is lower than pretty much any urban centre in SA with the sole exception of Capetown (even there they are a minority, but at least they outnumber full on blacks).

Next to consider is just how fucking savage these people are. An SA user posted a while ago words to the effect of "American posters are retarded to think that American niggers and SA kaffirs are equivalent. The kaffir is so savage he makes Jamal look civilized." We're not talking about some tatted up gangbanger wannabe that'll cower at the sight of two 14 year olds claiming "shit man, he has back up." You see the farm murder imagery? They haven't just shot someone in the back as they ran, they're beaten with baseball bats, hacked to pieces with machetes and raped, not nessecarily in that order. People have been tried as war criminals for less.

Preparing for a confrontation is therefore not a straight forward process as many of you would like to think, we're talking people that commit crimes so gorish that it would turn the stomach of even the most hardened of American nigger.

The internet will show the normies what is going on. Only a few whites have to upload footage for the world to see. If normie whites still refuse to go tribal after watching Tyrone rape and butcher a white 9 year old girl then this world is lost

>But we fight not only for our folk. I am deeply convinced in my heart that we fight for the survival of white civilization. . . . The white man at the southern end of Africa is an outpost of white civilization and as such the vanguard of the fighting mass, sent out ahead to the point where the first attacks must come. . . . Therefore we send the message to the outside world and we tell them, yet again, that there is only one salvation for the white race of the world. This is that whites and non-whites in Africa should each enjoy their own rights within their own territories.

--South African Prime Minister Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd 1958

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Fuck off noneuropean rat, get out of my union already you cunt jizz sniffer

They went out to hug Muslims after the Manchester concert bombing.

>nignogs saying they're gonna kill the white man

So, business as usual?

I'm actually Aussie, our nbn netwrok is totally fucked to the point many Aussies appear like they are posting from other countrues allowing us to stealth shitpost by framing other countries for liking muslim cock.

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>Please send gibbs
>--South African Prime Minister Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd 1958

Truly Israeli tier.

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I'm sorry that you can't read.

I was assured by all reputable news sources that there exists no such thing and implying otherwise makes you all ultra nazi kike killing gay hating woman beating incels.

I'm not buying it user. White man gotta go defend that outpost by himself. Australia isn't on here begging for every white mans help to deal with abbos. South Africans are just pathetic losers who need to deal with their own problems. I'm not going to listen to that gay accent and that made up language for two seconds if I can help it.

Yeah well that's not what I'll be doing once the white genocide starts in south Africa. We need to show the normies what's going on in south Africa and if there are still some normies that think white genocide is okay then they are enemies plain and simple. There would be nothing to talk about after that There’s enough evidence out there if you look

>American education

Abos don't even make up 5% of Australia's population where as blacks in South Africa exceed 80%. You can't compare the two cases.

Maybe these South Africans should move to Australia then. Or back to bongistan.

I'm rooting for you to get aids

So fucking cringy reading posts from ignorant & retarded amerimutts