Is he right? Has politics and PC culture ruined the internet?
Is he right? Has politics and PC culture ruined the internet?
Fuck off shitlib
I blame umaru-chan
I REFUSE to have my voice silenced
Normie scum ruined the CIA.
high iq post on twitter nice
>some degenerate jews opinion
hmmmm, NO
activism is contaminating every institution of society
yes it has
which was the point all along
to crash this internet with no survivors
Ice, get off Jow Forums and go fucking live!
ehehehehhehe iim going to turn on my stream now oh wait nevermind im not gonna stream because im a lazy scumbag weasel drug addict shekel goblin who cant stop snorting coke
normies ruined the internet anyone saying anything else is a jew
Jewish take over of all non-jewish owned media.
SJWs are just a smoke screen.
The internet culture became rate my dick threads. This why we all left /b/
Dumbasses manipulated by governments and megacorps into doing their work for them, is what happened.
most normies dont like virtue signaling tho, regardless of what political spectrum it comes from.
He's 100% on the mark. Everything is hyperpoliticized now, and everything is filled with intense faggotry as well.
It is this. RL "culture" was ruined long before it tried to learn to meme.
I tweet was for white people. There weren't politics bevausethetewerntany shitskins censors or greasy mulatto Jew puppets agitating for antiwhite marxism.
No, globalists trying to save their asses by making the internet political and PC to stop the spread of ideas they don't like are ruining it. When do the heads start rolling?
Cx in chat bois TriHard
They don't like it but the internet forced them to learn to recognize it. They have no control over how they're being triggered anymore. Not that they did to begin with, I mean. But now it's a constant stream of triggers to the average lib.