there is a company called "trans kids" that sells fake dicks for people under 10(pic related).
absolutely sickening that a company can have business doing this
there is a company called "trans kids" that sells fake dicks for people under 10(pic related).
absolutely sickening that a company can have business doing this
Oh thank goodness they're normal penises and not those gross slithery things they have in uncivilized second-world countries.
I saw a screenshot recently of a website that was selling dilators for kids, with ones different sizes for different ages. Absolutely sickening.
Looking at their website...
>Special Order Item
>No picture
Not suspicious at all...
That's small?
So they are selling dildo's to little girls?
was expecting a fucking leaf
probably a real severed dick for transplants
Early To Bed is a sex toy shop
it's more like a fake dick to pretend you have a dick. they make ones that let you pee standing up too