Leftist's weird attempts to re-purpose right-wing insults

One common thing I've noticed about leftists is that they try to take right wing insults and turn them against right wingers. The problem is that this practice is almost always inherently illogical and contradictory.

For example, in the heyday of the NPC-meme, these people would desperately, in 10 paragraphs, try to disprove the "NPC-theory" and the existence of NPC's with all their might - only to turn around and say "Trump voters are the REAL NPC's". You've spent an hour trying to undermine the basis of your argument...your argument was disarmed by yourself before it was even made.

The same goes for the word "cuck". I see leftists trying to turn this back on right wingers all the time. But as a leftist, you're likely to see cuckoldry as just another fetish one should show tolerance and acceptance for, and that hating cuckoldry is a sign of "toxic masculinity". So what power do you expect that insult has coming from you?

It all reminds me of that lefty cartoon that featured a picture of a jacked guy with a testosterone-shirt and the caption "the new face of the republican party"

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Calm down snowflake, no-one is taking your precious 'words' from your safe spaces.

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Yeah pretty much. Left can't meme because memes require original thought and creativity. If you submit constantly to leftist authority you have no mental energy to come up with your own ideas.

Haha "snowflake" is another great example. How could they possible try to turn that around on right wingers when they've spent years defending the core root of that insult (safe-spaces in colleges). "Go back to your safe space trumptards" - you like safe spaces and think they're legitimate, remember

>just noticing this now
This has been going one since at least the snowflake meme. You can be guaranteed that any meme the right makes gets thrown back at them in flimsy manner. A liberal once said something absurd and I said I disagree and they called me a snowflake simply for disagreeing. This is what they do.

Also the lefts entire debate and argument strategy these days is false equivalencies and not refuting something you claim and instead just demonize something you might support. They love taking something you say and flipping it back on you that makes up 80% of their debate strategies.

Leftists have absolutely no shame. Other than that I have absolutely no idea what recycling right wing memes serve except that they’ve thought policed themselves into a corner. Fags, lol.

>called me a snowflake simply for disagreeing
Audibly keked over here.

this is the best thread here right now. Everyone should read this instead of the race baiting and pretending to be retarded threads.

I think it goes back to a conflict between their intuition and their conditioning. They'll call a right winger "beta" two seconds after having explained that the alpha/beta dynamic is outdated and that masculinity needs to be redefined so that men can cry and be pussies.

They intuitively know that being a weak, unmanly man is a bad thing so that's where the insult comes from, but they don't realize that the insult is being invalidated by their own opinions right out of the gate.

quite a fascinating mental somersault

I notice that. Sometimes before you even say anything they'll immediately be like "what's the matter snowflake cuck npc? You need a safe space?" That's how you know it's getting to them.

Yeah I think these insults have gotten to them and caused them some mental pain and that they want to reflect this pain back on right wingers, completely forgetting to calibrate the insult with their own views and the persona of the person they're attacking

they aren't creative. most leftists have operated in a hugbox so long that they can analyze problems dynamically. they see something that works so they attempt to hijack it.
I think that's why the NPC meme struck such a nerve. they had no intelligible response because it was so pathetically true and like NPCs they just copied and repeated it, without understanding that just fueled it further.

the left can't meme because they live in a world of black and white. you're either a with them or you're literally Hitler. everything is framed in those terms. they have no ability to sympathize with others who are ideological different from them. if they were to do that the cogitative dissonance would cause a massive crisis in their belief system.

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The great thing about mirror tactics is that if you know how they work, and your argument is superior, you can always, ALWAYS, find a poetic flaw in the reasoning of an imperfect mirror. Always.

Not really because filing off the numbers of right wing ideas and memes and then redistributing them is still distributing right wing ideas and memes.


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NPC meme is pure crystallized dissonance. If I didn't know any better I'd say the composition next to PUA material was an attempt to recreate mind control methodologies on a population wide basis.

I've been called a "testosterone-fuelled gymbro" by a lefty girl. Okay, so I'm a masculine guy who works out a lot? Wow that's such an impactful insult to someone who obviously likes being masculine and going to the gym. They need to get to know their audience.

>the left can't meme because they live in a world of black and white
Memes (in the Jow Forums sense) arise as pushback against the dominant narrative. When you ARE the dominant narrative--when 99% of the mainstream media pushes your line--you're ill-equipped in every way for memery. It's the same way Soviet dissidents and Chinese internet culture produce memorable memes, while the regime produces little.

This is a subset of "whataboutism," which has been the go-to rhetorical tactic of the Left since at least the Soviet era. When confronted with a criticism of the Left, rather than address the argument, they immediately try to point out how you are somehow guilty of the same thing. And they usually engage in truly amazing feats of mental gymnastics in drawing false equivalences.

Stalinist policies killed millions? You hang negros! Academics are pushing anti-white racism? It's because whites are racist! It is essentially a glib version of "no u." Or, as Goebbels put it, they always cry out in pain as they strike you.

But if this is a safe space, why are you allowed to post?

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They don't understand what the words they use mean, they only see them as
>generic insult #3
so they end up using them at random in their writing, only to come off as a bunch of retards.
For example, they seem to have an unhealthy obsession with labeling anyone who disagrees with them (And can articulate that disagreement in a calm and reasonable way) a snowflake, not understanding why we started using that term to begin with.
I'll see them unironically respond to someone pointing out their hypocritical ways with
It only sharpens my hatred for them, they're too stupid to understand why they're stupid.

the left can meme, but their memes are industrial/propaganda grade

their memes are based on either falsehoods or exaggerations and only gain steam because they are enforced by big media and other corporations

examples of left wing memes
>white privilege/fragility
>language policing: illegal alien becomes undocumented immigrant or just "migrant"

what they can't do is control the conversation with their thoughts, their movement has been thoroughly subverted at this point and is basically just an arm of global corporatism, acting as a mouthpiece for whatever is useful for the global elite and being silenced if they ever approach the "wrong direction" (like Occupy Wall Street)

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it's only dissonance insofar as the meme isn't generalized to all humans. If you do, then you discover the terrible truth - that #WeAreAllNPCs!

That's not a meme it's a screenshot

are you retarded?

Wow dude you totally missed the point faggot

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Liberals have forced themselves into a box because of identity politics. They are utterly useless and unfunny
>it’s why even a Jew like Seinfeld won’t do stand up comedy in liberal college towns

They have no choice but to throw everything back at the right. They are not capable of creating viral and funny attacks against the right that are even a quarter as good, so they have to copy.

The reason they do this is obvious, part of them knows it doesn't make sense but the culture war is so hot that it's actually more about rhetoric and persuasion than truth. If you clown on somebody with a hilarious meme that does more damage than a long written treatise on why the other side is wrong. The culture war is 100% about optics and social media/cultural penetration, and they know it. That's why conservative social media is being deplatformed, they are so outclassed when it comes to generating memes and content that the head kikes have literally spent billions researching/creating/disseminating content and they still get BTFO over and over by memers on Jow Forums. Their only defense is to shut it down and copy rightwing memes and lines of attack.

We are holding our own against billions of dollars and the entire fuckin establishment, they are throwing everything they have and it's still a dirty fuckin slugfest. Be proud and never stop shitposting, ever.

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These aren't smart people we're talking about

Nice bait pal

Lefties are always always always guilty of what they accuse you of. This is a foundation stone of their ideology; to project guilt at the enemy, often pre-emptively in efforts to get ahead of investigations and to try and sway public opinion.

Prove me wrong.

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you know the insults are effective because when they turn them around on me i get super pissed. that might just be from the fact that they misuse them or they call me a snowflake while crying about trump.

the meme they cherish and still think is the pinnacle of humor is baby trump pictures. it's actually pathetic.

i like how they take any Jow Forums insult that is directed at straight white males like 'neckbeard', or 'incel' and as part of their vernacular but have to reject the other 90% as too offensive, as the target of ridicule is not a straight white male

hahhaah yea democrats are the real racists am I right magapedes?

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Whites aren't allowed safe spaces though

>i can't be racist towards white people

Cognitive dissonance personified. Do you not recognize the paradox in crying racism every 3 seconds only to attack only white people? Are you retarded or in denial?

Leftists are npc's npc's by definition can not meme

Instant classic

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hahah yea brother
If this gets 1000 upvotes I'll post another pepe! We'll show those damn leftists who run the internet!
Praise kek!

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melbourne fag you can't meme ok, just embarassing

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you are the meme kek boy
and they're laughing at you, not with you

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There is no 'they', idiot.

>We are holding our own against billions of dollars and the entire fuckin establishment
The truth is pretty powerful stuff, that's why they have to make saying true things illegal.

It legitimately proves they're npc's because they really can't think for themselves

based fisherman

>makes a butthurt wall of text because he was called a cuck on reddit
it's just a meme you dip. people will use these insults because they're fun to use. you claiming r9k, tv or reddit memes doesn't prevent other people using them

Way to prove based OP correct.

The left can't meme.... because.... they have no amusing truths to spin humor with.

A funny example of misfired leftist insults in Swedish: Leftists have come up with a new moniker for the Sweden Democrats: "nyss-nazister" it's a play on words, the word for neo-nazi is "ny-nazister", "nyss" means "recently"/ "just a minute ago"/"just then". So they're walking around calling the Sweden Democrats "Recently-Nazis" thinking they're oh so clever. The problem with this is of course that they've been calling the Sweden Democrats straight up Nazis for 15 years. Calling them "nyss-nazister" implies that they were recently Nazis but aren't anymore...it actually ends up being a retreat from their previous position. I asked a leftist who used this term "recently-nazis, so you're saying they're not Nazis anymore?" and they got super flustered.

It's mostly used to point out the hypocrisy of alt right idiots and how they're basically a mirror image of sjw crazies.

Sorry if it offends you snowflake, go back to your safe space etc.

The NPC meme isn't just a joke, it's real. Leftists are so devoid of creativity and independent thought that they are forced to repurpose memes created by actual people. This is also why they have such an obsession with being "le creative" and "arts", they long for things they know they will never have.

there's still hope for /pol.

>getting cucked by trump is the BEST kind of cuckoldry, let me tell you...

Don't forget that most professional "memes" are leftist (movies, tv, etc.)

Two consequences:
1. Those most susceptible to propaganda are more likely to be leftist.
2. There's no need for them to engage in their own creative works.

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But as a leftist you likely think safe spaces are a great idea to have on campus for students who feel oppressed or whatever. You would also likely defend the students who want to go to these safe spaces when they are attacked by right wingers calling them snowflakes. So why on earth would I be insulted by you saying that? You're trying to insult me by making fun of something you yourself support and using a word you've probably campaigned against. I know logic isn't the left's strongest suit but you'd have to be an imbecil not to see the inherent problem in that.

You're only damaging your own perception by thinking of it like that. You miss the person.

Get a life.

Finally I know what reddit spacing is. Thank you for that educational image, Amerifren. I do wonder why it's associated with reddit, though.

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op's nuanced belief system

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you from victoria boy? you look like a fag to me.

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>leftwing retard talking shit like a teenaged girl

Surprise surprise

>when no one takes your bait the first time so you post again

Let's see their data.

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>posting about yourself

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Not sure about that but they are the real retards

Thats fucking weird. I am going to have to watch out for this in my life.

>Guaranteed replies

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They arent allowed to think much less say anything genuinely subversive. They cant be surprising. Surprise is the essense of humor. They cant be funny.

>they can't smell
Are there people with a "mind's nose"?

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it's hard to think about smells

They copied deplorables. Remember "Nasty Women" was directed at Hillary and now they took it as if it were directed at them.

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atheism is a religion
not having a TV is a channel

>what you say is what you are
>you're a naked boobie star

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Are you one of those Mexican intellectuals?

which kind? like Taibo 2? or like Monsivais?

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They have no imagination.

Google the word "meme", dumbass.

Fucking kek

The entire fucking point of memes is for people to change/repurpose them and spread them to other people, you absolute mouthbreather.

ikr we can make our own memes
what a national embarrassment Trump is. Buffoon.

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ikr, like pedobear can be repurpaced as 18 is the correct age of consent bear. Trump is such a bafoon.

Doesn't stop you from staring at walls.


That wasn’t the point, retard. The whole concept of flipping a meme to mock the other side has been a thing for ages, eg. “I AM SILLY”, but you shitdicks never seemed to realize that until the fucking NPC meme showed up.

>For example, in the heyday of the NPC-meme, these people would desperately, in 10 paragraphs, try to disprove the "NPC-theory" and the existence of NPC's with all their might - only to turn around and say "Trump voters are the REAL NPC's". You've spent an hour trying to undermine the basis of your argument...your argument was disarmed by yourself before it was even made.

because you retards thought its a real psychological phenomenon meaning there's real people with no sentience and when you were proven wrong and backpedaled to "i-i-its just saying you blindly repeat talking points" which describes you

>So what power do you expect that insult has coming from you?

because you're obviously insanely insecure about upholding gender norms, its leftist its going to bother less

lol no

>But as a leftist you likely think safe spaces are a great idea to have on campus for students who feel oppressed or whatever. You would also likely defend the students who want to go to these safe spaces when they are attacked by right wingers calling them snowflakes.
No I wouldn't

This might be worldshattering for you but people on the left have a whole spectrum of different beliefs from moderate to full on crazy, just like the right.

...And? Care to elaborate on why you don’t agree with me? Or are you content just making cherry-picked strawmen?

Snowflake is a terrible insult because leftists are more like rabid dogs than delicate snowflakes.

The constant whining of the leftist is just part of their passive-aggressive activism.

>we don't steal your memes
>y-you're just stupid and insecure
Like pottery.

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>I've been called a "testosterone-fuelled gymbro" by a lefty girl.
>Okay, so I'm a masculine guy who works out a lot?
The only excuse is that this is a new pasta.
kys faggot

yes, we know, the left can't meme