Leftist's weird attempts to re-purpose right-wing insults

One common thing I've noticed about leftists is that they try to take right wing insults and turn them against right wingers. The problem is that this practice is almost always inherently illogical and contradictory.

For example, in the heyday of the NPC-meme, these people would desperately, in 10 paragraphs, try to disprove the "NPC-theory" and the existence of NPC's with all their might - only to turn around and say "Trump voters are the REAL NPC's". You've spent an hour trying to undermine the basis of your argument...your argument was disarmed by yourself before it was even made.

The same goes for the word "cuck". I see leftists trying to turn this back on right wingers all the time. But as a leftist, you're likely to see cuckoldry as just another fetish one should show tolerance and acceptance for, and that hating cuckoldry is a sign of "toxic masculinity". So what power do you expect that insult has coming from you?

It all reminds me of that lefty cartoon that featured a picture of a jacked guy with a testosterone-shirt and the caption "the new face of the republican party"

Attached: pajaam.jpg (353x353, 35K)

Calm down snowflake, no-one is taking your precious 'words' from your safe spaces.

Attached: polmeme12.png (700x700, 270K)

Yeah pretty much. Left can't meme because memes require original thought and creativity. If you submit constantly to leftist authority you have no mental energy to come up with your own ideas.

Haha "snowflake" is another great example. How could they possible try to turn that around on right wingers when they've spent years defending the core root of that insult (safe-spaces in colleges). "Go back to your safe space trumptards" - you like safe spaces and think they're legitimate, remember

>just noticing this now
This has been going one since at least the snowflake meme. You can be guaranteed that any meme the right makes gets thrown back at them in flimsy manner. A liberal once said something absurd and I said I disagree and they called me a snowflake simply for disagreeing. This is what they do.

Also the lefts entire debate and argument strategy these days is false equivalencies and not refuting something you claim and instead just demonize something you might support. They love taking something you say and flipping it back on you that makes up 80% of their debate strategies.

Leftists have absolutely no shame. Other than that I have absolutely no idea what recycling right wing memes serve except that they’ve thought policed themselves into a corner. Fags, lol.

>called me a snowflake simply for disagreeing
Audibly keked over here.

this is the best thread here right now. Everyone should read this instead of the race baiting and pretending to be retarded threads.

I think it goes back to a conflict between their intuition and their conditioning. They'll call a right winger "beta" two seconds after having explained that the alpha/beta dynamic is outdated and that masculinity needs to be redefined so that men can cry and be pussies.

They intuitively know that being a weak, unmanly man is a bad thing so that's where the insult comes from, but they don't realize that the insult is being invalidated by their own opinions right out of the gate.

quite a fascinating mental somersault