Dating, Jow Forums edition

Alright anons so how's your dating life going? Mine isn't great, I'm stuck with the tinderchicks and girls from uni that I'm not really attracted to but are somehow into me. Not a trace from goth/emo/occult qts yet unfortunately.

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dating is forbidden in Islam

I eat most of my dates, and recently I ate this old guy who just tasted awful. I threw most of him away.

Black haired girls are instant best girls.
>muh blondes

>tfw no gf ever at 27

I've given up for a little while. I've looksmaxxed pretty well, get more mires than ever now but my life is still not on track (NEET, almost no social life, almost no money, live at home, nothing particularly interesting besides looks) so I'm just working on myself and if something happens to come along then okay.

My mom won't let me fuck her. What a bitch. :(

dogs are the BEST
once u go dog you dont go back

Literally got my first gf at 29. Don't give up.

How wasn't she put off by the face you've never had a gf?

>Black haired girls are instant best girls.
Only if they also have light eyes and skin. Preferably blue ones.

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I'm 41. Am I going to make it?


I'm not a cringy faggot,

HowDARE you! Rei is best girl!

>Black haired girls are instant best girls.

Haha I agree

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Female animals don't classify as grls.

I try not to stare. I hear they can smell fear.

shut up

dog vagina is best vagina

I never got tested but I think I have aids. I never had sex though, so it's likely from sharing needles.

Not even close. Dolphin vagina has this weird slimy substance that results in an endless orgasm when a dolphin inserts his dick. That's right, when male dolphins fuck their women they never stop cumming.

I settle for smelling their panties. I hear that you can buy used panties in Japan. Heaven. Pussy is gross, though.

Holy shit. I want to die liek that.

Honestly, I find the male anus more appealing. Usually it's wider and more accomodating.

wen i grow up i wanna be a girl

where does this even come from? why should a guy limit himself to only a single dish in a buffet? to get married and have children asap so that the parents can be grandparents to fill out the void that their own children moving out caused?

fuck that

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Can i just go to japan and find a waifu? I prolly wont cuz im poor but does that shit actually work? Do jap girls like white guys? Ive exhausted my resources for white girls even though i like whites the best

Complete autist here. Is it worth asking a girl out if you’re not sure if she’s interested in you or not? I think she might be interested in my best friend but he’s made it clear he’s not interested.

Absolutely, that's how you start to build confidence and overcome autism. Just ask out lots of women. You're gonna get rejected, but the more you go through that the easier it'll be to hear the "No", and then you can keep trucking until eventually you start landing dates

So far it's all in my imagination...god!...I wish I could go play around in my past...

haha I wonder if that substance works on humans haha

>what is nikah misyar

I've been fucking a 20 yo girls for 3 months already. But i still miss my ex of 6 years so not ready to commit again.

i don't have a dating life :(

If you do find a traditional submissive yamato nadeshiko you can be sure her parents don't want her marrying a foreigner.

Meh. Got an asian hipster off tinder I see here and there. Met this qt a few years ago but she had a bf at the time and then I had a gf up till a few months ago. Hung out at a party and then went to a bar with some friends last weekend and autismd it up
>go to Wawa after bar
>try to fight some kids outside who were talking shit
>uber home with her and her friends
>her friends hop out
>she invites me in
>starts feeling up my forearms, standing super close to me
>turn 360 degrees and sit on her couch
>we just talk until 5:30 when I leave for work
Fuck brehs. I’m catching feels for this chick too and I don’t want to

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Just got out of a long but real shit relationship, especially towards the end. Feels good.
Too bad it was my only one, though, so now I'm at a loss as to how to start dating again.

Fuck off faggots

I never had a truly great relationship until I was in my early 30's and dating women in their mid 20's. The dynamics change considerably. I think there is something about contemporary social norms and the sexual egalitarian attitude that makes it hard for women and men of peer ages to have functional romantic relationships. The power differential that comes with an age difference of around 7-10 years makes both parties act better in my experience--all around less tension, both people feel more confident, and less prone to arguing about stupid bullshit.

Enjoy your 20's. Don't catch VD. When you hit your 30's, date girls just out of college who haven't been on the cock carousel (at all if possible), and marry them young.

post pics

>27 year old kissless virgin who has never had a gf or been on a date.
>got a date Monday night through OkCupid with a cute gamer girl.
>she seems really interested, messages me twice a day to see how my day is going.

Nervous as hell guys, but still very excited l. Any tips for a autist to not embarrass himself. Obviously I'm taking her to a bar so I can get some liquor in me to have some confidence. But I have no idea how to act.

Yeah I really need to do it so I can stop fantasising about her. Its driving me nuts. But its hard to get over the fear of rejection. Sometimes I'm in the right mood to do it but I only see her once a week at best and the timing never seems right, or I feel like shit


>curly brunettes are best

i dont really even know what dating is so probably not very well

>41 and on the chans
i know I'll probably be here as well at 41 but no. you missed your chance(s)

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Non existant
I'm fine though.

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39yo here. Rooting for ya. We're ALL going to make it

easily. White worship is very real in asian culture.

Just be yourself

I never learned how to do any of this shit even though girls tend to like me, because I had a girl force herself on me in my early teens. I struggle to even feel comfortable around women I don't know. Could someone please help me

Is tinder worth it lads?

I want to get ripped and troll for bussy on Tinder. I want to go balls deep in these little homos while they beg for mercy and call me daddy. God help me these boys are so cute.

All in a hetero way, tho

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A man of culture.

I know your mememing but that's the plan. Has been working so far. I thought I scared her off talking about video games too much over the dating app. But she loves WoW and talked about it with me and still asks me how my morning/days are. Think I found myself a good match.

>because I had a girl force herself on me in my early teens.


For real though, if it really fucked you up that sucks man. Hope you can get over it. I always wonder if I was molested and just blocked it out, idk how else to explain my crippling fear of intimacy.

i-is this a boy?

If nothing else it good practice talking to women and learning what type/ level of women you attract.

I've learned black women love them some tall white boy holy shit, got a cute black 20 year old messaging me first today.

Yes, a sweet and sexy brown boy.

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My gf hasn't fucked me for 2 month, whenever I bring that up she says she doesn't know why but she has no sex drive at all lately (she's always been low sex drive). I can still tell she loves me, she's also too autistic to be cheating, but it's kinda hard not to lose your shit when you're lying half naked in bed and she hit you with "muh tired".

Being in your 20s and never having a gf is very fucking weird

You don't have to date purely for marriage

It's about 100x worse than it was a couple years ago. It has become pay2win but you'll still get matches if you live in a big city and are decently looking. Most people are super flaky on it and ghost you like it was their day job.

Still fun swiping/judging girls when on the shiter. Like other user said, good practice just conversing with girls at the least.

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Break up

Posts like these make it all better
Thank you kind stranger

>Not a trace from goth/emo/occult qts yet unfortunately.

You poor, naive soul.

stop lying to me

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Isn't it amazing that boys look like THAT now? And like this?

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just few years and i will be 30 and i have never had a gf and thats very unlikely to change

sorry for the bad news

but it's over and she is probably falling for another guy if she hasn't fucked him already

It's called monkey-branching

It varies between:
>"oh shit, man, I want a gf so fucking bad"
Then I go out and hook up and I'm like,
>"wow, why did I even bother? I don't want to hear their shit just to have sex, I want a GOOD GIRLFRIEND who I can connect with, who is asperger as fuck like me"
Then I go to,
>"lmao, IDGAF about relationships"
Then loneliness hits and I'm like,
>"Oh shit man, I want a gf so fucking bad"

And the cycle repeats.

Does she take the pill? If yes, that's most likely the reason. Don't buy into the bs you read here that they cheat on you when they aren't on your cock 24/7. Use common sense and talk.

Just handle yourself with the liquor so you don't embarrass yourself

Wawa after the bar is the best.

So you think the pill is causing it?

I have the looks and the body but

>Part time job at 26 (Working on it I promise)
>Live with grandmama
>Mixed race (Not black enough for roasties, not white for everyone else)
>Live in a poor city where all the women are fuckin' nuts (Two matches immediately tried getting in a relationship with me without ever having met)

Its a special kind of hell.

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The state of my dating life is absolutely non-existent. I have never talked to a woman in any kind of attempt to 'seduce' her in my entire life. Although I would like to begin attempting something, I know myself too well that I will never change my ways. Besides, what's the point when you look like a crack addict ghoul who moonlights as a serial rapist/murderer?

At this point in my life, I have given up any contact I have with women beside an occasional 'hi' or 'bye' to my female coworkers. Women do not like me, therefore I do not bother them, but then again I never tried to. I suppose my existence itself is bothersome to most.

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not that user but the pill is the fucking worst thing to happen to modern society. It changes their mood so much. It is known to cause depression/anxiety and women still take it, they just jump from brand to brand till they find one they think doesn't affect them, when they all do to some degree.

When women come off the pill, they get baby crazy and want sex more.

Don't want to give up 3years for 2bad months

>got match with this mtf trap

I just saw a pretty face and swiped right. Went back and saw she was a tranny, not going to lie, I'd buy this a drink at a bar, but fuck, she used to have a dick and that's and that's a deal breaker for me.

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based quads of haha. seriously though is there a way to test this?

they are 100000x more disgusting if they don't have a dick. Those fake vaginas are fucking nasty

10/10, would suck her cock tho

I mustered up the courage to go to some grilling event organized by my student council. I nearly left because everyone had already formed groups and I didn't know anybody, but then one of the girls I study with caught me just on the way out. We found a little group with 2 other guys and another girl and talked a bunch. I smiled at the other girl and she smiled back. Meant much to me but probably didn't really mean anything...
So that's that.

why do women even take them.. im sure that men would not eat such shit if it would even be known what they do to you.

Don't think she has a dick, hard to tell from photos.

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When did Jow Forums become Jow Forumsincels?

Nice social gains fellow autist. Baby steps are still steps. Keep it up, try to say hi or how is your day going to the girl who smiled at you, see how it goes. You never know.

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because men want them to? They beg to go bareback, and for those who don't a condom might not seem safe enough yet. So they want her to be protected too. And most females are either not ware of female condoms or don't use them because they might weird guys out. Also they are far less effective.

my first gf and love of 2 years left me a few days ago
feels empty

>tfw no big booty cutie black gf who isn't ghetto trash
>tfw no big tittie black goth gf
>tfw no asian/wh*te/some other ethnicity besides the hundreds of fucking ugly black boipuss to smash

God damn it, I am trying my fucking hardest but being a big black guy limits my fucking options to fat white girls or dumb ghetto thots, and I'm one of the few niggers who doesn't want that shit on the entire Earth apparently. FUCKING Jow Forums YOU SAID THIS WOULD GET EASIER AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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You'll be okay, user. In time you will feel better.

Sounds like it's time to hit the weights and put that negative energy to something useful breh.

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That sucks man. I don't know what to tell you, wish I could pass you girls like pic related I get matched with and kinda do t want but talk to just for practice. Got lucky being born tall white and kinda cute.

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I honsetly don't get dating. Especially the seducing part.
Up until now girls just started mirin' out of the blue, without me trying to seduce them. It weren't really many, and there were a lot of girls I would have liked to go out with that never showed interest, so I would like to learn how to persuade someone into being into you.
Can anyone explain?

are those even needed when abortions are free and many people are already doing them

Very much fine, got my gf since almost 2 years now. She's a damn diamond.

I'm in the exact same situation, just gave up years ago... Most of the time I feel fine but when I read posts that basically describe me I feel incredibly sad.

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>used to have a dick

That's a deal-breaker for me only because post-ops are horrific monsters. Women and pre-ops for me, 2bh

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