He's right you know

He's right you know

Attached: The only truth a Bush has ever told.jpg (1343x1133, 811K)

He shouldn't assume too much just because he has a goblin fetish

Attached: cf0Pruy[1].jpg (1020x1831, 433K)

He loves third world goblin people. You can clap now.

he married a literal goblin, you know.

Attached: jeb-bush-wife-columba-president-donald-trump-melania.jpg (500x386, 56K)

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conservative voters have no use for big goofy race traitors, bye JEB

well, yeah... because we've seen what "more brown" countries are like.

Attached: 9873684.jpg (251x350, 28K)

Immigration should be stopped forever. Exhibit A.

and why shouldn't whites worry about becoming a minority?
since when losing political power is beneficial to whites?

Imagine having millions of dollars, a huge family name, some political power, etc, and the absolute best woman you can get is a 4 foot tall goblin creature.