He's right you know
He's right you know
Kevin Kelly
Adrian Jackson
He shouldn't assume too much just because he has a goblin fetish
Nolan Nelson
He loves third world goblin people. You can clap now.
Thomas Walker
he married a literal goblin, you know.
Mason Wilson
Gavin Reyes
conservative voters have no use for big goofy race traitors, bye JEB
Jaxson Carter
well, yeah... because we've seen what "more brown" countries are like.
Zachary Hughes
Immigration should be stopped forever. Exhibit A.
Cooper Mitchell
and why shouldn't whites worry about becoming a minority?
since when losing political power is beneficial to whites?
Alexander Morgan
Imagine having millions of dollars, a huge family name, some political power, etc, and the absolute best woman you can get is a 4 foot tall goblin creature.