Women's voting having constructed our current tax/immigration problem

and us having bestowed women the right to vote, we're blaming government for the problem we created.

The solution lies not in the streets, but in our homes- that's where the problem was created, and that's where it's resolved.

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Women's suffrage is not a problem as long as men know how to control women.

Unfortunately the past couple of generations of men have been weak and unwilling to put forth the effort to lead their women.

The good news is, this is the sort of problem that solves itself.

>Women's suffrage is not a problem as long as men know how to control women.
Can't be done


Well, at least we know you're actually French.

>and us having bestowed women the right to vote

I'm sorry, are you Charles de Gaulle?

I've never met more effeminate men then anglo saxons. Pants shitting girly men the way you guys express yourselves. Us frenchmen are the opposite.

It's true women voting is bad, but even men voting is bad. Realise we started off with only men voting and we voted for women to be able to vote. Democracy is to blame, it's what's made our countries socialist and liberal and bring in strangers to conquer our land.

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Bad votes has nothing to do with be either a man or a woman....it's the place where we live and the education we receive who determine how we vote...

Who determines what kind of education we receive?

No it actually does, look at the united states vote on the 2016 presidential election. Lower races voted for Hillary, white men voted almost exclusively for trump, and white women did too just not as much. So only men voting would be better but ideally axing democracy would be best.

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Yeah, but who did let women vote? That's right.

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Hmm...jews ?
But we can learn by ourselves, we're not stupid animals !

You're just mad that you're descended from total rape babies. The Gauls were owned by the Romans and invented the faggot Frankish identity you carry today.

Maybe, but if mens are more knowledgeable than girls, it's up to them to show the way

Better than being burger...

And who voted for them?

People who have not been redpilled...?

so many people without eye protection

Aka women.

Yes, the only solution. TAKBIR !

mutt lecturing anyone about being mixed. The Gauls were occupied by the Romans you low iq anglo saxon mutt but just like when they were occupied by the Franks it doesn't change their character to being non gauls. Perhaps a few got bread by their occupiers but that except to a low iq anglo wouldn't mean any occupying power suddently breads with the population to any significant degree to change their gene pool.

It's like a nightmare dealing with idiots of your snow nigger race. Your race is the meme peddling race and that's all you can ever do, dog.

So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?

That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)

stop bitching and do something about it

And how can we do for
redpill them?

Are you really french?

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On croirait entendre macron...
Pas sûre qu'il soit la solution

You are stupid. You cannot control women if they can vote themselves protection from the state. Once they realized they could do that they increased the size of government, destroyed the family, sank birthrates, and voted for mass immigration to make up the shortfall.

It's impossible. They are irrational by nature. Take their votes away.

J'ai dit, TAKBIR ! ashhadu 'an lâ illâha illâ-l-lâh, wa-'ashhadu 'anna Muḥammadan rassûlu-l-lâh

(If you read this, you are now a muslim, mashallah rouya) T'inquiete.

Maybe women need a steel grip or a shitty place to grow and open theirs eyes...

checks out.

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Purée ! Ya le chameau qui blatere !

Macron a été elu democratiquement et applique ses politiques liberales. Un roi reigne par droit divin. La quotation c'est pour adresser ceux qui l'appele que l'un des prétendant au throne de France.

Sous la monarchie absolut il n'y avait pas vraiment de politique gauchiasse appliqué, c'était toujours de droite et religieux.

I say it's not impossible, you're just being coward...

Of course a Frenchman says this. Simply strip women of their right to vote themselves protection from the state and allow men to do as they please. Let religion dictate social norms, let men be punished for abusing their wives (i.e. beating while drunk), all will be fine as it once was. Once women vote themselves protection from the state, though, all will collapse into the state it is today. Chaos and degeneracy.

Tu veux pecho tu teushi ? C'mon "cousin", keep destroying your brain. Did you listen to that sick last rap song ?

Ouais...macron "le roi c'est moi " seulement on a un roi qui tue et insulte son peuple!

There is no way to fix the west without a collapse first. Women will never vote to remove their privileges, they will continue to push for more programs and handouts to benefit women over men, they will continue to push for an openly hypergamous sexual marketplace, which will lead to a further drop in birthrates. There is no reasoning with them, there is no way to change things through democratic means. Change will only come about through force, either by an economic collapse, or a civil war where a more patriarchal culture ends up dominating in the aftermath. For Europe, that will probably be Islam at some point by mid century.

>t. chong
Have you said hi to that girl you see around the manga section every now and then in the bookstore you work in yet, or are you still working on it?

Desolé, je n'ai pas de chameau dans mon arbre généalogique!

kek ok good luck with that, just dont come crying back when you realize you dont have a country anymore

Allow me...but I've only seen rich women act as real bitches...rich who are not real whites...and for those girls who love blacks...maybe it'd theirs parents who are to blame!

I won't cry, better than hiding behind eu flag (ennemy !)
I fight for what is good!

A quoi tu penses, t'en veux ou pas ?

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The Angles and the Saxons are the greatest humans to ever populate this planet, a Germanic people. The modern world was developed from their culture. The English language and common law are anglo-saxon in origin.

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>axing democracy
This would unironically be a good idea, seeing that most people are retarded and democracy is essentially retard rule. However, being ruled absolutely by a single retard is just as bad or worse and has caused several revolutions. An interesting idea that I came up with independent of this guy a few years ago (I was bored in class and was having some coffee, started thinking) was this, he just beat me to it: amazon.com/Polystate-Thought-Experiment-Distributed-Government-ebook/dp/B00IM5EM7W
Not possible now, but a very interesting idea the way he lays it out. But considering how nice and possible it sounds, it probably won't work since communism in theory may or may not work too. So I am hesitant to actively promote this.

Go away, please...you're disturbing the thread, here !

Sorry, the director's cut is better:


It's not that it's an impossibility for women to have a positive impact on government, it's that modern society has proven that women do generally have a negative effect on government because of their natural tendencies.

Gné ?

Call the cops, I don't give a fuck.

The only people I heard use "cousin" are always Arabs...

Natural tendency who are ?

>Quebecois in charge of deciding who is and is not manly

>You cannot control women if they can vote themselves protection from the state.

Whether or not women can vote has no bearing on whether or not you can control them. If anything, you should be happy they can vote, that makes two chances for you to have your voice be heard.

Still...redpilled women can exist somewhere?

>The Angles and the Saxons are the greatest humans to ever populate this planet

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>kings, with their elite education, are retarded.

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Women vote exactly how they are told to vote.

Funny thing is historically, in France at least, it was the right and far right that supported women's right to vote. The left was against. Both for the same reason, just opposite position. Women voted like the church told them to vote, and they would have killed the Republic and brought back the Monarchy. They were really conservative.

Fast forward, they were targeted by all this propaganda and now they vote exactly like they are told to vote by the new priests of our time, preaching multiculturalism and all this non sense...

There is a reason why women are specifically targeted (same with young people and immigrants).

We should work on this instead of removing their right to vote and have them turn their back on us. At least for mow, we'll see later if we can change this, or maybe do it other, indirect means, like only conscripts can vote or else...

why not, it's not like we're mutt anglos over here.

>all kings are fully grown men

Attached: brainlessbod.png (1300x2000, 307K)

>what are regents

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>Maybe women can be based
A fucking leaf

IRS and The Fed happen in 1913, before Women's Vote.