>an empire lasts about 250 years
>USA founded at 1776
>2018 - 1776 = (years left)

Attached: Only_8_years_left.jpg (243x250, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:


So give or take 10 years? That's cool.

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not shocking
texas is going blue in 2024, we will be a banana republic soon

america wasnt an empire in the 1700's, YA BIMBO

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I for one can’t wait for my re-education. Put me back in the machine.

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Please, please god, make the war start already.

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Rome is weak.


Fascism brought life back to Rome

That's not how it works.

The US empire hasn't even started yet.

1776 is just the founding of America. The empire doesn't really begin until 1946.

So who's going to be the empire to take americas place as greatest country?
India superpower 2020?

Probably China.

When america falls so does china

Given all this social unrest from far leftists groups/cultural marxism im not surprised this is happening at the time frame given. It will tear the usa apart eventually.

They are just gong to kill us

Exactly. American Empire started in 1945.

If the global war kicks off and turns the world into a slaughterhouse, it may not be far off that giant shitholes like India actually come out squeaky clean and on top. Because no one wasted any nukes on them. India, Malaysia, Brasil = superpower

Madagascar superpower 2020! the pirate kingdom riseth



Republic falls, and Empire rises


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We're done for, bucko.


delusional whitoid detected

Madagascan armies marching singing "I like to move it move it."

E̶̖̳͋̏̎̐̕T̷̨̩̬̮̭͌́́Ȩ̷̻͖͙̗̹̇͆̀̈̀̕̕͝R̸̢͔͇̙̰̠̼͚͔͌̈́͝ͅǸ̶̥͖A̸̛̼̱͙̱̾̐̿͊Ļ̶̦͌͝ ̷̓͋̔͜W̵̤̪͓̟̪̘͕̌͌́͛͊͋̈̓̋̐A̸̛͈͖̿̈̕̕Ř̶̟̪̎̌̽̍̑

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Thanks for including the number you fucking idiot. We're not all as smart as you and the number, 8 years left, isn't intuitive or immediately apparent. Fucking retard. I hope your thread dies because people don't feel like doing the math.

Nah imma fight them in the hills of the northwest and my ancestors shall smile upon me.

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>an empire lasts about 250 years
We're gonna set the new high score.

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US empire didn't start until 1991. We're only at the beginning of it, although we've yet to go through any kind of political imperial reorganization. Hopefully someone manages to do that soon.

The likely source of your anxiety is Spengler's idea of the downfall of western civilization which he predicted would begin around the year 2000, and result in ever increasing Caesarism among the leaders of western civilization.

Get guns. White people never needed a numbers advantage in the past. We're smarter, deadlier, better organized. We just need to be unified.

forgot my image

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No, more like someone who has been paying attention. Anyone who thinks modern China would exist without America is fucking retarded.


2020 / 666 = 3.033033033033...

something big is coming the 2020

spartas lasted like 4000 years if it makes you feel any better

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Yellowstone soon

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This desu. The whole world parasites itself off of white men's labors.


Ave! Salute!

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>spartas lasted like 4000 years
no it didn't

Spanish American war is when the empire officially began. We ganked the Philippines and showed the European empires the Monroe doctrine wasn’t just bark. Regardless, the collapse of the empire would be a good thing. The sooner the US can implode and Balkanize, the sooner we can segregate and create our own fascist, monarchist, and Natsoc nations.

And to think...all you had to do was post in store prices.

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So which stage do you set us at then?
Spiritual faith, I'm sure is where you put us, yes? You know, with how religiously faithful, spiritual, and moral we are, yeah??

Your ancestors are rolling in their graves due to your use of nigger speak. Anyone who has ever typed “imma” or “y’all” gets the rope.

>he doesn't realize the roman empire never died and once it dies the antichrist will come

Sparta wasn’t really an empire

But there are other signs of the end stage such as widespread sexual perversion and androgyny= Caitlyn Jenner, transgenderism, off the wall sexual perversity.

Massive indebtedness both in the public and private sectors.

Worldwide military overreach.

It does look like things are coming to a head.

pic related

Well right now we're kind of coming into our own as an imperial power. Learning how to use balance of power politics instead of just rushing main force into conflict zones like afghanistan or vietnam. Going forward I expect the US military to be a lot more subtle about what it's doing, similar to how the British operated. They never really invaded India, they just played the various factions off of each other in order to make sure their interests were taken care of. We've yet to reach the stage of imperial government though, IE something more autocratic than what we have, though the presidency's powers have been expanding constantly since the founding.

I'm guessing it'll all come to a head in the next 20 years or so. The establishment of empire demands a certain ideological unity that America definitely lacks. One side or the other is going to have to win and call the shots, and in doing so there probably won't be much room left for political opposition.

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RIP Texas.
The Democrats were almost the death of this nation once, now they probably will be for sure this time. I hope there's a revolt of some sort that's able to conquer most of the heartland ("Middle America" or flyover states) and drive out the scum of this nation into some shitty area, taking back what once was the republic. Hopefully some decent generals and a notable portion of the military will side with that revolt.
Or maybe just a coup, like Napoleon



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You already had your imperial run, you were just too stupid to use it correctly

The USA empire may go in the history as the
>stupidest empire on earth
>second most degenerate one after babylon

>an empire lasts about 250 years

sparta was a city state in ancient greece

come to a head... like a pimple? that doesn't sound good.

Civil war in 8 years from now. Be prepared, anons.

Its time for USA's Ruina Imperii

>You already had your imperial run
That would require us to be facing some sort of existential threat, which I don't see. Even a civil war wouldn't destroy the United States, so there's no reason to say our empire is anywhere near over.

tell us more please

china will come and fuck your ass, destitute christianity worldwide, install the antichrist praising gutter oil, israel will build the third temple and then hell will break all loose, screencap this

Okay, but we've only had what could be argued to be "imperial" tendencies for just over 100 years.

the US wasn't an empire since 1776, it only really started to act imperialist after WW2

Okay buddy. Maybe time to get back to the mental hospital. Or at least take your pills if you don't want to go back.

Please be soon.

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One could argue we started acting "imperialist" with the Spanish-American War in 1898.

its getting increasingly dark down here

An empire sure. USA didn't really start to become an empire till after the civil war. That's when you really see America get the bloodlust. After the civil war it's all about making gains. Mexican-American war, Spanish-American war. So your count is wrong because that's when America became an empire.

More people are investing in crypto. See this link if you're skeptical about that: cryptonews.com/news/the-number-of-verified-crypto-users-almost-doubled-this-year-3066.htm

More and more people will start to invest in crypto overtime. The state apparatus will collapse due to not having taxed it's own citizens. The state will show it's true colors. The population will be divided between pro-state Socialists (consisting of military people with nothing to lose, low class people, media and banker elites) and anti-state pro-free marketers (middle class citizens who are tired of funding the useless state, business owners, stock traders, free market enthusiasts, farmers, people who defected from the other side). Small groups will include white nationalists and rouge fringe groups.

Let it burn, then maybe our loss of number one status will allow us to stop dumping money on the 3rd world and soaking up all their untouchables

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You son of bitch, I'm American you know I can't into maths.

8 we have 8 years left wtf

Empire is inherently unstable, especially at Rome's stage. They dealth with the same shit at the fall of the republic but worse at the fall lf the empire
Don't worry, the coming paradigm shift is already underway. You and I are proof of it and it will only spread from here. We can absolutely reform at this point.

stfu coin shill go back Jow Forums
the NWO order wants a non physical, easily manipulable, and traceable currency
crypto is worse fiat than the fiat we have now

>the NWO order wants a non physical, easily manipulable, and traceable currency

That's what's in your wallet now, you fucking retard. Crypto is untraceable. No one controls cryptos except the market fluctuation due to consumer demand rates. Don't invest if you don't want it. Stick with your unstable gay paper that's backed by nothing but oil and death.

>1 - The Republic of Columbia, also called the American Federation, even after overcoming all its internal enemies during the Civil War, and especially after the Great Doom (What You Western Calling World War I) was conquered by a External Enemy, step by step.
This enemy slowly after 1918 and mainly after 1926-1929 created a Fifth Column within the Structure of the Republic of Columbia, influencing the higher layers of Power, subverting the Media and subsequently dominating the country.
They made the Coup against the Passion Guardians in Russia, tried to implement their power in the Weimar Republic and finally went to China with their puppet (Mao Tse-tung)
In the USA, they created the controlled Oppositions:
>neocons within the Republican Party
>new Left within the Democratic Party

You know who I'm talking about.

>2 - The "Clock Bomb" in Trump's Hands
- Since the unfortunate Obama Administration, the American Debit Bomb has risen exponentially from its first two years.
If Trump does not solve this problem in any way, you can be sure that the US will not become the World Leader for five more years.

This is a question that few outside the US pay attention to looking at Columbia.

>3 - Globalist Elites going into a Samson Mode and promoting a forced Calexit

Yes I know.
Calexit is a meme in general for Americans and for those who accompany American geopolitics.
However, these are other times.
The anti-Fascists who once fought for YPG/SDF in Syria are slowly returning, more trained and experienced in attacks against Regular Troops and Insurgency tactics against governments of de facto and de jure.
A Separatism forced by the local elites, like what had almost happened in Catalonia and that little by little appears in France, will be something real in a short time.

For any of these cases, the only solution I see is:
>Trump has to do the same as Julius Caesar

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daily reminder that always do the opposite that biz says with your money

Oh and enjoy racking up your credit card debt and getting your debit info stolen, nwo faggot.

>That's what's in your wallet now
guess you cant read
go shill somewhere else

>Crypto is untraceable
>ever transaction indelibly written to the ledger for time immemorial
o im avin a laff

>state apparatus will collapse
You do understand that if state apparatus will collapse you will not have electricity, fuel, Internet, and PC parts, right?
Cryptocurrency is useless without the Internet which makes it useless without the state.

>i use a cc
god damned shills are mad

Btw Who invests more in Crypto aren't Western Globalists, but Eurasians

Mexican American war is in 1848

>Crypto is untraceable
It looks like Mueller at the SCO was quite able to trace crypto transactions. Read that indictment of Russian election interference or something.

Russian imperialists?

Wise kraut knows the truth


2026 that's the year i-i-im telling you morty 8 more years thats it and k-kiss this shit hole goodbye

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It's coming bros.. We will have to fight the chink menace, I am ready to die for my country. I really am.

If you Understand Astana, you will Understand what Eurasianism wants

>every transaction indelibly written to the ledger for time immemorial
>implying that other people who you didn't trade with can see it.

Lurk more, faggot.

>implying that fiat money in his wallet is legit and ignoring the fact that it can be traced by government owned banks looking to arrest him for buying shit on the dark web.

jesus christ, you're even more retarded than i thought

>You do understand that if state apparatus will collapse you will not have electricity, fuel, Internet, and PC parts, right?

You do realize that those will most likely be moved over to private donation funded programs, right? You do realize that power plants will be come localized in every state instead of being intertwined across the nation, right?

>implying they didn't sift through his computer to hack into his crypto wallet account to read his transactions

Try harder, buddy.

fuck that, retard. go for it.

>>state apparatus will collapse
>You do understand that if state apparatus will collapse you will not have electricity, fuel, Internet, and PC parts, right?
>Cryptocurrency is useless without the Internet which makes it useless without the state.

Jokes on you, I am off of a connection wirelessly connected to a fiber endpoint. Unless an EMP goes off I have internet as long as the data centers stay up.

Bitcoin will be usable to me

We aren't an empire we are a Republic
Fuck off schlomo



i hate break it to everyone but there really is no country to fight for
at this point im fighting for whites/European descendants, i dont care about america, its been a corporation since at least 1933 anyways
>>implying that fiat money in his wallet is legit
again your reading comprehension is terrible
please reread this post and respond with something not retarded


I nicely asked some Euro yesterday not to use the metric system. And he didn't cooperate. Rude!

also people really need to look into how the constitution makes you a debt slave

If it comes I will gladly.. Someone has to, and I will be damned if we let the commies take over the most beautiful free nation mankind has ever seen. We may not be perfect but we at least have basic standards, we cannot fall no matter what. If they want to weasel into our homes digitally then we need to fucking crush them. I can't safely have offspring like this, if we have to I would rather go down fighting like a savage than live one fucking year under any commie shit rule. The world is preparing, there will probably be one more world war. The west has to win no matter what.

>gain your reading comprehension is terrible

You should be the last one talking. How may fucking times do i have to tell you that a traceable, manipulable currency exists in your wallet? Perhaps you should read this again: