How to not be scared to lose virginity as a girl?

how to not be scared to lose virginity as a girl?

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I just want to kill myself.

Just never get a girlfriend and die alone (like I currently am hahaha)

Find a proper man, get into a relationship with him and tell him you are a virgin. The worst you can do is to lose it to some random who will make it so bad you will not want to have sex for years

i’m a girl but sorry dude

It will be painful and not enjoyable since it's your first. Take a scientific approach. Explore your body and find what you like.

i’m not scared about who it is...just i’ve heard it hurts a lot. i have a low pain tolerance.

Oh wait I misread it as how to not be scared to lose your virginity TO a girl and not AS a girl
I don't know the real answer now sorry

Lube, my friend

after the first time is it all good after? how long should it take to actually feel good?

be with someone you trust. It didn't hurt for me. We took it slow and easy, and I was sure I wanted to lose it to him. If you have any doubts about the person, you won't relax and therefore, it'll hurt a lot more.

Get drunk, walk the streets for a while, and pass out drunk on the sidewalk. You'll wake up in the morning realizing you lost your virginity and it wasn't scary at all.....unless you wake up during the rape, then I guess it'll be horrifiying and will leave you scared for life.

depends on if you enjoy the act itself. Experiment with your partner to find what's enjoyable.

I hate how women make a gigantic deal about their first time. As a guy I would be asking "how to not be scared of the fact that the girl didn't lose her virginity to me?".

i’m scared about PAIN. i’m not going to be whoring it up. i have a boyfriend and i want to make only him satisfied.

Why do guys make a “gigantic deal” about taking girls virginities??????

It's not as bad as everyone online says. I can only speak for myself but it felt good the first time, it gets better of course. With the right person, when you're ready, initial stretching/ripping, pleasure and pain. It depends on anatomy of you both and so much else, literally google it. Go slow I think is a good universal tip. You should already be feeling it, extra hormones will kick in though. You'll be fine most likely unless it's a anatomical or medical issue.

Why do guys? Because virginity is so important to women, that's why. If virginity wasn't such a massive huge deal to women (and not about the pain but the emotional importance they give to it like THE milestone in life) then guys wouldn't make a deal about taking a girl's virginity.

>Why do guys make a “gigantic deal” about taking girls virginities??????

It's about insecurity for many guys and scoring a trophy for others.

Guys who are insecure are usually the ones who've never been seen as good at anything - so they're scared of being found inadequate.

For the trophy hunters it's about being there first. There can't another first and something about being the first dick in a chick is pretty mind blowing. Some guys do it with bad intentions, just to score a number of virgins and others (like me) really enjoy giving a girl an amazing first time.

You'll be fine OP. Make sure there's lots of foreplay and that you are soaking wet before trying. If you're scared and drying up then use some water based lube to help him enter you.

Try and go slow and if you're really scared then you go on top so you've got control over how far and how fast you descend on his pole. Just press on it, feel it open you a little, press some more and stop often. I don't think you'll be scared for long. :-)

Don't have sex before marriage.

can chicks just pop their cherry with a dildo and get the pain out of the way before they lose their virginity?

spoken like a true faggot

Stick your fingers inside your vagina and massage the walls with olive oil. Do this daily for about a week, make aure to stretch your opening really good. Then you can fuck like a pro and not be some terrible crying disappointment like most virgins are.

this helped. exactly what i needed i dont want to disappoint him.
thanks for not saying “just relax!1!1!!!!”

Yes, popped my ex's cherry via fingering, she was disappointed, I was not.

why don't you tell that to your boyfriend instead?

You should be. What a juvenile way to take someone's virginity. You failed at the most basic role of a mate-- to fuck a woman for her first time, and claim everything that can only be taken once.

he knows i’m nervous and is being very very considerate...i just know how guys are. it’s natural to want sex and i want to be able to give it to him

just give it to me bb

sure i’ll email it to you

post address and face now or you're a racist

no u