Pass sexual partners

How many past sexual partners is too many?

Recently found out my gf has 16. She is 24...yet I have met numerous girls with double digit partner counts by the end of college.

I a rattled. Should this bother me so much if she is an otherwise awesome gf..I almost regret having this conversation

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It shouldn't matter unless she had a baby or caught an STD or something.

This is highly subjective. I feel like it hinges on the partners, their values, and what they are bringing to the table. Personally, I am a kind of conservative guy in this area, so I find 16 at 24 to be a turn off. No matter how awesome she is, if you can't get over the fact, she may not be the one.

Why does it not matter at all....

It seems like a lot of dick to me as well. Hence, my surprise. I just feel like she had her fun and now I am the guy she is looking to settle down with and be supported by.

She'd fucked those people before you found out about it, and she's still the exact same person now that you know.

If it seems like a lot to you then you shouldn't bend your ideals just because of the poon. You need to stand up for your values, or at least that's how I am. My girl and I both had one partner (and a whiskey libido in one case each) and that's our standard. We still would have rather share our first time but we were teens at the time.

I think when other people tell you what to do with your values that's when it's wrong. In a case like this, decide for yourself what's right and appropriate and act accordingly.

If it feels like too much to you, then it's too much

I personally don't give a shit as long as the other person is clean and doesn't have kids but different strokes for different folks.

Just don't waste her time like a shitlord. If it bugs you, break up and move on. Don't try to guilt her about it, just go and do you

Well this is mostly a personal opinion. Everyone is different.

I prefer my dates to have less than 15 for sure. 16 at 24 is a bit high in my opinion

seems like you have some personal things to work through. She's still the same person you originally got together with.

Yep, shes the exact same slut she was before he met here.


Lol, pass the blame for it and turn it into a health issue
You people will stop at nothing to defend shitty decisionmaking

how many have you had OP

what if that number of was like 7-9 at 24?

I feel like it just makes me feel insecure and it maybe devalues her view of our sex. As in how am I going to compete with her past lovers? I feel beta af for letting it bother me.

Things were going great between us. 2 years of dating and I brought it up drunk, she shared her number with me and I freaked out.

I am 26. Has 6 partners. 2 one nighters, 1 causal, 3 gfs.

this is why dont ask, dont tell is the way to go

7-9 is ok for 24

imo anything over 8 is wild, my ex slept with at least 10× people and probably more since he never told me his full history and i had to get tested
i felt like he was trying to settle for less with me now that he had his fun wih others
tho to be fair ive only had one other person besides him, so maybe im just a prude

I think it goes without saying that as information comes to light, you have to adapt to it as it does. Remaining the same in spite of new information being available is literally the opposite of how humans got anywhere at all

And just as a comparison I'm 27 and have had one besides my current partner, with whom I've been almost 7 years

In my eyes, 7-9 at 24 is reasonable. But for some it still may be too high. And others it may not matter at all. You know what your values are so stick by them..

I have a question. My gf slept with 10 dudes prior to us meeting at 21. I was 23 at the time.

I had slept with over 30. Some of which were high escorts, three ways etc. Definitely had an addiction at the time.

She is very much in love with me; tells me I am the best lover she has ever had.

Naturally, I lied about my number. However, to this day I consider her kinda slutty and I see myself as not. I cannot rationalize why I have this level of cognitive dissonance.

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Men have to coerce women into sex
Women have to do fuck all. That's why

Are you an undercover SJW looking for double standards or is this a real situation

None. Exactly none BEFORE YOU is too many.


Leave the house you fucking troglodyte
You owe her honesty if you expect honesty. That's all I'ma say

I think 10+ is too many for anyone between 20-30

I'm at 9 at 21, next girl I meet I'm really going to try to make sure that she is a good partner because I do not want to explain 11+ partners to my next relation

Im a normalfag, go fuck yourself

>to try to make sure that she is a good partner because I do not want to explain 11+ partners to my next relation

I feel like any attractive girl who attended university/ college will be double digits by the end of it.

Not to mention all the social media thots.

You're just rattled because she got to enjoy sex far more than you ever did and are jealous.

She’s not a nice girl. I’d bail.

Girls don't like hearing their men have a high count either. My girlfriend was livid and anxious when I told her I had been with 19 women. I guess they don't like thinking about the comparisions. Luckily for me she has had only 4 including 2 that barely count. I would say anyone who is in the double digits makes their partner uncomfortable about it. But 16 really isn't that bad so don't sweat it dude. Could be WAYYYYY worse. 30ish is were you should really draw the line

And being the guy she wants to settle down with is a bad thing?

How long did it take her to come to terms with it? When it you disclose it to her?
Did you re assure her or do anything to help?
Do you think it still upsets her periodically?
Has she met any of your former girls?

I think its the cock-carousel mentality. That she is only with him because her fair superior past lovers pumped n dumped her with no interest in keeping her around

Oh yeah it definitely bothers her periodically whenever she is somehow reminded of it. She straight up considers me a man whore and wouldn't have started dating me if she knew my number prior. I tried to explain everyone has a past and that I regret every single one. She hasn't met any exes but she has met someone I slept with and I made the mistake of not telling her that before she found out. She was NOT happy about that. If she hadn't made her own share of mistakes during our relationship since then it would probably still be a bigger issue but we're too busy working through a whole shit load of issues regardless.

>uses term like normalfag
Autistic trash

I am assuming you don't regret the partners tho. Was it college or were you a big partier?

Does it affect your relationship with her; how long have you been together or when did she find out? Do you find sex less satisfying or have the urge to sleep with other people?

If her number matched yours or was higher would you be upset?

How do you view sex after penis punching that much vag?

if you are posting this thread, it clearly bothers you
ditch her now before you marry her out of guilt only to sabotage the relationship later out of regret and resentment