Why are drive thru employees such fucking fags

>get triggered when a customer asks for sauce
>tried to charge you as if that sauce will come out of paycheck
>always the white bitches

Fuck you

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Write a shitty yelp review and call out the person.

Cause you're such a fucking fag OP. You know how I know this? I bet you go around thinking everyone is a fag. It's fags everywhere for you but what you don't realize is you're actually the fag.

You must work the drive thru

Nope, oilfield. I make 35/hour. But there's a saying. Run into an asshole in the morning and you ran into an asshole. Run into assholes all day and you're the asshole. Your OP makes you sound like an insufferable bitch. You're the problem, not some minimum wage drive thru employee.

This. Nothing more gratifying than ruining someone's life over a fucking sauce.

Imagine his/her CV.
>Fast food chain (2018-2018)
>got angry at customer because of a sauce
Permanently damaged. Would have no other solution than suicide.

>always the white bitches
Why didn't you just rob the place, nigger?

Damn that's a neat saying, thanks user

Sorry to trigger you so hard user. Also sorry but if you take your job as serious as charging for a sauce customers already ordered food you’re a fag, deal with it

fast food service is the easiest entry level job. Your only job is to provide good customer service. If you can't do that then you don't deserve to work the job period.

Also while I’m here, if you’re a chipotle line employee f*** you too. Shake that chicken scooper as if every last piece of chicken you add on my bowl will come out of your paycheck

People've always seemed to say working retail/fast food will make you less likely to be annoyed by inconveniences eating out, etc.

I found it did the opposite. I worked from age 15 to 22 in retail/fast food. Whenever I fucked up substantially it was because I was stoned (stupid decision), or didn't care at all.

So when people fuck up my order substantially (not just forgetting 1 or 2 things, but totally botching it), I just get annoyed knowing they're either not caring at all, stoned, or stupid.

I don't yell at or degrade them, but it makes me shake my head and feel less bad about asking them to fix my food.

You're just further proving my point that you're an insufferable bitch. Also stop eating shitty food you lard ass.

I’m so nice to them they give me free food too... “oh no charge sweetie”.

Former drive thru guy here, I hate those lazy fucks

unfortunately the industry only attracts the worst of the worst, if you want good service go to an independently owned restaurant and tip well

aussie here

i have no idea how americans don't understand that they give you a set amount of sauce with your meal, and additional sauces cost extra.

Like, why put your cashier in an uncomfortable position, you KNOW the sauces cost extra and that they can lose their job if they hand out free stuff.

JFC how is this even a thing?

I have literally had one negative experience with the service industry and it was a Denny's with a server who clearly didn't give a shit about his job. I solved it by not ever going there again because they're evidently not worth my money

Get your shit together, if they treat you poorly don't pay them and don't go there. Tons of service industry workers are happy to bust their ass, you don't need to settle for these misfired money shots

Americans on the internet are special because their views of the outside world are forged by carefully never ever actually going out there unless painfully necessary, and even then making sure it's as grueling an experience for everyone around them as it is for them

i would act like a cunt to if i got payed garbage to waste my time

Former drive thru guy

Extra sauce at our places don't usually cost money but employees are told to limit the amount of sauce we give and can get in trouble for giving too much sauce despite it being not anything extra

The same way you don’t see employees loading unopened cases of napkins into a drive through customers SUV. It’s commonsensical; x amount of units is factored into the cost of the meal, go over that and in the long run it could hurt the store budget.

Yeah but at the same time you can use this to your advantage to make a customer happy. At taco bell we were given free taco coupons to use at our discretion (so long as we weren't giving every single customer these coupons)

If a customer got mad we could hook them up with 1 or multiple even, and usually they'd be pretty happy.

>tried to charge you as if that sauce will come out of paycheck
They just don't want the manager to yell at them for not charging.
>t. Ex mcdonalds employee