I am circumcised and I did not consent to it being done to me.
Is there a legal basis that I could have to sue somebody for this. I was mutilated and disfigured at birth by them cutting my foreskin off. (no complications, but it is still mutilation).
Who would I sue. My parents for allowing it or the doctor that did it. Is there a way for financial compensation?
Suing for circumcision
Other urls found in this thread:
Sue the jews for making this normal.
Statute of limitations...
>Is there a legal basis that I could have to sue somebody for this
> I was mutilated and disfigured at birth by them cutting my foreskin off. (no complications, but it is still mutilation).
No it wasn't/isn't.
>Who would I sue. My parents for allowing it or the doctor that did it.
>Is there a way for financial compensation?
Just enjoy your dick you mentally ill faggot. Get over it.
The jews got you.
Be a good goy and enjoy being physically handicapped sexually for the rest of your life.
I bet you enjoy plenty of dicks faggot. get over it
I've found so many anons on Jow Forums seek to blame all their issues with women on one of two things:
>Their penis
"My life sucks because my dick is small, and my gf will always be thinking of bigger dick"
"It's not me who is undesirable, it's the women who I don't talk to who are wrong"
No not all of that particularly
>> I was mutilated and disfigured at birth by them cutting my foreskin off. (no complications, but it is still mutilation).
>No it wasn't/isn't.
Yes it was/is.
>Just enjoy your dick you mentally ill faggot. Get over it.
Ist die juden wie sie, die eindeutig genieben würde es mehr.
>No it wasn't/isn't
How was it not mutilation?
>suing for anything and everything
Be happy OP.
Yeah losing the five most sensitive parts of your penis isn't mutilation
You moron
statue of limitations, if it even would've existed in such case, has undoubtedly expired by this point. i'm sorry op. it's not right what was done to you:/
You’re lucky it wasn’t botched.
I had to get a pretty painful surgery to fix a fucked up job. Turned out okay though, as now my dick is way longer than it was before, and i found out the same surgery is something porn stars get just for that. Only difference is my insurance paid for the whole thang.
That's interesting, fiance is uncut which is uncommon for the part of the U.S. where we are and he's definitely above average from the charts I've seen. Makes me wonder if that's a problem for alot of guys that complain about it on here. Maybe botched or stunted growth or something.
He was mutilated.
Without foreskin they feel a lot less and a lot of babies die from it
>Without foreskin they feel a lot less
That might also explains some things, why these guys have so many problems when mine doesn't. The whole time I'm thinking its me and because he's not a addict. Now this too.
>and a lot of babies die from it
WTF, its true.
>mutilating a baby's penis at birth
I'm cut and fine with it, my dick is just too A E S T H E T I C to complain about. Not gonna have that shit done to any sons I might have, though. But damn, suing? Good luck with that, and I mean it sincerely, because if your case gets anywhere it'll be big news and we can all have a laugh.
Post your dried up mushroom dick.
Wtf did you say. That sounded like german after a stroke. Lel
Der ewige Jud. Zu spät ist es ihrem Würgegriff zu entrinnen. Sind doch ihre Lügenlehren schon verankert in den Köpfen jener welche blind glauben und konsumieren.
Why has no one realized this was a bait thread?
Cut dicks are never aesthetics. They make me cringe. It's like looking at a big wound
Because people focused more on a problem than specific OPs situation
If you live in a backward religious country, you won't be able to sue anyone. But since you're circumcised, that's probably the case.
Just live with the mutilation and don't circumcise you're kids.
This is bait. Sage.
No. There is legal precedent for this being shot down under the "parents doing what they thought was best" judgment
Dirty kike
Limitations on statutes are for criminal liability. One can always sue in a civil case over basically any issue where one has perceived harm at any time. The bar for standing is significantly lower in civil cases. As long as there's a potential for a civil court to be able to redress a wrong in some fashion, the matter can be brought before and resolved by the court.
OP be prepared to bring out women whom find cut dicks disgusting, medical experts to describe the loss of a functional organ, and a psychologist to whom you've described your emotional and physical trauma to. Catalog all these expenses for potential recompense.
>No it wasn't/isn't.
Delusional amerimutt
I hate being cut :(
This, plus the "following best medical advice at the time" defense.
Get over it
>Get over it
Yeah I'm sure you'd tell a woman without a clit to get over it too, shithead
You could try contacting a lawyer about it but the statute of limitations may already be past, and it might not be an easy case to win even if it the statute of limitations hasn't passed.
There are lawyers who specialized in circumcision-related cases. Maybe you could contact them and ask.
>Limitations on statutes are for criminal liability. One can always sue in a civil case over basically any issue where one has perceived harm at any time.
That's not really the case.
To be fair, they probably would. Jow Forums hates the idea of women deriving pleasure from anything.